Chapter 69 The Truth

Naruto Office.

Third Hokage frowned, took a puff of cigarette, and let it out slowly.

"Master Sandai, Hyuga Yutaka, and Taki Chiba have already arrived, and... Shinsuke-sama and Kushina-sama have also arrived." After walking into Hokage's office, Kazama reported the arrival of Chiba and Hyuga Yutaka, hesitating After a while, he also reported to Sandai Hokage that Hinata Shinsuke and Uzumaki Kushina also came.

"Shinsuke, Kushina..." Sandai Hokage's frowning brows became tighter. He rubbed the center of his brows and said, "Let them in."

"Yes!" Huo Jian replied and was about to retreat.

"Homama, when they come in, you should leave first." Third Hokage ordered again.

There was a slight pause in the fire, and he nodded in agreement.

Is this matter really so secret? Can't even I know?

Afterwards, Chiba, Hyuga Yutaka, Hyuga Shinsuke, and Uzumaki Kushina were brought into Hokage's office by Huoma, and Huoma withdrew and closed the door.

Can't Huo Jian know about this?

Uzumaki Kushina frowned slightly, obviously this matter was not simple.

Hyuga Shinsuke didn't have any special expression, just looked at Chiba.

"Taki Chiba, Hyuga Yutaka, I originally wanted to wait for you to grow up before telling you about this matter." The words of Sandai Hokage came at this time.

So... what the hell is going on? Is there any secret behind Hyuga Snow Eagle killing me?

Speaking of which, Hirohiko also told me that Hinata Xueying looked at me with hatred in his eyes, but I haven't done anything to make him hate it, have I? That time with Xue Nai, at most, she was regarded as... er... a rival in love? It doesn't seem to be the person who threatens Xue Nai's safety? Uh, it seems not.

Indeed, Hyuga Snow Eagle's motive for killing me is too suspicious. Although Hyuga Snow Eagle is very angry, but considering his words and deeds, this person is not the kind of perverted character who would run away and want to kill his sweetheart after being approached.

Chiba recalled all the contact with Hyuga Snow Eagle, and Chiba frowned slightly.

Speaking of which, he always said dirty traitor... dirty traitor... traitor? The only traitor is my father, who I never met and who gave me a start hated by the villagers.

Could it be that this incident has something to do with my father!

Chiba made a judgment.

As for Hyuga Yukage, he looked at Sandai Hokage and Hinata Shinsuke, feeling surprised: Does Master Shinsuke know about this?

The Third Hokage looked at Hinata Shinsuke, and then at Uzumaki Kushina. Neither of them spoke. Behind Ye, his hand rested lightly on Chiba's shoulder.

It's okay, the teacher is here.

Kushina didn't say anything, but the moment his hand was on Chiba's shoulder, Chiba's heart naturally filled with Kushina's reassuring words.

Chiba knew that this was not some kind of ninjutsu, nor was it her own special talent, she could know what Kushina was thinking. Rather, this is what Jiu Xinnai wanted to convey with this shot.

Chiba was slightly taken aback.

Kushina, did you follow me because you were worried about me?

"Hyuga Yutaka, the person who killed your father Hyuga Sara was not Chiba's father Taki Maya." Sandai Hokage said with a sigh.

Chiba's father and Hinata Snow Eagle's father?

Uzumaki Kushina showed a slight surprise on her face.

Sure enough, this Hinata Snow Eagle is my father who I have never met who caused me trouble?

Qianye frowned twice.

"Impossible! Everyone says, and all the evidence shows that Taki Chiba's father, Ryu Maya, a traitor, betrayed the village and was discovered by my father, who brutally killed my father!" Hyuga Snow Eagle His eyes widened slightly, full of disbelief, and he said excitedly.

Even because he was too excited, he took a step forward, and his voice became louder uncontrollably.

It turned out to be like this, because my father killed his father, so as a son, is he going to kill me for revenge?

