Chapter 751 Break

"Qianye, you're back, it's almost ready, you should sit down first!"

Looking at Chiba walking from the depths of the dark woods, Xue Nai smiled and said while stirring the pork in the pot.


Why is Xue Nai on the side of the pot?

Seeing Xue Nai's agitation, Chiba who was walking, his whole face tensed up, his footsteps trembled in fright, and he looked at Hirohiko who was opposite Xue Nai without thinking about responding.

At this time, Hirohiko also happened to look over, touched Chiba's gaze, and felt the "what's going on? Didn't you say you were in charge" gaze in his eyes, and his poker face grinned very, very clearly. With a wry smile, he spread his hands.

Sensing the meaning in Hirohiko's eyes, "You feel that Xue Nai insists on taking the spoon, I can persuade you?" Chiba also grinned, completely bitter.

But at this time, Hirohiko raised his hand, pointed at his eyes with his fingers apart, and then gave a thumbs up.

Immediately, Qianye let out a long breath.

If Hiroko keeps watching, there should be no dark dishes, and now the ingredients and condiments we carry are all normal ingredients, there is no possibility of dark dishes, I am too sensitive...

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and Qianye, who was relieved, coughed lightly, and said, "Thank you, Xue Nai."

"No, it's not hard."

Hearing Chiba's words, Xue Nai smiled lightly, and responded normally, but Hirohiko, who was opposite him, found that the thick soup in the pot was turning faster and faster.

"How's the patrol going?"

However, Hirohiko didn't stay long on the thick soup that was turning faster and faster, and soon turned his gaze to Chiba who was sitting next to him, and asked.

Chiba was still a little worried just now, so while cooking, he went to check the traps and the like. By the way, he checked the terrain of the forest, and even added some traps on the prairie beyond the border.

It's no wonder that Qianye is worried, now they have bypassed Yunyin's middle and vanguard troops, and are in Yunyin's rear, and in this rear, Yunyin and Yanyin are still fighting, this is a war zone, it may not be known It is not uncommon for a team of Yan Yin or Yun Yin to emerge at any time, or even a troop-level ninja. This is one of the reasons why the fatality rate on the battlefield is so high.

As the captain, Qianye's current actions are reasonable and can give them a lot of sense of security.

Although Hirohiko is also an experienced ninja who has experienced several battlefields, he is still a little nervous in this place.

Qianye went to check and add some more, which also made him feel at ease.

"Well, it's not a big problem, it's just that I have set up some detonating charm traps on the prairie, and the power of the detonating charms has been adjusted to the minimum. , I will draw a sketch for you, you can take a look. However, these detonating symbols will still explode, as long as someone passes by, we will receive a warning immediately. I did not set up a hidden trap over there. "

Hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba spoke, and at the same time, he felt a little emotional in his heart.

Compared with Hongyan, my ability to set traps is a bit inferior. The warning traps in the woods can be said to be chained together, and there are settings for severity. It will only be triggered when people or large creatures touch it. The large creatures in Naruto World are basically jackals, tigers, leopards, wild boars, etc. They are basically dangerous carnivores, and indeed they need to be vigilant.

Moreover, those hidden deadly traps are also arranged in conjunction with the warning traps, and are arranged according to various human action methods, such as walking, running, or flying... As long as they are within the scope of the hidden deadly traps, most of the ninjas There is a great probability of stepping into the trap with any movement method.

And my arrangement in the prairie is basically a dense chain of triggers, which is far worse than Hong Yan's exquisiteness.

"That's good."

After hearing the words, Hirohiko seemed relieved, nodded, and said, "After all, we need to sleep well tonight. Starting tomorrow, whether we sleep or not is a problem."

"Sleep is a problem, what happened?"

Hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba was keenly aware of something and hurriedly asked.

According to the original plan, they still needed at least seven hours of sleep on the first night of leaving the border. Now that Hirohiko said so, something must have happened.

After Chiba finished speaking, Hirohiko subconsciously looked at Xue Nai.

