Chapter 753 One side

"Lord Tutai, what happened? Why did we suddenly have to change our route and go around the rear battlefield? Didn't the rear front line say that they were not in a hurry? On the front line, Konoha showed some signs of a strong attack. Don't we need reinforcements there? ?”

In the dark forest, four figures were flying around. At this time, a young ninja wearing Yunyin's forehead was sealed and couldn't help asking.

"This is a direct order from the third generation of Raikage-sama in the rear. Why do you ask so many questions? Do you think that Raikage-sama will transfer us away from the base for no reason?"

Then, just after the young ninja spoke, a young ninja who was somewhat similar to him next to him spoke, obviously dissatisfied with his behavior of asking what happened.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two. Listen to what Tutai said, this matter is so urgent, there are some things that must be understood."

As soon as the two young ninjas finished speaking, behind the front ninja, a sturdy Yunyin who looked very old said, his voice was dull and hoarse, very majestic, and immediately silenced what the two young ninjas said.

"Senior Mu, don't scare the child."

And the ninja in the front called "Master Tutai" who looked about 30 years old turned his head slightly, with a steady smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph! Now, the youngsters are jumping one by one, and even dare to question the orders of the third generation of Raikage. Really, is the education in the village so bad now?"

Hearing Tutai's words, the elder Yun Yin, known as "Senior Mu", did not ease up, but seemed to be even more angry, and complained in his mouth.

And his words full of momentum made the two young ninjas shrink their necks directly, not daring to take a breath.

Regarding this, Tutai could only smile wryly. Speaking of which, this senior Mu is actually his teacher. Yunyin also has a ninja school, and this Mu is the best teacher in it. Graduated from the hands of the teacher, but because the teacher didn't like others to call him teacher, he didn't use the title of teacher. And to express his respect for the teacher's hobby, he has always called him "Senior Mu".

Now, in the face of the teacher's scolding that he said together with them, Tutai, as the captain, couldn't say anything, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"It wasn't the third generation of Raikage back then, how could you have such a stable and rich life now? Moreover, if the third generation of Raikage hadn't made a decisive decision and issued the order for the expedition, I am afraid that the nasty rosacea bastard in Yanyin Village would be in our Yunyin village. The village is at war, and the next generation in the village will suffer!"

At this time, the scolding sound came again.

This time, the "Senior Mu" seemed to get angrier as he spoke, and his tone became more severe. Not only did the two young ninjas shrink their necks, but even Tutai, who was already the leader of the first team, and even Yanchen, who the third generation of Raikage relied heavily on They all shrank their necks.

This scolding reminded him of the teacher pulling his ears and yelling at him when he fell asleep in class when he was a child.

"What about the answer?"

And it seemed that because he didn't hear a response, the old senior became even more angry, and the angry reprimand came again.

"Yes! We know we were wrong."

The two young ninjas responded quickly.

Then, the young ninja who spoke last was slightly taken aback, and said in his heart: I don't seem to question the third generation of Raikage-sama, why should I apologize?


At this time, Tutai coughed a few times, concealing the embarrassment that he couldn't help but want to apologize just now, and said: "The reason why the third generation Raikage-sama arranged for us this secret mission is because our important information about Yunyin was lost. , there is reliable news that the enemy who stole the intelligence is in this area and is preparing to return, our task is to stop this group of people..."

"What! Important information has been intercepted? What are the intelligence forces doing? Have you learned all these years in vain?"

However, before he could finish speaking, the elder Mu cursed again, his words were full of anger, as if the intelligence force had made a mistake that was impossible to make.


Hearing Mu's furious voice, the two young ninjas almost shrank their heads, and the earth platform responded with a little confidence.

"Hmph! Those boys are really going back as they live!"

Mu Bai raised his eyebrows, snorted coldly, and said: "Tutai, what's going on next, you can continue to talk about how to get back the information. War is an information war. Only with information can we be invincible. As Yun Yin The intelligence troops in the army actually need other troops to wipe their butts, so why not just jump off the cliff one by one!"


In this regard, Tutai could only laugh a few times.

When this old man was young, when he fought side by side with the third generation of Raikage and the "Shield of Yunyin" Yeyuebi, he commanded the intelligence unit, and when he became the commander of the intelligence unit, Yunyin had no There was an information leakage incident, and it was precisely because of the intelligence force of this old man that during the Second Ninja World War, Yun Yin was able to defend against Yan Yin's attack at a very small cost. Stabilized in the chaos. Did not suffer too much loss.

After retiring, the old man did not rest at ease, but became a consultant of the intelligence force. I heard that the current intelligence force commander was brought out by him alone. After that, after the intelligence force went well, he became a The teachers of the ninja school have trained a large number of excellent ninjas. If the three generations of Raikage and Ye Yuebi are the two pillars of Yun Yin, then this old man is the third pillar of Yun Yin, supporting the village almost all his life. .

He is absolutely entitled to yell.

Moreover, even if the commander of the intelligence unit is here, he has to listen like a student.

"Now, according to the news sent by the third generation of Raikage-sama..."

After a few dry laughs, Tutai took a slight breath, adjusted his thoughts, and spoke again.

"Wait a moment!"

And at this moment, the elder Mu grabbed him violently, and "snapped" twice, and sent the two young ninjas who had bumped into him because they stopped suddenly, flying away.

"Tutai! Your vigilance is too low! As the captain, you are disqualified! Write a review later!"

In the next second, Mu's scolding sound came again.


However, the earthen platform who was scolded swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat immediately broke out on the corner of his forehead. Hearing the scolding, he just nodded with difficulty and cautiously.

At this moment, he was standing a little stiffly on a rather thick branch, his collar was being dragged by an elderly shepherd beside him, and in front of his nose was a... steel wire glowing with darkness!

There is no doubt that it is a trap!

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