Chapter 692: The End of the Year


With a final side kick, he slammed it fiercely on the stake. Chiba, who was steaming with heat, exhaled a breath of white air and took a slight breath. Chiba looked intently at the thick and thin wooden stake that was hugged by the person, and retracted it at the same time. foot, and then turned around and shouted.

"Hirohiko, it's okay, where did you find this wood! It's so strong!"

As he said that, Qianye stepped forward, caressed the wooden post with a white hand, rubbed it lightly, and felt the texture of the wood.

Chiba could feel the difference between this wooden stake and other wooden stakes in the various daily training with a base of 5000 just now. Whether it is the hardness felt when hitting it or the sound, it means that this tree is very strong.

"Huh? What?"

And at this moment, the back door of the cabin was pushed open, and Hirohiko poked out half of his head and spoke.

While speaking, he also let out a breath of white air.


Afterwards, there was a muffled sound of landing at his feet, and Hong Yan looked down, only to see a ball of white snow falling in front of the threshold in a broken posture.

Is it snowing?

last night?

Such a thought subconsciously popped up in his mind.

Then, when he looked up, he saw the snow in front of him was white, the surrounding groves were covered with a layer of white makeup, and the ground and even the roofs were covered with thick snow. As far as the eye could see, the sky and the earth were pure white, as if even the cold winter All with a layer of white color.

"I said, where did you find this wood, it's so strong!"

Chiba asked again.

"When I was on a mission yesterday, I found it in a forest about ten kilometers west of the village. I found it right and got it back."

Looking at Chiba, who was dressed in thin clothes and covered in white gas, Hirohiko said casually, opened the door and admired the snow scene.

"Oh, that's it! Not bad!"

Chiba's "Bang Bang" patted the thick and thin wooden stakes that this person hugged, and said.

Hearing this, Hongyan nodded with a poker face, and said, "I'm going to see if there are any tasks today, and look for them."

"Take a few more days off, I don't know when you will be assigned a frontline mission again."

Chiba looked at Hirohiko who was about to turn around to leave, and stopped him: "Anyway, now the village has subsidized our drug experiments, so it's not so tight."

Two months ago, Chiba took the initiative to find the third Hokage, and brought out the results of the previous few months, the medicine that can quickly replenish nutrition, that is, after taking the medicine Nao took, although the third Hokage did not immediately agree to his request, However, after Chiba's medicine was sent to the medical department, a batch of valuable medicine subsidies were immediately carried out, and even the pharmaceutical equipment was replaced with new ones.

It is said that this matter has also alarmed other high-level members of Konoha. This medicine can quickly supplement nutrition. If it is mixed with traditional Junliang pills, it will improve the effect of Junliang pills, and because of its mild medicinal properties and concentrated essence, it can be taken directly It can even provide considerable energy to the body in a short period of time, and restore the spirit of the tired person in a short period of time. Although after the effect passes, people will feel greater fatigue, but sometimes between life and death, during this period The recovery of mental and physical strength is enough to reverse the situation.

Therefore, the strategic value of this drug is very high.

This point, Qianye did not expect, he just wanted to strengthen the effect of Tsunade's prescription and reduce the side effects, but he did not expect that the developed things would become war supplies.

And I heard that now that the battle situation on the front line is improving, Chiba's medicine seems to have made a lot of contributions. Whether it is a team conflict or a conflict, Konoha Ninja's post-war recovery ability is somewhat higher than other ninja villages. This gave Konoha a lot of advantages, and the situation gradually began to stabilize.

Of course, the biggest credit is that "Konoha's Golden Flash", it is his active performance that brought the situation back a little bit.

The invincible ninjutsu that can almost instantly appear on any battlefield, and the instant body that no one can surpass, not only in the hearts of Konoha ninjas, but even in the hearts of the enemies, a statue of the god of war has been established.

It can be said that golden glitter is everywhere, and Konoha is invincible.

However, Chiba basically knows all of this, except when hearing the rumors, the kind of "ah, I'm really in the world of Naruto" or "I actually witnessed the rise of the fourth generation of Hokage", "Namo Fengshui" appeared again. The door turned out to be my teacher's boyfriend", but in fact, there is not much emotion.

On the contrary, Hirohiko seemed to be looking forward to Namikaze Minato very much. When he heard about Namikaze Minato, this kid could almost talk to him all night.

Apart from these, there was nothing new during this period of time. Chiba's life was the same, training and researching drugs. Because of the relationship with the drugs, the third Hokage did not bother him completely.

This can be regarded as achieving Chiba's goal from the beginning.

Originally, he took the initiative to find the third Hokage, firstly for the research funds for his own medicine, uh... by the way, he also worried about the third Hokage's body, after all, that...he is Hokage, this is a critical period when Konoha has turned into a disadvantage , He must not have an accident. Secondly, because of the annihilation plan, he might be transferred to a mission or something. Although Watanabe Kenshin did as he said, but after all, the annihilation plan was set by him, it is inevitable The Third Hokage wouldn't think of anything, so just in case, he simply came up with an excuse to study drugs.

However, they were all successful in the end, and Qianye was quite thankful for his flash of inspiration.

"It's the end of the year, so we have to buy some new year's goods! Didn't you say that? The war is coming to an end. In the coming year, we may have less time to get together. This year's New Year, we have to celebrate it."

However, Hirohiko just paused, waved his hand, and left the cabin.

end of the year...


That's right, there is a New Year here, but I was always alone before, and I didn't feel anything. Being with Xue Nai was also training, training, training... and I didn't realize the New Year.

This year, both Nao and Hirohiko are here, so it's so lively!

Hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba slapped his head and suddenly realized.

Yes, a good celebration indeed!

The most critical year has come, the future of Kushina, Obito, Kakashi, Rin...the future of everyone will be in this year...

Afterwards, the thoughts in Qianye's mind changed, and his face suddenly became solemn, and he looked towards the woods behind the stake.

Another two months have passed, and now, I have to enter those plans. After the new year, the Battle of Kannabi Bridge will be a blink of an eye!

Before the battle begins, I must polish everything I can master at this stage to perfection!

Thinking about it, Qianye took a slight breath, then stepped out abruptly, pushed the door open and entered.

"Hiroko, wait a minute, I'll go and see with you! It's good to earn more!"

Then, Chiba's voice drifting away came from the front of the cabin.


What followed was Hirohiko's shocking and unbelievable sentence.

"What are you doing in a daze, we have a good year this year."

Chiba's voice came from farther away.

Then, there was a long silence.

After a long time, Hirohiko's voice came.


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