Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 655 So tricky?

This matter...about those enemies who charged in, actually alarmed Konoha's senior management? Not to mention the two consultants, even Danzo has been alarmed?

Are these enemies so difficult?

Seeing the three walking ninjas standing on both sides of the desk, Qianye frowned slightly, full of doubts and surprises.

And just now, the Three Hokages also asked for the opinions of the three people... But, do we need to ask for their opinions?

Although it is indeed a bold and risky thing to send out the defense force that can barely defend the village and prevent infiltration, but this kind of transfer should not require the consent of the two advisers, Naruto is the ninja who completely controls the village In terms of transfer, consultants do not have any power. Even if they strongly oppose it, Hokage has the right to refute it, but now, they have even been asked for their opinions.

why is that?

There is also Danzo, as the dark side of Konoha, the leader of Gen, it should be impossible for him to appear in this kind of meeting of village Akari's strategic deployment, even if it is his relationship with the third Hokage, the third Hokage has no power. It may be partial to him, and it is impossible to be completely defenseless against Danzo. In the current situation, Danzo should not appear!

What's going on?

"Are there no problems?"

At this moment, the Third Hokage re-confirmed, as if they were going to make a very important decision and had to confirm it repeatedly.


But this time, what made Qianye even more surprised and puzzled was that Danzo was the first one who expressed no objection. He was still low-browed and calm, and even when he spoke, his eyes seemed to be closed. It was closed, and it didn't look like an unscrupulous conspirator with blood on his hands for the sake of the village, but a docile old man, without the aura and airs of the so-called superior, and even looked a little ordinary.

Danzo was the first to agree...

I don't know why, his first promise made me feel that this matter is a bit difficult.

However, it is also possible that Danzo doesn't care about this matter, so he sold it cheaply to the third Hokage?

It seems unlikely.

Could it be that he sincerely agrees with this idea?

Impossible... No, although Danzo is a conspirator, he does not know how many dirty things secretly, but it is undeniable that no matter what he does is right or wrong, he is doing it for Konoha, perhaps, he is also chasing the third Hokage .

He will not do things that are not good for Konoha.

The reason why he looks like a villain is because he has the opposite view of the policies of the three generations of Hokage, and what he does is not honorable or in line with the psychological principles of people who watch the original work.

My idea, if it makes him feel that it is a feasible and reliable method, is beneficial to Konoha, and conforms to his concept, it is not impossible for him to agree.

But then...

Is it really that simple?

Chiba's gaze flickered across Danzo's face. It was impossible to see anything on his face that did not change, but a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.


At this time, Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mitomonyan also expressed their opinions one after another. There was no superfluous expression on their faces, and they were still as serious as before, even Chiba couldn't see anything unusual.

On the other hand, Xiaochun turned to sleep and glanced at Qianye quietly after Qianye's gaze was withdrawn, a hint of relief and thought flashed in his eyes.

"Then, it's decided."

The Third Hokage looked left and right, took a slight breath, looked at Chiba, and said with certainty in his mouth.

Sensing the serious and solemn eyes of the Third Hokage, Chiba suppressed the habitual frowning and did not show a strange expression.

"Chiba, let me ask you, what is the success rate of this plan and how difficult it is to operate."

Although the three generations of Hokage had just said and decided three words in their mouths, it was still a question when they turned around.

It seemed that he was prudently verifying the feasibility of this plan with Chiba again.

"In terms of operational difficulty, the village's defense forces, according to the information I just saw, are experienced elites who have been working together for a long time. They cooperate tacitly, and there are also a considerable number of sentient ninjas with strong combat effectiveness. It is not difficult for them to choose the right captain to complete the plan, and the success rate is at least 70%."

Hearing Sandai Hokage's question, Chiba was not puzzled, but thought about it carefully, compared with the defense information just now, and said very cautiously.

But as soon as these words came out, the third Hokage did not reply directly, but looked at the consultants and Danzo on both sides.

Danzo still didn't respond, as if everything he heard came in from the left ear and out the right ear, and those who were silent seemed to have nothing to do with him.

But Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun nodded silently. The situation of the defense force, the Third Hokage did not hide it from them, they all knew about it, and they knew about the feasibility of the child's plan.

However, according to their estimates, there is at least a 75% success rate, and this kid is still a bit modest.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Sandai Hokage nodded in satisfaction, as if he had obtained the result he wanted.

Although I don't know what Danzo thinks, but looking at Xiaochun and Menyan, they seem to be very satisfied with Chiba, so now the biggest resistance is gone. Although this matter is a bit deviated from my expectations, but Now it's a matter of course.

Chiba's strategy on the front line, as well as our rear strategy, are too perfect. And his reaction was so quick that I was amazed. He almost said the relevant strategy after seeing the battle report and related information. Unknowingly, has Qianye grown up again?

It has grown at a speed that we can't guess!

This kid really... always makes me feel pressured. Now ordinary methods can no longer allow him to accumulate experience. His talent for strategy and tactics should not be cultivated by ordinary methods.

He is the second genius with such outstanding strategic and tactical talent since Teacher Tomon, and Teacher Token's strategic and tactical ability was honed in the flames of war, between life and death, and was created in troubled times.

And this era is no longer the same as Teacher Tomona's era. What Chiba needs is in line with this era, but it is different from the usual tempering of this era!

Then, there is no need for me to hesitate, this is the best way to accumulate experience that I can think of for Chiba at this stage!

Thinking about it, Sandai Hokage took a breath, and his face suddenly became serious.


This serious look?

And Qianye felt something keenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Taki Chiba, after the discussion and consent of the elders and advisors, I now appoint you as..."

At this time, the slightly solemn words of the Third Hokage came.

"Konoha Defense Force, Commander!"

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