Is it the father's debt to pay off the son?

Qianye looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle, but when he touched Hyuga Snow Eagle's face, his body trembled slightly.

Because, right now, Hyuga Snow Eagle had tears in his eyes.

"Your father died protecting Zhenye, that is, Chiba's father." At this time, Hinata Shinsuke spoke.

Protected my father?

Chiba looked at Hyuga Shinsuke in surprise, but the latter showed no sign of lying, and looked serious.

Chiba also knew that Shinsuke Hyuga was a prominent figure in the Hyuga family, so he wouldn't talk nonsense, and he had no reason to excuse the "village's sinner".

Not just Chiba, Uzumaki Kushina and Hyuga Yukaka also looked at Hinata Shinsuke with surprised faces, perhaps because they turned their heads too violently, the tears in Hyuga Yukaka's eyes flew down and floated in the air.

"You... what are you talking about? Master Shinsuke? My father actually protected that traitor? He... Did he also betray the village?"

At this time, Qianye couldn't see Hyuga Xueying's face, but he could imagine Hyuga Xueying's face of astonishment, disbelief, and panic when he heard this.

"Sara did not betray the village. Your father, Hyuga Sara, and Chiba's father, Taki Maya, they and I grew up together." Shinsuke Hinata showed nostalgic expression on his face, and sighed: "Back then, the three of us They were divided into a team, and both of them died to protect me. In the end, I was the father who killed the two of you."

"Master Shinsuke... How could it be Master Shinsuke... Impossible! The defense plan of the village was obviously stolen by Maya Taki, and it was my father who discovered it in time and reported to Lord Three Hokage, but he was given by the traitor Taki Maya. Killed, but the third Hokage managed to stop it..." Hyuga Yukage took a step back.

"I lost the village defense map!" Hyuga Shinsuke suddenly said sharply, with remorse and pain on his face.

"It's Sara and Maha who desperately took back the defense map!"

Hyuga Shinsuke looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle, and his voice dropped.

"It was me who killed them."

"This is impossible!" Hinata Snow Eagle cried out almost hysterically. Hinata Shinsuke is the father-like existence he respects the most. At this time, he heard that the resentment in the past seven years was all because of this father-like existence. His father died because of his mentor and adoptive father, obviously Hinata Xueying couldn't accept it.

Chiba looked at Hyuga Snow Eagle and Hyuga Shinsuke with eyes of "This is not true, Mr. Shinsuke, you are lying to me, this joke is not funny", pursed his lips, and gradually became dissatisfied with Hyuga Snow Eagle in his heart. Disappeared, he had a vague premonition that the biggest victim of this matter might be Hinata Xueying.

The feeling of the legacy left by the previous generation...

"At that time, as the second son of the Hinata family, I was about to be imprinted with the spell of "bird in a cage". My elder brother, who is now the head of the Hinata family, couldn't bear to let me become a branch family, but suffered from the pressure of the elders in the family. That’s why I asked Lord Hokage of the third generation to entrust me with the task of transporting the village’s defense map.” Shinsuke Hinata closed his eyes and gritted his teeth lightly: “As long as I complete such an important task and gain a certain reputation in the village, I will be considered a There is no reason for the elders in the clan to place me in the branch family."

Indeed, if there is a certain prestige and fame in the village, then this is also an honor in itself. If it is classified as a branch, this honor to the Hyuga family may be halved.

After all, the Hyuga family is dominated by the clan, and most of the people on the outside are members of the clan.

Chiba synthesized the original work, so she judged.

This contemporary Patriarch of the Hyuga family is also very thoughtful! Block the mouths of the elders with prestige and honor.

"Three generations of adults are also very embarrassed. Let me carry out such an important task alone. However, due to my brother's begging, he finally handed over the task to me." Hinata Shinsuke said.

Hearing the words, the Third Hokage took a puff of cigarette and sighed.

