Chapter 766 Explosion!

Outside the woods, at the junction with the grassland, in the northwest direction, Tutai, Croy, and Saroy are galloping at the fastest speed, galloping towards a certain direction in the north,

"Lord Tutai, is this really all right? Let Grandpa Mu block Yanyin and Konoha hidden in the dark by himself."

Croy glanced at the back of the earthen platform in front of him, and exchanged glances with Saroy, with intense worry flashing across his eyes, and after nodding at each other, he finally couldn't help but speak. In the words, the title of Mu seems to be a little more intimate.

"Yeah, and, before Grandpa Mu said he wanted a perception ninja, why did he let Croy leave together in the end? Maybe Grandpa Mu would be ambushed because he didn't have Croy's perception! The situation that Grandpa Mu could have dealt with originally , It will also lead to irreversible results because of being ambushed and attacked."

Saroy on the side also spoke.

Croy... Saroy...

Sure enough, I am also very worried about Mr. Mu, yes, after all, they were also taught by Mr. Mu, although Mr. Mu sometimes has a weird temper, and he doesn't like others to call him teacher, and he doesn't like others to call him "grandpa", calling him old , loses his temper at every turn, likes corporal punishment... But, he is really a good teacher, in every sense, a good teacher.

It's no wonder that this group of children call them so intimate in private!

In their eyes, even in the eyes of children a generation younger than them, this weird teacher must be an interesting grandpa!

"No, if you stay by Teacher Mu's side, it will drag Teacher Mu down."

Turning the thought in his mind, Tutai pursed his lips and said in a calm tone.

In any case, this information is very important, and it will even affect the battle situation in our rear, and now the third Raikage-sama is fighting in the rear, if Iwakage gets this information, then the third-generation Raikage-sama will be in danger.

"I'll hide!"

Croy said anxiously.

"It's not a question of whether to hide or not. This matter is related to the participation of our Yunyin, the enemy Yanyin and even Konoha. Have you forgotten the ninja who blocked Teacher Mu's full punch with one hand? Is it? The next battle between them, we are just a drag!"

Hearing Croy's words, Tutai gritted his teeth. To be honest, he also wanted Croy to stay, and he even wanted to stay by himself. The teacher is almost seventy years old, and his physical ability and chakra have declined badly. Even, there are already outstanding young people in the village, and the teacher is about to be eliminated by this era. This hero who has been secretly supporting Yun Yin should have retired a long time ago.

I'm afraid this is the teacher's last battle...

During the speech, Tutai clenched his teeth tightly, and unconsciously clenched his hands that had slid back. As his thoughts turned, it flashed in his mind that he was about to rush out of the forest just now. When he entered the open space, he could still clearly recall the moment when Croy, who was originally following Mu, was thrown over. At that time, he could still clearly recall the decisive look in his teacher's eyes.

Obviously, although his teacher asked a perception ninja to follow him to delay the enemy, in the end, he still didn't have the heart to let this fledgling young man risk almost dying with him.

So, at that time, he pulled Croy, who was astonished, and took him away, because this was most likely the last will of his beloved teacher - to protect the next generation!

This is also one of the meanings he read from the decisive eyes.

"But... grandpa Mu like this is equivalent to losing his eyes and ears? What if there are other enemies in the woods, or enemies outside our perception range when we leave? No! That's for sure There are enemies, no matter what conspiracy Konoha has, they will definitely not allow one person to carry out the mission behind the enemy, if I am here, I will definitely be able to remind Grandpa Mu in time!"

Hearing the words of Tutai, Croy gritted his teeth, but still insisted on speaking.

"Not necessarily. Do you think a ninja who can catch a punch from Teacher Mu's active state with one hand is not qualified to perform tasks alone?"

Tutai retorted.

"But, that Konoha ninja is still a child..."

Croy said again.


However, before Croy could finish his sentence, Tutai sternly stopped him and said, "Come with me to intercept Yanyin's intelligence force, this is an order! Do you want to let Teacher Mu's painstaking efforts go to waste? ! Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Hearing the stern reprimand from the earth platform, Croy and even Saroy were obviously taken aback, their footsteps slowed down a beat, and they were pulled half a meter away in an instant.

Master Tutai, you are angry...

And in their hearts, an unbelievable thought flashed through their hearts.

In their impression, Tutai was a gentle and steady captain who had led them on missions before the war started. Although he was not their teacher, they had known him for a long time and had never seen him get angry.

The sudden stop of the platform obviously made them jump.

But soon, they reacted and speeded up to keep up. It's just that you look at me and I look at you. In the end, the words and thoughts in their hearts were not uttered and implemented, so they could only say in a rather depressed voice: "Yes ,I see."

These two kids...


Hearing the response of the two, Tutai clenched his teeth even more, and couldn't help but look back at the forest that was flying away.


And at the moment when he looked back, a strong light flashed, illuminating the entire forest, and then there was a huge explosion, and a huge fireball exploded, dyeing the entire forest red!

Teacher Mu!

Almost instantly, the earth platform subconsciously stopped, and the whole person slid for a long distance before barely stopping. Croy and Saroy were also shocked by the explosion and almost fell down. After a few steps, the whole person stumbled. Standing firmly in front of the earth platform, he almost bumped into the earth platform.


And just when the three of them stood still, the explosion's air wave broke through layers of trees, mixed with twigs and broken leaves, scorched earth and scorched earth roared in.

In an instant, their skirts and hair were stretched back straight, and the mixed twigs and leaves and small scorched earth and gravel were hit on their bodies by the strong wind, crackling endlessly.

Tudun, Tuliubi!

The response of the earth platform was also fast. When the gravel was being slapped, he took a step forward, quickly formed a seal in his hand, and pressed down suddenly, a rock wall rose from the ground, forming a barrier in front of the three of them, blocking the strong wind and gravel.

"Croy, Saroy, are you all right!"

Seeing that the rock wall was erected and the effect was outstanding, the earth platform had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and looked back suddenly, only to see that although the two young people were in a mess, with some broken soil and tiny branches and leaves hanging on their heads, they were not serious, and their skin was traumatized. None, so he let out a long breath.

"Lord Tutai, that's...that's..."

But at this time, compared to the embarrassment on their bodies, Croy and Saroy pointed in the direction of the rock wall, their eyes widened in horror, and they said hesitantly.

"Sense the situation!"

Seeing the appearance of the two, Tutai frowned and ordered, but there was a hint of ominousness in his eyes.

Teacher Mu, don't let anything happen!

But such an anxious thought flashed through his mind.


Hearing the serious order from the earth platform, Croy's shoulders trembled, and he seemed to tremble, and he was busy sealing his perception.

And the next second, his face turned pale instantly!

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