Chapter 781 This Feeling Is Really Bad!


The last wave of air slowly dissipated into the air along with the last bit of scorched leaf soil, and the last bit of scorched leaf soil also fell on the green grass far away from where they were originally.


Qianye put down her trembling crossed hands, looked at the fire and smoke that had begun to dissipate, her frowning seemed to be tightened even more.


And at this time, the already thin wall of water surrounding Hirohiko and Xue Nai suddenly scattered, after completing its task, it turned into a large water mass and scattered in the center of the explosion.

Water wall, lifted.

What about Yuki Nai and Hirohiko!

Seeing the contact of the water wall, Chiba hurriedly shifted his gaze to the center of the water wall, where Hirohiko and then Xue Nai were standing before the explosion.

The water curtain blocked the explosion just now, they should not have moved, they are still inside the wall of the water formation.

While his eyes were moving, Chiba was thinking about it, and then his eyes settled down, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, in the center of the sprinkled ring-shaped water belt, Xue Nai and Hirohiko were standing one on the left and one on the right, the same as before. There was only a slight discrepancy in the standing position, Xue Nai seemed to retreat a lot, and Hirohiko retreated a little bit.

But at this moment, they all turned their backs to themselves, and each looked vigilantly at the explosion where the flames and smoke gradually faded.

Obviously, they did not have any slack because of the successful counterattack.

Now I am behind them, they are in front of me, I can see their back, and their front and side, I can take care of myself.

If that old Yunyin is fine, then it should be unlikely to make a surprise attack where we can see it.

The only angles that can attack are my rear and the sides of the rear.

He suffered a loss once, so he should not choose to attack from a place we can see, so the place to defend, or what can be done at that moment, is already obvious.

Looking at Hirohiko and Yukina, Chiba walked forward step by step, taking every step very carefully, and while walking, his left hand had already reached into the ninja bag, and he was holding a ninja bag tied at the end. Kunai of the detonating talisman, his face changed slightly when he moved his fingers.


We're running out of detonators!

Too much consumption, when fighting this old Yunyin.

Chiba frowned. This time, Sandai Hokage allowed them to take things directly from the ninja tool warehouse in the village. This time, they can take as much as they can, and take as much as they can. save money.

However, it seems that he didn't buy it with his own money, and he didn't seem to cherish it when he used it. At this stall, there are only a thin layer of detonating charms stored in this ninja tool bag. I guess there aren't many left.

These detonating talismans were all improved by Hong Yan based on the village's detonating talismans, so I used them too carelessly!

Rubbing his fingers a few times, and after confirming the exact number, Qianye slowly pulled out his hand, and took out the detonating talisman Kunai. At the same time, with the sound of "click", he held Kunai's hand and slowly climbed up. A layer of extremely thin rock skin all the way up the arm, starting from the shoulder, this extremely thin rock skin began to spread.

And when the rocky skin climbed up, Chiba's vigilance suddenly rose to the highest level, and a feeling of being on his back spontaneously arose.


At this time, his right hand retracted the sword into its sheath and made a clang.

And the moment the sword was sheathed, the extremely thin rock skin quickly climbed up his right hand. At this moment, except for the head, Qianye's whole body was covered with a layer of rock color, and there was a slight sound of rock rubbing In it, it looks like a walking sculpture.



This old Yunyin may not attack within our line of sight, this guy is good at doing the opposite when he can separate the third Thunder Dungeon clone that may cause suicide when there is a high chance of death A ninja with rich experience, I am afraid that he is also a super senior ninja left by Yun Yin during World War II.

And, unsurprisingly, it should be tactical.

Although he is fast and looks like an aggressive ninja, his simple and rough movements and attack choices are obviously thoughtful.

Needless to say, the previous clone battle, it can be said that I have already lost.

The separation of the three Thunder Dun clones just now was also a tactic chosen after careful consideration.


It should be said that it is the safest and most secure tactic, the tactic that can best grasp the tactical initiative in your own hands!

This old Yunyin might not be as strong as Yeyuebi in terms of strength, but he was better than Yeyuebi in terms of mind and understanding of Lei Dun.

It's just that he is not from the Yeyue clan, and he doesn't have a strong body. If he has a strong body like the Yeyue clan, using the Lightning Escape Chakra Mode may be even more powerful than Yeyue, or even more!

Now it seems that he should also use some kind of ninjutsu, which converts the chakra in the body into thunder chakra, stimulates the muscle tissue in the body, and achieves the effect of super speed and enhanced strength.

The principle is the same as the Thunder Chakra mode, except that there is no Thunder Chakra coat formed outside the body of the Thunder Chakra mode.

In other words, the incomplete version of the Thunder Chakra mode!

Lightning Dun activation and so on...

Walking cautiously, Qianye slightly shook the hand holding the hilt of the sword, making a clicking sound.


What a bad feeling!

Qianye smacked her mouth, feeling a little unhappy. Although she had guessed the intention of this old Yunyin and successfully countered his lightning attack, but now she had to be careful, lest something might happen. just in case.

It was as if I had been hit back a while ago and had to deal with it carefully.

"Hirohiko, Yukina, how are you doing?"

At this time, several dissatisfied thoughts turned in his heart, Chiba was only two or three meters away from Hirohiko and the others, although he walked slowly, the distance between him and Hirohiko and Xue Nai was only more than ten meters away, not very far , so it's coming soon.

"Xue Nai!"

However, just when he asked this sentence, Xue Nai who was looking towards the center of the explosion suddenly shook, staggered a few steps, and almost fell down, followed by Hiroko's exclamation.

"Xue Nai!"

At the same time, Qianye, who saw this scene, also exclaimed, her figure moved suddenly, and she appeared behind Xue Nai in a blink of an eye, gently supporting her and stabilizing her staggering steps.

"How about it?"

And when Qianye saw Xue Nai's slightly closed eyes and slightly pale face, he couldn't help but let out a cry of eagerness.

"Hirohiko, be alert!"

In the next moment, he immediately shouted loudly, stopping the figure that was about to run out of the corner of his eye.

"rest assured!"

Hearing this sound, Hirohiko instantly understood Chiba's meaning, stopped the step that was about to lift up, and the writing wheel eye Gouyu moved slightly, then reached into the ninja bag, turned around and became vigilant.

"I'm fine..."

At this time, Xue Nai, who was leaning lightly on Chiba's chest, shook her head, rubbed her temples, and said, "It's just the first time I've used the white eyes so intensively for such a long time, I'm a little uncomfortable."

Not used to it?

Looking at Xue Nai's face, Qianye was skeptical, but Xue Nai's body was not injured, and his face did not look like poisoned internal injuries.

"It's fine!"

Sensing the sensation of the soft shoulder leaving her chest, Chiba nodded without asking any further questions.

But at this moment, the flames and smoke completely dissipated.

After confirming that Xue Nai was fine for the time being, Chiba turned her gaze to the center of the explosion. After all, she was still on the battlefield and was still fighting. If she cared too much about Xue Nai's situation, it would give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At the same time, Xue Nai and Hirohiko also cast their gazes over.

When their eyes fell behind the center of the explosion and saw the situation clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Xue Nai and Hirohiko at the same time.

But Qianye's complexion showed a bad look, and a sentence that seemed to be muttering to himself unconsciously spit out.

"This's terrible..."

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