Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 856: Again...

"Tick tock..."

In front of the huge sealed door, amidst the rippling sound of water, it seemed as if water was dripping into the water surface, causing waves of ripples.

It's...here again?

Qianye slowly raised his head, in the dim tone, he could clearly see the huge door, and the complicated seal symbol in the middle of the door, ripples rippled from the ground under his feet, tick-tock The sound of water still echoed in my ears, as if washing away the confusion just now.

So, that is to say...

Looking at the walls on both sides that seem to be spliced ​​by countless pipes, Chiba took a slight breath, slowly raised his hands, and shook them gently.

Am I on the verge of dying again?

Feeling the incomparably relaxed physical state where the fatigue and pain had completely disappeared, Qianye frowned slightly.

So far, he has not been seriously injured once or twice. He has been to this sealed space several times, and even entered the afterlife world once. Compared with before, Qianye is much calmer now. And quickly determined the current state.

It seems that my physical body should have reached a certain limit and is about to die. The spirit was introduced into this sealed space.

In other words, I'm dying...

Moreover, this time, I am afraid that 90% will not be able to get out alive...

Recalling the pain she felt before she fell into a coma, as well as the sound of bones breaking, Qianye tightly closed her eyes.

The critical state of the injured door mode was suddenly lifted, and Raikage Sandai's punch hit his left cheek unreservedly. At that time, he could feel the bone of his left cheek shatter instantly. I am afraid that there is a huge depression now. The punch marks on his face are still on his face, and the shock produced by the punch that shattered his face is enough to cause serious damage to his brain. As for how serious the damage is, according to Chiba's judgment, it is at least extremely serious concussion or intracranial hemorrhage...

In short, more bad luck than good luck.

Even the current Qianye can already conclude that even if his face is broken, the shock is enough to kill him.

The critical state of the wounded door mode disappeared too suddenly, after all, there was still no time?

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help sighing, a bit of sadness and unwillingness flashed across his face.

He knows that he has failed now, whether it is the battle with the third generation of Raikage, or the fate change plan, everything is over.

Even Hirohiko's life will disappear with him.

Is this fate...

At this moment, such a helpless and unwilling thought arose in Qianye's heart. During this period of time, he has been thinking about the fate change plan every day, and even listed various situations and coping plans for a large scroll. Having experienced various failure situations, I was also prepared to fail in my heart.

Yes, he was mentally prepared to fail, so that he could ensure his mentality in the process of implementing the fate-changing plan, so that his performance would not be affected by his overreaction and excessive desire for success.

Chiba is not the protagonist in the hot-blooded manga who can pass all the way through the so-called beliefs, cheating on the boss to implement and realize his ideas and dreams, and there are no system or bloodline reversals attached to the protagonists in some cool novels because of time travel. Tiangua, even his ninjutsu talent, chakra ultra-fine control ability, and even the only awesome eight-door dunjia, can't improve his strength immediately.

Even, Bamen Dunjia needs long-term high-intensity exercise and a certain age. It can only be improved when the body grows up. Let alone immediate results, this is not even a step-by-step process. Without more than ten years of hard work, it is impossible to improve The Bamen Dunjia has been upgraded to a level that "basically solves all problems".

Even if there is an eight-door mode that can minimize the damage caused by the eight-door dunjia to oneself and make up for the lack of chakra, but limited by the improvement speed of the eight-door dunjia, this eight-door mode is far from being able to "solve everything." Problems, turn against the sky" to the extent.

All he can rely on is his own understanding of ninjutsu and physical arts, the use of tactics, the in-depth analysis and utilization of the plot, and even Konoha's ability to make the best use of the situation and play strategies in order to participate in this battle of fate.

To be honest, in his original conception, basically all his power systems will mature until the Naruto era, at that time, he can truly "conform to the strength level of the main character of the same person crossing novels that most readers can accept" Strength.

The current him doesn't have the lower limit of the power needed to change his destiny, even if he works so hard and racks his brains...

Therefore, he needs to make all preparations, including his mentality, including obliterating his desire, so that he can be in a state of "normal mind" when the plan is implemented, so that he can be calm under all circumstances Treat, including when you think about failure, and when you actually fail!

Didn't expect... I thought of everything...

But I didn't expect that fate would directly smash my fantasy with force!

Qianye closed her eyes tightly, her chest was suffocated, and those suppressed desires, the ominous premonition of changing her fate, and the resentment and unwillingness to fail suddenly erupted at this moment, all of which were blocked in her chest , so that the complexion has been distorted.

If it weren't for the fact that he was in a state of mind and thought, he might have spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

After several years of painstaking efforts, before officially entering the stage of changing fate, he was kicked out of the game by fate with a simple and direct fate. That kind of feeling can hardly be expressed in words and words.


And thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on Qianye's distorted face, a little bit bitter, a little painful, but more, it was self-deprecating.

Taki Chiba, Taki Chiba...

How overreaching, how arrogant, how naive you are!

The reason why fate is fate is because it cannot be changed!

Who gave you the confidence to change your destiny?

This time, you not only hurt yourself, but even Hirohiko, and even Xue Nai!

You not only killed yourself, but also killed two life and death partners who have always supported you and cared about you, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, they will dance for you without hesitation!

At this moment, I don't know if it's resentment or self-blame, reverberating in Qianye's heart.

At this moment, Qianye finally understood what it means to be heartbroken like a knife. Thinking that Hirohiko and Xue Nai would die because of this, the originally suffocated chest seemed to be split open, the pain was unbearable, unconsciously , his right hand was already tightly grasping his heart, his five fingers were deeply embedded in his chest, and his whole body slowly curled up, his whole face was twisted and hideous!


Damn it!

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