At this time, Xue Nai also stopped to stir the wooden spoon, and said in a slightly low voice: "Just now when I was checking if you were coming back, two fighting teams appeared in my field of vision. Although it is already It's out of our range, but their battle is very fierce, judging from the situation, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle zone ahead."

Intense battle zone...

Indeed, if there is a fierce war zone, whether or not you can sleep is a problem.

Hearing this, Qianye frowned obviously, but there was not much change on his face, he just said: "Anyway, if there is a fierce war zone ahead, then this is a relatively safe zone, and the strength of the two sides must be in the same direction. The war zone is moving, it is probably safe tonight, at least we will have enough food and drink tonight, and have a good rest for the night, as for the next step, we will see the situation at the time!"


Hearing Chiba's words, Xue Nai and Hirohiko nodded, and then, Xue Nai said: "Then, let's eat, and we will rest after eating."


Chiba nodded and responded, but she thought about it in her heart.

Intense war zone, I hope it won't affect our itinerary... After tonight, at ten o'clock tomorrow evening, it is estimated that Kakashi and the others will be close to the border, and the attack should have happened. After tomorrow night, the day after tomorrow In the morning, they will separate, there can be no difference in time!


At this time, Xue Nai had skillfully picked up the wooden bowl, poured a large piece of meat with thick soup into it, and handed it to him.


Qianye took the meat and nodded, but the thoughts in his mind suddenly stopped. The moment he took the bowl, he inspected the soup and meat carefully and invisibly.

No other condiments, no possible substances...

can eat!

In his heart, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Hirohiko over there also took the bowl of meat from Xue Nai and thanked him.

From the corner of the eye, Chiba clearly saw the moment when he took the bowl and nodded his thanks, the Sharingan clearly flashed in Hirohiko's eyes, obviously checking the meat and soup.

That kid, is it possible to use Sharingan?

Qianye picked up the chopsticks, pulled her mouth, and picked up the meat.

At the same time, Hirohiko also picked up the meat.

Then, the two bite down together.

This taste!

At the moment of biting, the two of them opened their eyes wide at the same time, and their eyes were moist in an instant.

Could it be that……


Almost at the same time, both of them stared at Xue Nai's backpack with horror in their hearts.

Junliang Wan... This is definitely the taste of Junliang Wan...


How can I forget this thing, the taste of this thing is definitely the condiment of dark cuisine!

At this moment, the two of them burst into tears both on their faces and in their hearts.

Too bad, is it too much, the taste is a bit rushed?

And at this time, Xue Nai felt distressed when she saw the appearance of the two of them.

However, this army ration pill has nutrients, and eating more will not be dangerous to the body. The taste is almost almost. For the next day or so, we don't know if we can still eat like this. After all, it is wartime, and we can't care about the taste anymore. .

The next second, Xue Nai thought indifferently.

Then, thinking about it, Xue Nai picked up the meat and soup for herself indifferently, and ate it indifferently, without any reaction!

Looking at Chiba and Hirohiko, tears seemed to flow faster.

In the end, even though the taste was not good, they still ate the meat without leaving the soup.

For two days and one night, they only ate Junliang Wan. Even though the meat tasted like Junliang Wan, the texture of the meat still made them want to eat it. Chiba and Hirohiko almost cried while gobbling it up.

And after dinner, the three of them simply said good night to each other. Chiba and Hirohiko fell asleep on the ground.

Xue Nai got into the tent, there was only one tent, and it was small, so two boys and girls could not sleep together, so this tent became Xue Nai's exclusive sleeping berth.

After getting into the tent, Xue Nai looked at the two people who had already snored slightly and fell asleep on the ground, and then looked at her right hand, her face flushed suddenly, and her eyes fell on Qianye.

And in her mind, the image of Qianye grabbing her hand two days ago kept flashing, the warm and rough touch seemed to be still in the palm of her hand.

Unconsciously, her left hand had tightly grasped her right hand, and the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably, and she couldn't hold it down no matter how hard she pressed.


At this time, a thought full of laughter flashed through her heart, and then she slowly lay down and closed her eyes.


But at this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, sat up suddenly, her white pupils protruded, her meridians stretched, and a look of surprise flashed across her face.

This is……


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