Chapter 764 Position


Mu's body was slightly heavy, his knees were slightly bent, lightning was flowing all over his body, crackling, and he was about to jump sideways, while the five stabbing spears on his forehead, chest, abdomen, and in front of his legs The rock spear had already touched his lightning skin, and it was too late to dodge!

At this moment, his eyes widened, and the anger was almost sprayed out of them.

This kid actually used the water body to guide the old man's own electric shock to attack him! Did he plan ahead?

Use the earth avatar to contain me, even imprison me, and then use the water avatar to feign an attack, did you guess that I would use the thunder avatar to lure the enemy?

It's just unexpected that the final blow turned out to be to use the lithification of the soil clone to make a rock spear...

Unexpectedly, the old man was actually taken aback by Lei Dun, whom he was so proud of!

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, this kid is a disaster!

At this moment, a murderous thought flashed in his mind.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

And the next second, in a series of convulsive tremors, five long spears penetrated into his body without any suspense, piercing out from the back of the head, the upper and lower sides of the chest and abdomen, and the legs.

Perfect fighting mentality, well-planned tactics, superb control over Lei Dun, reasonable use of Lei Dun's avatar...

This Yunyin old man is no worse than Yeyue!

And at this time, with the reflection of the tip of the Rock Spear piercing out from the muscular back in his eyes, Qianye slowly let go of the imprint of the Rock Rush Spear formed in his hand, and his hands slowly dropped down.

Fortunately, the soil avatar was used at the beginning. If the main body played, he would be fooled by him.

After avoiding the explosion, he first created a Thunder Dungeon clone, and used the Thunder Dungeon clone to go around behind me to attack me. Regardless of whether I choose to fight back, it is in his favor. This Thunder Dungeon clone makes all of me choices are meaningless.

If I chose to attack after dodging, then whether I hit the Thunder Dungeon clone or the Thunder Dungeon clone hit me, the Thunder Dungeon clone would be dispelled and turned into a lightning flow to attack and paralyze me. Next, I will definitely be paralyzed, then his main body or another Thunder Dun clone can suddenly attack from the ambush and kill me who has been paralyzed in one fell swoop.

No, here he doesn't need to waste Chakra to create another Thunder Dun clone, just attack and kill the main body, and save a lot of effort.

And if I do not choose to attack after dodging, then there are two possibilities, one is the situation just now, I stood openly in front of his Thunder Dun clone, was attracted by the Thunder Dun clone, and finally was attracted by his other Thunder Dun clone. The avatar waits for an opportunity to sneak attack. The second possibility is that I can't hide, have been spying on him, and compete with him for endurance. However, this possibility was in his favor. Their secret mission team has been divided into two groups. I'm afraid he is the bait that stays to hold the enemy. If I can't hide, then he is also optimistic. With his ability to control Lei Dun, I'm afraid his Thunder Dun avatar can last for quite a while. When the Lei Dun avatar disappears, Yan Yin's other team may have run out of the safe range, and even he himself can Sadly escaped.

After all, Yanyin's team has lost their combat effectiveness now, no matter what their secret mission is, he can leave calmly.

The four possibilities are all in his favor, and this Grenade Escape clone can be said to put him in a dominant position in this battle.

However, he also miscalculated. Seeing the perfect posture adjustment of his Thunder Dun clone, how many ninjas dare to face him directly with their bodies?

Before knowing his full strength, and seeing him show such a skill, why do you use the avatar first...


He also considered this point, the second Thunder Dun clone, when he sneaked up on me, he didn't have his main body, so he still used the Thunder Dun clone, he was thinking that I might be the clone, after all, seeing him showing his body He was either a fool, or there was some conspiracy behind it, and he also thought of it, so he used the Thunder Dun clone to attack me to prevent me from leaving behind.

After all, the essence of clone tactics is to attract attention. When attention is attracted and dispersed, it is most suitable for sneak attack from behind.

And at this time, if I set up the Thunder Dun clone to sneak attack, even if I have a backup, I will be resolved by the Thunder Dun clone, or even controlled by the Thunder Dun clone, giving him an excellent chance to attack and kill, just like a cycle, and the situation will change again. Back to one of the two possibilities that I attacked after dodging before, I attacked, and then was paralyzed by his Thunderbolt clone, and then was attacked and killed by him.

So far, I've used the water avatar to sneak attack him who was restrained by the earth avatar just to be on the safe side.

At that time, I didn't think much about it, I just wanted to be more careful when dealing with such ninjas. After all, I always felt that this old Yunyin was somewhat similar to Yeyuebi, and even, in some respects, was more difficult and cunning than Yeyuebi.

Unexpectedly, for the sake of insurance this time, it was really insurance.

Originally, I thought that he was already old, and the amount of chakra should be the same as that of the third generation of Hokage in the Naruto era. He would try to use less clones to fight, and it is already the limit to separate out a Thunder Dun clone... Sometimes, to deal with these old people to a certain extent The guy, it's better to be more secure.

The current situation can be regarded as a lesson!

After lowering his hands, several thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and he couldn't help sighing slightly, silently watching the old Yunyin who was pierced by a spear in front of him slowly start to electrify, and finally transformed into a thunderous figure, and the people around him The lightning drops together and dissipated in the air.


At this time, a gasp sounded from his ears.

"I didn't expect that you would create a third Thunder Dunk avatar..."

Chiba's eyes moved down slightly, and he took a look at the thick arm coming around from the back of his neck, as well as the bright ninja knife on his neck, and then he glanced back until he saw the sweaty face that was constantly dripping in his sight Old forehead and gray hair.

"I didn't expect that you would use water body. However, you are in the prime of life, so you don't want to be stingy with Chakra. For insurance, a clone is nothing, and you don't ignore any possibility, don't waste it. Any clone of Chakra, no matter if it is an earth clone or a water clone, can make the best use of it, you are the scariest kid I have ever seen!"

Mu held the knife in one hand and put it on Qianye's neck. After taking a few breaths, he spoke in admiration, and gave Qianye the three words "the most terrible" without hesitation.

"It's just that I wanted to take advantage of all the favorable factors so much that I gave you a chance instead."

To this, Chiba smiled wryly.

"That's right, if you want to take advantage of all the favorable factors, you have to think about the favorable factors, and among these favorable factors is my old body, and it is precisely because you think of this that you think It is impossible for me to create a third Thunder Dungeon clone, so you will judge this after the second Thunder Dungeon clone is released, and my third Thunder Dungeon clone blows up your water clone and is subject to your own electric current. The third Thunder Dungeon clone is the main body. It used the Earth Dungeon technique of the last ring of your attack, which also exposed your current position. After all, if you want to use the Earth clone to perform Earth Dungeon technique, your position must Within a sufficient range, this gives me a very small search range. And this area is the best area to display, and in this area, the most suitable for hiding is here. Otherwise, I would also The avatar will not be set here."

Hearing this, Mu also spoke.

However, even so, this kid is powerful enough, and his concealment methods make me helpless. If he didn't use the earth escape technique, I really would not have imagined that he is behind the clone I set up.

I really don't know how he hid behind my avatar, my avatar hasn't noticed yet...

Or, did he move here on purpose after he saw my clone attacking?

After all, I certainly never imagined that he would be where I was before the attack.

"To be honest, I really hope you are our Yunyin's child."

In the next second, Mu couldn't help sighing. Then, with a tight hand, the ninja sword was about to pass.

"But, unfortunately, you are not..."

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