Chapter 79

When Chiba woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the evening,

"You're awake." Hirohiko said when he saw him wake up with half of his face covered in bandages.

"Hiss!" Qianye's face showed some pain, and sitting up made him ache all over.

"Hush!" Hong Yan suddenly signaled him to be quiet.

Chiba frowned slightly, and was about to ask something, but saw Kushina Uzumaki sitting on the edge of the bed between herself and Hirohiko, resting her chin on the edge of the bed and falling asleep. The red hair still slipped from her forehead,

"How long have I been in a coma?" Chiba asked softly.

"Five or six hours." Hong Yan also responded softly.

Qianye erected the pillow and leaned on it slowly. During the leaning process, bursts of pain surged up. He gritted his teeth, looked at his tightly bandaged right hand, and smiled wryly in his heart: Sure enough, it is It's too much.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the edge of his bed on the other side, and Xue Nai, like Kushina, fell asleep with one hand resting on the edge of the bed, propping his chin.

It's just that she looked much more embarrassed than Jiu Xinnai, with a lot of dust all over her body, and many small wounds on her hands.

Chiba was taken aback.

"Xue Nai, we scored three points, we have all advanced." Hirohiko said in a low voice.

When Hirohiko said this, Chiba also reacted quickly. He played three games, and Hyuga Yukaka didn't know how to judge the game. Let's count it as a draw. In that case, it should not be counted as Hyuga Yukaka's victory. . So two wins, two wins in three games, even if someone named him and lost because he couldn't participate, he was definitely promoted. Even if it was Hinata Xueying's loss, his score would still be 0 points, no negative points, no Be eliminated.

But Hirohiko played two games, one win and one loss, which is originally 0 points, and if he cannot participate in the next round, he must be a negative point.

According to the rules, three points can revive an eliminated teammate. Xue Nai's three points undoubtedly revived Hirohiko. The three of them all advanced.

Thanks for your hard work, Xue Nai...

Qianye looked at Xue Nai and said silently in her heart.

Looking at Xue Nai's appearance, she knew that Xue Nai's few battles were definitely not easy.

"Are you... are you okay?" Chiba looked at Hirohiko and asked.

"It's lighter than yours." Hirohiko's answer was very concise, but Chiba understood that if the injury was said, it was himself who was more serious.

This guy... refuses to admit defeat, the seriousness of the injury must be serious!

"You exploded that technique after eating my army ration pill, and then you beat me with one punch." Hong Yan said suddenly.

Qianye was slightly taken aback, and then said: "You saw it."

"The action of wiping sweat? Putting the military grain pills out of his pocket into his mouth, and then when he was tied up by me, he ate the general grain pills, replenished his physical strength and chakra, and finally activated that technique? It was rare for Hong Yan to say so many words.

"That's right, if there is no military food pill, with my physical strength and chakra, I can't open the wound at all." Chiba said.

The reason why he was able to open the wounded state was indeed due to the military food pill that Hong Yan gave when he was hungry before the match was confirmed.

Qianye didn't expect that the military ration pill that he didn't want to eat would save the defeat at a critical moment.

And the fourth door of the eight Dunjia, the condition for opening the injury door, was also before the start of the Chunin Exam. On the last day of training, he found that it could be opened. That little bit, unexpectedly, on the last day before everyone's exam, Make up.

However, he didn't intend to use it originally. After all, although his body can be opened, it doesn't mean that he can completely withstand the violent chakra of the wounded door. In fact, it is the same, too reluctantly.

It's just that, in the end, I couldn't help but use it.

Regarding this, Qianye could only smile wryly in his heart. Fortunately, this time it did not cause any irreversible consequences. Even though he felt pain when he moved his body, he knew that this was not a big problem, just rest and recuperate.

"Speaking of which, you performed that combined ninjutsu on purpose." Chiba suddenly thought of something and said.

"What?" Hirohiko still had a poker face.

"You deliberately use combined ninjutsu to consume your own chakra. At that time, you have other ninjutsu to choose from, and it doesn't have to consume Chakra's violent combined ninjutsu." Chiba looked at Hirohiko.

