Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 716 It's not my fault!


The sound of flesh and flesh colliding rang out above the heads of Asma and Kai. Afterwards, the two only felt a light shoulder, and a group of figures suddenly flew towards their right side, as if there was still a dull moment. Humming passed by together.


Then, both of them opened their closed eyes in unison, and a dazed thought came to their minds.


With two sounds of "Puff", they fell to the ground in a large font posture, one in front of the other, causing a puff of dust and smoke, and the human-shaped shallow pit that Zakai was used to by Chiba was right next to it.

what's going on?

The moment they touched the ground, the two bounced up abruptly. While standing up, they also took several steps back, looking to their right, in the direction of the shadow passing by.


The moment their eyes turned, there was a crashing sound from the direction they turned their eyes, as well as some shredded exclamations of joy from the crowd as if they had avoided something.

such as:


"It's so dangerous!"

"Almost hit it!"

This kind of sound of exclamation and surprise.

But when they turned their gazes, they saw one after another green leaves falling from the trembling branches.

"It hurts... Kakashi, what are you doing!"

At this time, amidst the falling green leaves, Chiba's complaints sounded.

The moment they heard this sound, the eyes of the two suddenly moved down, and they landed on the ground under the trembling trunk of the tree.

What came into view was the figure of Chiba leaning on the tree trunk, and the figure of Kakashi leaning on his chest.

At this time, Qianye was touching the back of his head that hit the tree with a sound, his eyes were closed, and his face was pained. There was an undisguised, slightly annoyed expression on his face.

Kakashi, on the other hand, covered his chest with one hand, with helpless emotions shining in his eyes exposed outside the mask, and slowly stood up.

"It's not my fault."

After standing up, Kakashi turned around and held out his hand.

"Isn't the war zone divided? My side is going to deal with Asma and Kai soon, and then it will be over, this farce."

Chiba's eyes slowly opened, and seeing Kakashi's outstretched hand, he grabbed it, and with Kakashi's pulling force, stood up while stroking the back of his head.

Let's talk, Qianye even patted his body, shaking off a layer of black rock armor.


Kakashi looked at Chiba, and patted his back and right shoulder casually, and also patted off some black rock armor, but his eyes were half-closed.

Can this be my fault?

After all it wasn't your fault?

And in his heart, there was a thought of dissatisfaction.


Regarding this, Kakashi squinted his eyes halfway, sighed, and said, "You can't blame me, you can see for yourself."

As he said that, he moved sideways for a moment, and then pointed to where he bumped into, which was the source of the trajectory where the two of them hit the tree.

"Then let me see what happened..."

Seeing Kakashi step aside, Chiba took a step forward and looked in the direction Kakashi was pointing at. The moment his eyes touched that direction, the next words in his mouth stopped immediately, and the corners of his mouth were extremely Pulled unnaturally.


And in his heart, there was a thought that he didn't know whether it was helplessness or bitterness.

In the direction Kakashi pointed, a cloud of fire and smoke was quietly transpiring, but it had already begun to dissipate.

And behind the flames and smoke, there was a familiar snow-white figure.

Why would they also join the battle!

Seeing this scene, Qianye couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows, feeling a headache.

At this moment, Yuki Nai's left and right hands are holding Obito and Hirohiko, apparently pulling Hirohiko out of the range of the explosion. At the same time, it seems that Obito was also saved by Yuki Nai, from Obito's slightly surprised and unconvinced face It can be seen from his expression that he obviously suffered a big loss just now.

At the same time, on the right side of Xue Nai, there is a snow-white figure squatting slightly with one hand upright in front, the other palm retracted on the abdomen, and the right foot slightly backward half a step. From the corner of the eye to the temple, he was looking at the two of them with a serious face, and there were several shurikens under his feet.

And at another time, which is the rear left side of Asma and Kai so far, the young ninja wearing sunglasses and the young ninja biting a thousand copies are slowly standing up, shaking their hands slightly, as if their hands are numb endlessly.

It's no wonder that Kakashi was knocked into the air, and even hit me, Hyuga Yutaka, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, Obito, plus the newly added Xue Nai, two supercilious and soft fists, plus five The number of individuals is absolutely superior, and Kakashi is worthy of the name of a super genius...

Looking at this scene, Chiba sighed. He had seen Kakashi being attacked in mid-air before. It was the siege of Obito, Ebisu, and Shiranui Genma at that time, and later when he launched the water wall , he glanced at it, and found that Hyuga Yutaka was already standing in the crowd. Kakashi was blown away just now. It is estimated that Yukina shot to save Obito and Hirohiko. Get knocked out.

After all, Hinata Snow Eagle's strength should not be underestimated. As the most genius of the Hinata family's generation, with the teaching of soft boxing master Hinata Shinsuke, coupled with the particularity of Baiyan and soft boxing, his strength may not be inferior to Kaka Xihe himself, under the siege of four people, and adding such a strong opponent, he can't blame Kakashi!

Even the siege by Asma, Hirohiko, and Kai made him passive for a while.

"I apologize."

After learning all this, Chiba apologized decisively.


But when he heard Chiba's apology, Kakashi let out a long sigh, quite complaining in his heart.

Take care of your girlfriend!

The sudden flash of Xue Nai just now really surprised him. To be honest, the palm on his chest was slapped by Xue Nai, and it was also sent flying by Xue Nai. When throwing shurikens that block their further attacks.

"You mean... a farce?"

But at this moment, Hyuga Snow Eagle spoke, his posture of soft fist was slightly restrained, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked at Chiba and Kakashi, but it was very rare that he didn't target Chiba.


Hearing this sound, Chiba and Kakashi's faces tensed at the same time, and the corners of their mouths grinned, looking a little embarrassed, and a little helpless as if they had done something wrong.

This time...it's not easy...

At the same time, a depressing thought rose in their hearts.

Because, at this moment, a few meters in front of them, with Hyuga Yutaka as the center, Asma, Kai, Ebisu, Shiranui Genma, Obito and Hirohiko who were put down by Yukina slowly gathered got together.

His eyes were full of hostility, and...

The raging fighting spirit!

It seemed that Qianye's words seemed to arouse their strong dissatisfaction.

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