Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 746 Operation! (1/4)

Chapter 746 Calculation! (14)

As long as the location is finalized, the next step will be easy!

Looking at the map icon she was pointing at, the smile on the corner of Chiba's mouth biting the jerky widened, but her other hand was already clenched tightly, even trembling slightly.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, the second shadow clone Chiba, who looked at the shadow clone Chiba with a look of disdain, poked his head out from behind him who was half squatting, stretched out a hand, pointed to another place, and said: "Light If you look at the water system and vegetation, there is also a place here. Although it is said to be a bamboo forest, the map marks no matter whether it is a bamboo forest or a forest, except for the virgin forest. However, it fits the spot exactly what we were looking for."

Apparently, the second shadow avatar, Chiba, has some disbelief in the decision of the main body Chiba, and seems to think that he is too arbitrary.

"Ontology, I feel that you have been affected by emotions, and you have not looked at this issue objectively."

Afterwards, he added another sentence, pointing it out thoroughly.

Chiba...was criticized by her shadow clone!

But before the second shadow clone Chiba finished speaking, Hirohiko and Yukina, who had already started to lose their minds, looked at Bendai Chiba, and then at the second shadow clone Chiba. a thought.

At this time, they seem to have given up thinking about the running water and stagnant water and logical thinking in Chiba.

"Che, are you an idiot? This place is completely deviated from their route. Only our route can reach this place. If we follow their route, then are they fools? They even made a detour on purpose." A circle."

And when the voice of the second shadow clone Chiba fell, the main body Chiba had no time to explain, the shadow clone Chiba beside him opened his mouth and said, and took out the map of the battle situation under the detailed map in the hands of the main body Chiba, Facing the second shadow clone, Chiba, he gestured to the arc arrow that belonged to Kakashi's route, and then tapped at a distance of one finger to the southwest of the arrow, and then at two-thirds of the arc arrow I clicked on the position where the arc at the end of the arrow passed, and said: "See, this is the place pointed by the main body, and the place I clicked earlier is the place you pointed to. There is a big difference between the two, and one is on the route. On the other hand, one is far to the southwest, and it is farther away from the task location than the one indicated by the main body, isn't this a circle? Do you think they are stupid!"


Hearing the words of the shadow clone Qianye, the second shadow clone glanced at it, but curled its lips, hugged its chest and snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

"I know that there is also a place here that is well marked on the map to match the place we are looking for, but, as said, the distance and route are wrong, and they cannot not follow the route. It should be the route determined by the three generations of Hokage based on all kinds of information. It should be the safest and most likely to successfully complete the mission. I believe they also know this. Now is the time when the village lives and dies. Perfunctory."

At this time, the main body Chiba also said.

"Okay, yes, yes, you are all right, then, after confirming the location, what are you going to do? How do you deduce the specific time."

The second shadow clone Chiba said with a curled lip.

This is... three thousand leaves and one drama?

Why do I feel like I don't care what Chiba is going to do?

And at this time, Hirohiko and Yukina, you look at me, I look at you, look at Chiba, look at the shadow clone Chiba, and then look at the second shadow clone Chiba, they are completely dumbfounded, they completely listen I don't understand what the three Chiba are talking about.

It's just a general feeling that Qianye is really calculating something, using what location, time, forward and reverse calculations and so on.

Moreover, they couldn't get in the way at all. The three Chibas stood together, not mentioning the self-care and indifference of the three Chibas, but judging by the way they were arguing, it seemed that they couldn't bear to disturb them.

I always feel that such a schizophrenic Chiba...

kinda cute...

In the end, Hirohiko and Xue Nai came to such a conclusion in their hearts. As for what Chiba deduced, they planned to wait until everything was over and directly ask Chiba for the result.

"Then now that the location is determined, it's very simple."

Glancing at the second shadow clone, the shadow clone Chiba put down the battle map, then picked up the pen, and clicked directly at the end of the route belonging to Minato Squad on the battle map, saying: "Now, they should be here .”


Ontology Chiba said, now they have been separated for only two hours, and at their normal speed, it is about the same in this place.

"No comment."

After looking at the place shown by the shadow clone Chiba, the second shadow clone Chiba also expressed no objection.

"Now we know that this is the place where their route reaches the national border, and the next step is to enter the country of grass, which is the rear of Yan Yin."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Chiba, the shadow clone, clicked again on the battle map where the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass intersects with the arc arrow.


Chiba and the second shadow clone Chiba nodded in affirmation.

"Then, the next thing is a math problem. I won't talk about the complicated ones. Anyway, we all understand, and we can't explain clearly when we talk about it. Let me talk about what we know now..."


The shadow clone Chiba clicked on the sign pointed by the main body Chiba.

