Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 714 The Abacus of the Four!

The column of dust and smoke rushing upward collided with the swirling gale mixed with some wind blades that passed by Kai's side and rushed down suddenly from top to bottom.


At the moment of contact, everyone's ears seemed to hear the silent sound of cloth being torn, and the column of smoke and dust rising from the ground was torn apart by the strong wind at the moment of contact, as if tofu hit the knife edge Generally speaking, it scattered in the wind, and even some fine smoke and dust were rolled up by the whirling wind blade and strong wind, engulfing them and smashing into the very center of the smoke and dust column.


In the next second, the entire column of smoke and dust pierced by the strong wind spun violently and shattered, and was blown away by the wind, disappearing completely.


Almost ready for a stand-in!

In the column of smoke and dust that dissipated in an instant, Qianye was half squatting, maintaining the posture of raising her hands, squinting slightly at the pile of loess that slowly disintegrated from a human figure, and slightly glanced at her mouth.

And on his body, the rock skin on his left arm, right rib, and left leg has been cracked, forming a knife-like mark, and the gap in the rock skin that looks like a knife wound is still "cracking". Cracks spread outward, and tiny rock grains were already slowly shaking off, slowly dissipating on the way of falling.

But... As expected, with three people, it is still very difficult! Once they seize the opportunity, it is easy to fall into a passive position.

Moreover, they looked like they didn't intend to stop!

It is estimated that they will not stop until I get down and fail completely!

In the midst of his thoughts, Chiba raised his head and looked directly above. At this moment, in his eyes, Kai, who had begun to fall, was slowly twisting his body, his right fist had been slowly clenched, and behind Kai , Asma maintained the posture of completing the seal and slowly fell, a ball of fire had already passed Kai, rose against the wind, and hit herself.

Wind Dun and Fire Dun... Although I don't know if Asma has the aura of genius, but as the Sarutobi clan, as the son of three generations of Hokage, his performance in the original work may not be conspicuous, but in this Hokage world, his strength... …

If these three join forces, I will really lose!

And at this time, there is no way to use the substitute technique without preparing a substitute! Really, he was forced into a certain desperate situation!

The key is……

Seeing the fireball getting bigger and bigger, Qianye gave a wry smile, the emerald green brilliance in his eyes suddenly rose, burning like a flame.

And at this moment, on top of the rock armor peeled off from his body, a layer of light gray rock skin like triangular scales suddenly "cracked" and quickly covered the shattered rock skin.

Rock hardening art, evolution version, form 2!


At the moment when the scaly rock skin was covered with cracked rock armor, a fireball fell from the sky and slammed into Qianye's body. It shattered into a ball of flames and ignited blazingly, engulfing Qianye in an instant.

"Then, after Fire Escape Ninjutsu, Konoha Fluid Jutsu, Bad Yansheng!"

And the next moment, with the voice full of passion, Maitekai's elbow wrapped in the green tights, with the tendency of falling, was already in front of Chiba's grid-like hands!

If he wanted to defeat Qianye, he had to be at the moment when he was under the impact of Hao's fireball technique and could not change his position freely. Only at this time could Kai's Bad Yansheng hit 100% of the hit.

If Kai's bad Yansheng fails to hit, Chiba will not be able to move again. Then, my next attack will be unable to proceed, or I will be dodged, or even counterattacked by Chiba's physical skills. However, in any case, the opportunity that he took just now is lost, and once this opportunity is lost, the chances of defeating Qianye are almost like a meteorite hitting the earth!

At this time, Asma, who was constantly forming seals in her hands, saw the situation of Kai who fell before her and Chiba in the burning flames, and her eyes were full of solemnity.

Kai and I did not discuss the attack beforehand, and I am afraid that Kai also knew that Chiba should not be allowed to escape this opportunity.

As long as Kai suppresses Qianye with the bad rock booster and guarantees that this spell will definitely hit, then the chance of defeating Qianye is more than 80%!

At the same time, he thought so.

"Sure enough, are you unwilling to give up this opportunity?"

And at this moment, Chiba, who was about to be hit by Kai's elbow, suddenly swelled up his cheeks, and then a large amount of water sprayed out from his mouth. Standing up, in a blink of an eye, a spiral water screen surrounded Qianye in the midst of hissing sounds and steaming white air, and closed on top of Qianye's head, forming a water screen.

Water escape, water formation wall!


At this moment, Asma, Kai, and the smoke and dust on the other side cleared up, revealing Hirohiko's figure, with a full face.


With a muffled sound, Kai's elbow hit the wall of the water formation fiercely, and the water splashed and scattered in all directions.

At the same moment, under the wall of the water formation, the flames had already been extinguished, leaving only the sizzling water vapor steaming upwards, causing Kai's face to turn slightly red.


And at this moment, the top of the water formation wall exploded suddenly, and the splashing water sprayed like a water arrow, forcing the nearest Kai to block with both hands, and Asma, who was diagonally behind him, also subconsciously blocked, interrupting the seal .

Right between the two of them parrying, a figure flew upwards at high speed between the two of them!

It's over!

And at this moment, both of them were startled at the same time, and their expressions suddenly became tense after blocking with both hands.

Oh no!

Chiba escaped!

Absolutely can't let him hide!

At this time, Hongyan who was biting his teeth lightly on the other side saw this scene, and felt a sudden shock in his heart. The seals in his hands suddenly formed, and the last three seals were formed suddenly.

Fire escape, the art of dragon fire!

In the next second, a stream of tiny flames had been spit out from his mouth, and was about to go up along the thin steel wire he was biting in his mouth. And in his eyes, this bright-colored linear steel wire is connected to Qianye's right leg, and the angle of the whole steel wire is rapidly increasing as Qianye's speed flies up.


However, at this moment, at this second, Hongyan's face that was originally showing a bit of trouble and anxiety suddenly froze, and he cried out in surprise while biting the thin steel wire.

There was already a look of horror in the tone.

In his suddenly widened eyes, a piece of paper with a black pattern was being rubbed against the steel wire, fluttering but sliding down the thin steel wire at an extremely fast speed, and it was already with him at this time. The mouth is less than ten centimeters!


At this moment, the paper suddenly burned.


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