Chapter 736 The teacher is here!

Kushina, why are you here?

And it's so late.

Chiba blinked her eyes, put her hands on the door, a little dazed, and Hirohiko and Xue Nai behind him also had similar expressions.

Obviously, the appearance of Jiu Xinnai made them also a little bit overwhelmed. For a while, they didn't know what to say.

"What kind of expression do you guys have? You look like you've seen a ghost. Come in!"

When Jiuxinna saw the appearance of several people, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the decibels of his voice increased a little.

Immediately, the three of them shrugged their shoulders together, and a familiar chill rose from their backs, shrugging their shoulders, and the three of them shivered together.


After that, there was a sound of Qiqi.

Then, he quickly took off his shoes and went inside, walking up to Jiu Xinna, with a faint look of horror on his face.

Looking at Jiu Xinnai in front of them, the three of them quickly recalled the terror of the tutor and the heavy fist.

"sit down."

Seeing the disciples coming in honestly, Kushina seemed quite satisfied, nodded, and said softly.

However, under the light, her face was a little too pale, and she seemed a little haggard.


The three of Chiba hurriedly responded, and sat down opposite Kushina with their backs to the door.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Kushina for a long time!

While sitting down, Qianye suddenly thought of something and was quite emotional.

In fact, they hadn't seen Kushina for a long time. Since the deployment mission, Kushina basically didn't appear in front of them.

"It's so late, where have you been?"

At this time, Kushina also sat down opposite them and asked.

During the speech, Jiu Xinnai's eyes narrowed slightly, but at the moment of squinting, a soft light flashed in his eyes.

These three children have grown taller again. During this period, every time I look at them, they look different every day.

And in her mind, such a thought flashed through.

It's just...why...

After this joyful thought flashed by, another thought full of worry floated up in Kushina's heart.

"Three generations of Hokage called us."

The three of Chiba quickly replied.


Hearing the three people's responses, Kushina seemed to nod absent-mindedly, and responded.


Is it still a bit late?

But in her heart, there seemed to be something clear.

During this period of time, she just didn't appear in the line of sight of Chiba and the others. She was actually paying attention to her disciples all the time in a place they couldn't see in the distance.

It's just that she knew that the three children were thriving, and they had even grown to the point where they didn't need her guidance.

In other words, it was not good for her to appear by their side all the time.

Different from other children, these three children are special, whether it is Chiba, Hirohiko or Xue Nai, they are all different from other children. They all have the aura of genius, extraordinary talent, and the more valuable perseverance to work hard and enterprising. No matter who you are, you can see that they will grow into powerful and even great ninjas in the future. With their talents and personalities, it is very rare to have one in a generation, and it is almost like a miracle that three appear at the same time.

But, again, they're flawed, and rather tricky flaws...


Yes, it is loneliness. These three children all grew up in solitude. With the addition of extraordinary talents, this combination is easy to grow crooked. It will be caused by the withdrawn personality cultivated in solitude or The character that can only be developed in other lonely environments will become an empty shell with no strength but an empty heart, and even become the kind of ninja she doesn't want to see.

She knew that as a teacher, she should not only teach them ninjutsu and strength, but also fill their hearts.

Fill their hearts with the "love" that the users' grandma called, and make them truly strong.

And just after returning from the task of deploying the defense map, she saw the friends around them, and that share of love. She understood that her task had been completed, and it was time for these three children to grow up on their own.

That is, it's time for stocking.

Whether it's improving their strength or getting more "love", they no longer need her to protect their wings.

They have been able to fly out by themselves, and there are even more chicks flying with them around them, if she appears again, it will be bad.

The next time should be given to themselves and the friends around them.

Whether it is wind or rain, lightning or thunder ahead, they must rely on their own efforts to overcome it, otherwise, their hearts cannot support these "loves", and even these "loves" will eventually have a counterproductive effect. Push them into darkness.

So she chose to disappear from their sight, leaving everything to themselves, no matter what, let them face it by themselves.

It's just that sometimes she is a little worried, so during this time, every now and then, she will watch them secretly when they are not paying attention.

During this period of time, their growth made her very gratified, but also very sad. She knew that she could let go. These children had already graduated.

Although he is still young, he can graduate.

From her... From her, you can graduate...

"Mr. Jiushina, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Qianye spoke in astonishment.

"No, it's nothing... The third Hokage is looking for you, is there another mission?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Kushina shook her head and said with a slight smile.


Hearing Jiu Xinnai's question, the three of them nodded in unison.

Kushina what's wrong? The eyes just now...

is something happened?

Could it be that the relationship with Namikaze Minato is not going well?

no no no!

Everything is possible, but this one is impossible! Namikaze Minato and Kushina, relationship problem?


Look at Namikaze Minato's appearance of letting Kushina in everything, and Kushina's character...

This is impossible!

But at this time, while nodding, Qianye frowned slightly. Just now, he clearly saw the flash of tears in Jiuxinna's eyes, as if he had encountered something that made her reluctant, Or something sad.

Is it okay? Teacher Kushina.

At this time, a rather worrying thought also flashed in Hirohiko and Xue Nai's minds, obviously they also noticed something.

"How long."

At this time, Kushina asked again.

"have no idea."

Chiba shook her head and answered.

"Is it dangerous?"

Kushina asked again.


Chiba looked at Hirohiko, then at Xue Nai, frowning, but she didn't know how to answer.

Shenwu bridge mission is absolutely dangerous.

However, he didn't want Jiu Xinna to worry too much, and he couldn't find anything to say for a while.

"I see, then, I'll leave this to you, and count it as... um... a gift!"

Looking at Qianye who was in a dilemma, Kushina did not ask, but took out three scrolls, put them on the table, and said.

"This is?"

The three of Chiba looked at the scroll and looked up in astonishment.

"Well... there is one more thing, I wanted to give it to you a long time ago, but I kept forgetting it."

But at this moment, Kushina touched her body, as if she was looking for something.

"Uh... forgot again!"

After groping for a while, she spoke in embarrassment.


The stunned three were taken aback when they heard this.

"You guys gather at the old place tomorrow at eight o'clock, and I'll bring the things over."

While the three were in a daze, Jiu Xinnai stood up and gave the order to gather tomorrow.

eight o'clock?

Hearing this sentence, Hirohiko and Xue Nai frowned slightly, they will leave tomorrow morning, according to Chiba's intention, it is best to go a little earlier. At eight o'clock, it seems a little...


While the two were hesitating, Qianye suddenly stood up and responded.


Hearing the sound, the two looked at Qianye in unison, but seeing Qianye's serious face, their hearts were slightly shocked.

It was the first time for them to see Qianye looking so serious.


Then, they also hurriedly stood up and responded.

"Well, then I'll go back first!"

Taking a slight look at the three of them, Kushina nodded, seemingly quite satisfied, and then went straight out the door.

Leaving the straight three people, and the scrolls corresponding to the three people on the table.

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