"No, there is no other choice." Hirohiko's poker face remained unchanged.

lie! Obviously, I felt that I had consumed a lot of stamina in the previous battle with Hinata Snow Eagle, so you also used this ninjutsu to deliberately consume chakra to even out some opening advantages.

Chiba knew in his heart that although combined ninjutsu was indeed powerful, it was obviously not the best choice at that time because of the excessive consumption of chakra.

At this time, Uzumaki Kushina and Xue Nai let out a moan at the same time, slowly opened their eyes, saw the two of them woke up, with smiles on their faces, and said: "You are awake!"

Then, Uzumaki Kushina's red hair fluttered slowly.

Why? why are you mad! Didn't they all advance?

Chiba blinked, seeing Uzumaki Kushina's appearance, he had a bad premonition.




Two heavy punches hit Chiba and Hirohiko's heads respectively, and immediately, there was a big red bump on the top of their heads.

It hurts!

Qianye covered her head, tears were about to come down. On the other hand, Hirohiko's movements are strikingly similar to Chiba's.

"You two!" Uzumaki Kushina said with a tic-tac-toe on his forehead, "Don't you know what the second test is about?"

"I know, the mentality, the choice of tactics, and the ability to execute sustainable battles." Chiba replied.

Hearing Chiba's answer, Uzumaki Kushina spewed out two streams of air from his nostrils, and said, "Then why did you choose such a tactic that consumes so much Chakra, and even makes it impossible to fight? If this is a battlefield, you may already be dead! "

"Yes, Teacher Kushina." Hirohiko chose to admit his mistake.

"Don't dare next time!" Chiba also chose to admit his mistake.

Now Jiu Xinnai is angrily saying, it is better to say less.

Seeing how the two were wrapped in bandages, Uzumaki Kushina's red hair slowly fell, sighed, and said: "There is no such thing as a next time in a life-and-death battle. Take reasonable actions. Otherwise, your injuries or inability to fight will likely lead to the death of your teammates."

Here, although I feel that their performance is very good and satisfactory, but as their teachers, there are some things that must be pointed out!

Uzumaki Kushina thought so.

"Yes, Teacher Kushina." The two responded, looked at Xue Nai at the same time, and said, "Sorry, Xue Nai."

Xue Nai shook her small hand hastily, indicating that it's okay.

Indeed, if it is a battlefield, in this situation, both Hirohiko and I have lost our combat effectiveness, then it will definitely implicate Xue Nai, and even cause her to die together. Kushina is right. The three-point resurrection system, I am afraid there is also the idea of ​​​​testing this level.

This rule may seem like a child's play, but the test really covers a lot, and it can be imagined as some accidents and choices on the battlefield.

The person who came up with this rule must be a very wise person.

Chiba didn't feel admiration.

And I feel more and more that the Third World War is approaching, and the village is already planning for a rainy day.

The current goal, in addition to the Chunin exam, is to consider the development of the wounded door mode as soon as possible. Although it is a bit reluctant to open the wounded door, I have to plan ahead.

Chiba thought so.

However, I can't do training today...I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Then, today you should cultivate well, and Xue Nai, you should also rest well. Your injuries should be able to recover tomorrow. I have already verified it with Yuriko. Tomorrow is the final test. You can't slack off." Whirlpool Jiu Xin Nai said seriously.

The three nodded at the same time.

"Yes, Teacher Kushina."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded, then smiled slightly, and said, "Then, I'll leave it to you first, and I'll go get something to eat."

Saying that, Uzumaki Kushina turned and left.

And the three of them looked at each other, and then at the empty infirmary.

"So, before Teacher Kushina came back, did anyone play cards?" Chiba glanced at the table beside the hospital bed, not knowing who left the cards.

"Play!" Hirohiko said concisely.

"Okay!" Xue Nai agreed.

So, Xue Nai took the cards, Hirohiko got out of bed, and the three played cards on the Chiba hospital bed.

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