Chapter 795 Foundation strategy

"What's wrong?"

Stepping on a branch at the back, Chiba carefully stopped beside Hirohiko, and asked again.

"Wait, Chiba, let me take a look..."

At this time, Hongyan frowned, stretched out his hand and stroked the unusually thick branch a few times, almost holding his breath.

It must be...something happened!

In this situation, don't think about it, Hiroko must have discovered something, and now they are chasing, if they find something that requires them to stop, something that requires Hiroko to stop and investigate carefully, it must be related to their current target , something on the earth platform.

Obviously, the footprints left by the platform have changed.

And looking at Hongyan's serious look, this kind of change is probably not a good one.

Could it be that the traces disappeared?

Seeing Hirohiko's caressing appearance, Chiba's eyes frowned suddenly, thinking of a situation he absolutely didn't want to see.

Now they don't know the destination of the earthen platform, they don't know his specific direction, and they are still in such a large forest that is easy to get lost. He can easily change direction and get rid of them. Then to find him, there are many variables, and the success rate of hunting down can be said to plummet.

I'm afraid, they can only choose to give up tracking, and send a signal to Xue Nai, find a place to gather, risking the information being known by Yun Yin to increase the number of variables, and continue to implement the fate-changing plan.

That is to say, they spent so much effort, from the very beginning of getting involved in the battle of Yan Yin and Yun Yin, they have done useless work, wasted their physical strength and chakra, and even paid some serious losses. injury.

That is to say, their annihilation plan has completely failed, and they will bear all the consequences that they do not want to see after the plan fails. With all kinds of risks, the success rate of the destiny-changing plan has also dropped sharply.

Might as well choose to leave at that time!

Although this trace is very shallow, it is well concealed... But, there is no mistake, it is a footprint!

Hongyan Sangouyu's Sharingan seemed to turn slightly, and there was a dark green trace that was almost the same color as the branch in the dark lines between his fingers and under the palm.

If you didn't look carefully at this trace, no, if it weren't for his Sangouyu Sharingan's insight ability, if it were other ninjas, even experienced tracking ninjas, they would probably ignore it.

This trace has almost been integrated into the environment on the trunk. The trunk is in the shade, and the branches have shown a unique dark color in the shade, and there are some moss that like to grow in dark and humid places. Plants grew, and even mushrooms grew on the branches and trunks. Presenting a dark or dark green environment base color, this touch of pale green, or dark green can be said to be not out of place at all.

It is even more incomparable than the obvious footprints that have broken the branches at Qianye's feet now.

However, this is indeed a footprint, or someone stepped on it and left it.

And this pale green or dark green is obviously the same color as the traces left before the earth platform.

For sure, it's a footprint!

Like the footprint of the broken branch, it is the footprint of the left foot.

That is to say...

Thinking of this, Hirohiko has completely figured it out, and he has also figured out the situation from the traces. He took a slight breath, looked at Chiba who was frowning, and said, "Here, maybe that Yunyin has set up a circle of doubt."


Hearing this, Qianye was taken aback for a moment, but her heart relaxed for no reason.

It's not that the traces disappear.

"Well, besides here, here, there is a footprint at the root of the branch, which is well hidden."

As he spoke, Hirohiko pointed to the crushed footprints at Chiba's feet, and then pointed to the very shallow trace in front of his feet leaning against the tree trunk, which was only slightly brighter than the dark tone at the junction of the trunk and branches. dark green.

Is this dark green a footprint?

Looking in the direction Hirohiko pointed, Chiba squatted down and took a closer look, feeling a little surprised.

Of course, he didn't doubt Hiroko, he believed in Hiroko's tracking ability, but the dark green was so well hidden that he couldn't see it was a footprint at all.

So a little surprised.

"The footprints of Yun Yin?"

Thinking about it, Chiba said.

"Yes, and they are all left feet. It is certain that two people walked out of this branch."

Hirohiko nodded.

"That is to say, here, that Yunyin separated out a physical avatar like a shadow avatar, so there is a suspicion, right?"

Qianye quickly reacted, and said without thinking.

It is a good idea to use the physical avatar to forge a footprint and confuse the tracker. In a hurry, this is a good idea.

It is also something that the captain of a secret mission team can think of!

And in his mind, such a thought flashed through, this situation is very reasonable.

"Yes, and then, he went in two directions, one is over there..." Hirohiko nodded, pointed to his oblique right direction, and then pointed to the direction they were originally heading, and said: "There is also One, over there."

That is to say, the main body of the platform and the physical avatar, one went to our original direction, that is, the direction in which he had been running away in a straight line, and the other went to our right, obliquely forward, which happened to be a roundabout direction.

Looking at the distribution of the footprints, I am afraid that he separated the physical clone in the air when the previous branch jumped up, and then stepped on the two footprints at the same time or one after the other, starting from this branch. , one forward, one oblique to the right...

From this point of view, his intention...

Thinking of this, Qianye frowned and said, "You mean..."

"His main body may have gone from the right side, but it may also be his trap. His obvious footprints are the direction his main body is going, whether it is the front or the oblique right..."

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko frowned, a trace of helplessness flashed across Poker's face, and he spoke.

"Both are very likely, right?"

Before he could finish speaking, Qianye interrupted his words, he knew very well what Hirohiko was going to say next.

"That's right, this is his suspicion. Moreover, I can't see anything more from these footprints. I can only know that he has separated his physical avatars, one walking forward and the other to our right gone."

Hong Yan said helplessly: "And if it is a physical clone, no matter which direction we go, there will be a row of footprints waiting for us to follow. I can't find out in time whether the footprints belong to the main body or..."

In a hurry, this trick is also very clever!

But in his helpless heart, such a thought flashed across his mind, obviously it was a very clever move for Yun Yin to separate his physical body at this time.

But at this moment, his thought flashed, and before he could finish speaking, Qianye interrupted him with his hand.

"No, no, let's go the same way!"

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