"The middle point."

The shadow clone Chiba pointed to the intersection of the borders of the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass and the route of Minatoban.

"Our middle point."

The shadow avatar Chiba clicked again at the three intersections between the borders of Huo and Cao and their routes.

"Then, the average speed of a ninja on the road. Generally speaking, when performing a mission, it is unlikely to travel at a speed exceeding the average speed before arriving at the mission location. After all, this also consumes energy, affects the physical condition, and may even lead to mission failure. Although this average speed is called average speed, it is a way to keep running for a long time without consuming too much energy. We all understand it, so I won’t talk about it here. If you're on your way..."

The shadow clone Chiba looked at his own body and the second shadow clone Chiba, and traced the ink dots from the point at the end of the Minatoban route to the intersection of the national border line and the arc arrow at the middle point.

"The time required is about three days. No, if you travel at a slightly faster than average speed, it can be shortened to two and a half days. It is impossible to travel at high speed for a long time, but if you use it interspersed, two days will do. arrive."

At this time, the second shadow clone Chiba said quickly.

After all, he has participated in or even personally ran several long-distance missions. With practical experience, coupled with the increasing proficiency in using the map since the mission, Chiba has been able to compare what is shown on the map with the actual situation. Situations come together.

This is also a skill.

Of course, a skill that every ninja possesses, no surprises.

"Three days, at least three days."

At this time, Chiba, the main body, spoke.


The shadow clone Chiba asked.


Ontology Chiba briefly explained.

yes! Attack!

At this time, Chiba, the two shadow clones, suddenly realized at the same time that Kakashi encountered an ambush before he was separated from Namikaze Minato in the Kannabi Bridge mission. Kakashi also used the newly developed Chidori, In the end, Namikaze Minato saw the weakness, and because Chidori was too fast, he didn't see the enemy's attack clearly and was injured.

According to Namikaze Minato's battle to support the front line after reaching the national border and Kakashi's separation, the attack is inferred to have occurred before reaching the national border.

Injured, attacked...they will definitely not be able to speed up the next journey, or even slower than before. After all, once there is an attack, there will be a second one. They will definitely be very careful on the next journey. Be careful and vigilant, the speed will definitely not be fast.

Moreover, the time explanation of Kakashi's side story is not clear, it belongs to the mode of fragmentary memory, only to pick the key point, the concept of time is very vague, it is very likely that a fragment of the jump is a few days. It took several days for an episode, a turning point of a scene.

This is the world of Naruto, which is a real world. It is definitely impossible to jump around like this, so it will take three days for the Minato class to get there.

Qianye believes that the time of his inference may vary, such as a few hours more, or a few hours less, but the number of three days is not wrong.

"Well, then from our place to our midway point, at the normal speed..."

At this time, Chiba, the shadow clone, glanced at his route again.

"At the earliest three and a half days."

The second shadow clone Chiba said.

"Because our route is farther than theirs, at normal speed, the shortest time is three and a half days."

Ontology Chiba for sure.

"And then there's the time they take from the intermediate point to the destination..."

The shadow avatar Chiba took aim at another section of the Minatoban route, stopped at the point in the forest icon, and started from the crossing point of the national border.

"They should speed up here. I calculated vaguely before that they will be separated within two days... But now that the location is confirmed, they will arrive within one day, and..."

Ontology Chiba said.

"Well, one day may be shorter, so we have to arrive early, there is no doubt about it, even one day earlier, otherwise it is just luck. Then, let's look at the time from the middle point to our destination... "

Saying that, Chiba, the shadow avatar, drew an arc on the crossing point of the national border on the road map on his side, avoiding the signs of Yunyin and some of Yanyin.

"Under normal speed, it takes at least two days for us to get from the middle point on our side to our destination. We must reach the national border one day earlier. Considering the rest situation, we must reach the national border within two days. Then Arrive at the destination within a day and a half... Ontology, you planned to use the gift from Mr. Kushina, I'm afraid it's not safe."

The shadow clone Chiba marked two days and one and a half days on the two drawn lines of his own route.

Moreover, a cross was made in a certain blank space, and it was written that there was no trick.

"I agree, this is the safest way."

At this time, the second shadow clone, Chiba, also nodded, expressing affirmation, and the expression on his face was the same as the shadow clone, Qianye, dignified.

The time...is still enough!

Sure enough, isn't it that easy?

The main body Chiba looked at the map of the battle situation and took a slight breath.

However, this is better than being at a loss and not knowing anything! Moreover, the credibility of this plan is very high, and the execution difficulty is also very low, as long as you hurry up and avoid all troubles!

can do it!

In the next second, sparks flickered in Qianye's eyes.

Happy National Day everyone!

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