Chapter 762 Now, still too young!

What an amazing boy, he threw those three kunai without me noticing, and the power of this detonating talisman... the tactical arrangement...

This kid should be a tactical ninja!

And judging from the fact that he blocked my fist and that Yanyin's fist just now, this kid's physical skills are very good!

In terms of strength, it is not inferior to the activated me!

This blow... must...


A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Mu suddenly opened his eyes, raised his clenched fist and flashed two lightning bolts, and slammed it on the head of the boy squatting in front of him.


In the strong wind, on the side of the darkness, the fist, accompanied by a flash of lightning, broke through the violent air waves, and drew a blue-white arc on the thick branches, like a flash of thunder.

In the next second, Mu's eyes widened slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed across.

At this moment, in his eyes, there is a reflection of the footprint deeply embedded in the branch on the thick branch.

instant body?

Has he noticed it already?

Slowly adjusting his posture, Mu's eyes looked back slightly, and there was no look of loss on his face because of the failed sneak attack, nor did he have the flustered look of failing to see the enemy, nor did he have the feeling that he was sure to hit the target. On the contrary, his face was very quiet, with no expression on his face, and it was impossible to read any thoughts from his face.

There is no attack from behind either...

This kid's reaction is very fast, and his perception is also very keen. It is very likely that he is a perceptual ninja... Could it be that he is going to chase Tutai and the others?


This kid is very fast, but it is unlikely to chase the earthen platform, after all, I am still there. Judging from his series of offensive moves just now, he wanted to solve us in a short time so as to implement his goal. If he wanted to chase the earthen platform, he would not have appeared so quickly at all, but would have waited and watched Take a look at the current situation here, confirm the target's movement, and see me fighting with the four of Yan Yin alone, but if the target is not there, unless he is an idiot, he will just kill him like this now. In other words, if his goal is the soil platform, then he won't come out at all.

After confirming that there was no one behind and no attack, Mu did not choose to hide or search for the kid who escaped from his fist just now, but stood quietly on the thick branch, letting the strong wind blow his body. The white hair was blown straight.

This matter is very strange, if Yanyin's team is blocking our team, it shouldn't be so vulnerable!

And this kid should belong to Konoha...

Could it be... those traps, were he arranging them?

Then, the woods behind him are impossible to go. He came from there, and he didn't know if he had set up traps behind him.

Thinking, Mu stood on the branch, watching the explosive fireball that began to shrink slowly, and an electric snake flashed on the shoulder and ankle from time to time, making a "ZiZi" sound.

The gust of wind gradually began to subside, and the explosive fireball turned into a cloud of fire and smoke, steaming up.

And until the strong wind dissipated, the explosion smoke dissipated, the leaves fell one after another, and the forest returned to silence, Mu did not move at all, but his eyeballs moved to a position later than the place where the explosion fireball rose. Set over there.

No anxiety, no hesitation, no openings... Sure enough, this old Yunyin is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Where Mu's gaze was fixed, Qianye's eyes shone with emerald green light, but his heart was full of solemnity.

He didn't attack on purpose just now, no, it can't be said that he didn't attack on purpose just now. After the old Yunyin swung his fist just now, he adjusted his posture without any haste, and there was no flaw at all. If you attack from the left behind him, you will be knocked down by the left elbow under his belly; Elbow will teach itself a profound lesson.

In all directions from the front, his head hammer, his left fist hidden in his belly, his right shoulder, and his slowly withdrawing right fist all have the opportunity to teach him how to behave.

His seemingly slow posture adjustment is actually using slow movements to leave room, to ensure that he can counterattack when he is attacked from any angle, or delay the opponent's attack for a while, which is helpful for avoiding.

Just now, Chiba had no way to attack!

But Qianye thought that since he couldn't attack, then he would not attack and hide his body. He originally wanted him to have some emotions that were beneficial to him, but the calmness shown by this old Yun Yin surprised him.

This old Yunyin's fighting mentality is simply terrifying. Facing an enemy who is waiting around, invisible, and waiting for an opportunity to attack, he has no special emotions at all. It will also increase exponentially, and will always slowly reveal some subtle flaws caused by the increase in vigilance, such as being too focused on one aspect and loosening a little on the other.

However, during the few minutes until the wind stopped and the flames and smoke dissipated, this old Yun was vigilant, and his vigilance was not low, but he did not create any flaws. He stood there like a rock, making thousands Ye didn't have the slightest chance to attack.

In the end, Qianye had no choice but to come out from the hiding place. He knew that if he kept hiding, it might be because of this old cloud who had not revealed his flaws for a long time.

Judging from the skin color, this old Yunyin should not belong to the Yeyue clan. Although he uses a technique similar to the ninjutsu "Thunder Chakra Mode", it does not seem to have the characteristics of the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode. As for speed and Strength, judging from his punch just now and the situation of dodging the explosion, it has the bonus of Thunder Escape Chakra Mode.

Moreover, judging from the situation where he punched Yanyin away with his punch just now, the strength of his punch just now is no worse than the strength of my strange power just now...

Is it S grade?

However, during the few minutes of hiding, Qianye didn't do nothing, at least he observed the old Yunyin very carefully, and confirmed the strength of this old Yunyin.

It was also because of the confirmation of this old Yunyin's strength stratification that he did not choose to chase another team of Yunyin. First, he is not a perception ninja, but the opposite side has a perception ninja, and he has a high chance of being thrown off. Secondly, this old Yun Yin is an S-level ninja, and there are Hirohiko and Xue Nai less than one kilometer behind him, and after Xue Nai noticed the situation of Yun Yin's division of troops, according to the plan, Hirohiko will definitely catch up , if I also catch up, I am afraid Hongyan will have a great chance to meet this old Yunyin, and then Hongyan will be in danger.

An S-rank ninja has such a perfect fighting mentality that he can't find any flaws. If Hiroko encounters an S-rank ninja, he probably won't be able to win.


Thinking of this, Chiba slightly loosened the hand that was stretched into the ninja bag, and let go of the kunai that he was holding on to.

Did you come out by yourself?

This kid is really special. Did he know that if he didn't come out, he might be the one who showed his flaws?

This brat... is no ordinary brat!

At the same time, Mu standing on the tree was also looking at Qianye, analyzing all possible information from Qianye's posture, expression, and eyes.

It seems that not only his plan failed, but also my plan to make him anxious...

Looking at him, it's like seeing Master Bi back then!

If you give him a few more years, he will most likely grow up to be like a grown-up.


Looking at Qianye, while Mu Xin sighed, a smile also quietly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


And the moment Mu's smile appeared, Qianye seemed to sense something, her eyes widened suddenly, and she turned her head to look behind her.


However, before he could turn his head away, his body trembled violently, and he froze for an instant, and the head he turned froze on the spot.

However, now, it is still too young!

A smile slowly bloomed at the corner of his mouth, Mu's eyes reflected Chiba with an unbelievable expression slowly appearing on his face, his body slowly began to electrify, and finally turned into a thunder figure, dissipating in the air.

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