"Originally, everything was going well, but when I arrived at the destination, I was besieged by a group of ninjas, and the defense map was also taken away. Zuo Liang and Zhen Ye knew that I accepted this task, and also knew that I would be classified as In order to prevent me from being engraved as a "bird in a cage", I accepted my brother's commission and has been following me secretly. After the defense map was taken away, the two caught up with that Gunto Shinobi snatched the defense map back, but on the way, was attacked by a group of ninjas, in order to protect Maha, Sara brought the defense map back smoothly, and died in the hands of the enemy." Hyuga Shinsuke said.

"Then, did this Taki Maha betray the village?" Uzumaki Kushina asked, "It doesn't make sense, it's been so hard to get back the defense map, and even the partners who get along day and night are all sacrificed to protect the defense map , it is impossible for him to defect to the enemy. If he had betrayed the village before that, then he should have killed Mr. Sara."

Yes, Kushina was right.

Chiba looked at the Third Hokage.

Because the Third Hokage was taking a puff of cigarette at this time, sighed, and said, "Maha, is the hero of the village."

As soon as these words came out, Uzumaki Kushina, Chiba, and Hyuga Yutaka were all shocked, and Hinata Shinsuke's body trembled slightly.

"Actually, it wasn't just the defense plan that was attacked that day, our Konoha's Forbidden Art Room was also attacked, and the Eight Forbidden Art Dunjia was stolen..." Sandai said with a frown, thinking that the situation at that time must have been very difficult.

Eight Dunjia stolen?

Chiba was stunned for a moment, he suddenly remembered the basement under the cabin, the scroll of the Bamen Dunjia was also the opportunity for him to learn the Bamen Dunjia.

Could it be that……

"Have you found it?" Chiba blurted out.

The Third Hokage shook his head, with a worried expression on his face, and said: "It has never been found, but we also believe that this scroll should not be obtained by the soil ninja. The forbidden scroll is hidden somewhere in our village."

It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

Qianye blinked, thinking of the scroll of the Eight Gates Dunjia.

"Chiba, don't interrupt, what happened after that?" Uzumaki Kushina asked.

"After Zhen Ye took back the defense map, he returned to the village and learned about it. Then he made such a proposal. He pretended to defect with the defense map, and then let the village spread the news that he had stolen the defense map and defected. At that time, the earth ninjas will definitely find him, and then ambush good people by his side. And for the sake of verisimilitude, he requested that the news be spread in the village so that everyone knows it, and even Sara's death should be attributed to On his body, he said that he killed it. And the next thing, Masaha successfully attracted the attention of the soil ninja, and came to seize the defense map, and the soil ninja was finally killed by me. According to the information in the body of the soil ninja, We successfully tracked down all the invading soil ninjas and wiped them all out. But because of the injuries in the two battles before and after, Maha also..." Sandai did not continue, smoking a cigarette in silence.

Hyuga Shinsuke also looked sad, and said: "Later, according to the last meaning of Zhenye, in order to cover up the failure of my mission, Sandai Hokage did not clarify his rumors, and died as a traitor... And I also died because of his sacrifice. , has not been printed as a bird in a cage for the time being."

"Mahaba died as a "traitor" in order to protect the village and close friends." Third Hokage said: "He was a great ninja."

Listen to the evaluation of the three generations of Hokage.

Chiba frowned, he had no real feelings for this father, and as a time traveler, it was even more impossible for him to have any feelings for Taki Maha.

However, after hearing his deeds, Chiba felt a little regretful that he did not meet this ninja who was rated as "great" by Hokage.

Then, he laughed.

When I gave up on myself, I was still complaining about why I wasn't born into a family of awesome blood, such as the fourth generation of Hokage, Dangdang Naruto's brother and so on. For example, the Uchiha clan, playing with Sharingan or something.

but now……

It seems that his own birth is not bad.

For the sake of the village, for the companions... This Taki Maya is also a ninja who inherited the will of fire from the first generation!

It's also very face-saving!

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