Chapter 650: January

Facts have proved that Chiba's idea was wrong. Kakashi, Obito, and Rin not only come here every day, but even bring a group of friends here every day. Chiba's house has completely become a place for friends to revel .

Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, Hong, Asma... Children of almost the same age, as long as they have no missions and vacations, they will come to Chiba’s cabin spontaneously and casually, or have parties, dinners, or I just came to Chiba's log cabin to sit for a while, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by woods and away from the crowd.

Even Dimit Kai sometimes comes over to train with Chiba more than anyone else. The current winning rate is 50%, that is, 50-50. What Kai doesn't know is that when Chiba competes with him, Sword swing training was never included.

In short, the log cabin in Chiba bid farewell to the previous ignorance, and basically became a place for leisure and entertainment for the partners in the same period. It can be said that it is already quite lively.

Even Hyuga Snow Eagle would come over sometimes, of course his purpose was definitely not to look at Chiba, but from his behavior and words, he seemed to regard the cabin as a place where he could experience freedom like everyone else. It can relieve the pressure. Although every time he comes here, there will always be sparks that go wrong with Qianye, and even fight directly, but this does not prevent him from coming here at all. He even doesn't care about Qianye's cynicism at all. Of course, he also taunted back in the end, and basically ended up with a big fight.

However, it seems to be a convention, an unwritten agreement. Although everyone came to the cabin to play and have fun, they basically avoided it consciously when Chiba was practicing, and they mostly played around in the house. , Xue Nai, and Nao are not there, they can enjoy themselves, they don't care that the owner of the house is not there, and they completely regard the cabin as a public facility.

As for the reactions of Chiba, Hirohiko, Yukina, and Nao, they were basically in a state of laissez-faire. First, no matter how noisy they were, they would always pack up and go back. They even did a lot less housework.

Second, when they come over, they sometimes stay for dinner and dinner, and basically bring ingredients, or use local materials to go fishing. Kakashi, Obito, and Genma basically do this every time they come. It can save a lot of expenses, and both Hirohiko and Chiba welcome it.

Third, they don't hate this lively atmosphere.

By the way, during this period, Kakashi's vacation seems to be over. He came every day for the first half month, but came every other day for the second half month. Three days ago, he threw his fishing rod Here, I told Chiba that he was going to perform a long-term mission, so I lent this fishing rod to Hirohiko. At that time, Hirohiko went to accept the public mission of the village, so he was not there.

And Lin and Obito also started to release some missions, and the time was also staggered from Kakashi's. It's been a long time since I heard Obito's madness. Xue Nai was quite worried about Lin. Sometimes when she came back from buying vegetables, she would stay at the entrance of the village for a while, hoping to see Lin and the others come back. In this month, she actually let her stay there twice. And in the past month, Xue Nai's worries have gradually faded away. She has understood that during this period, the frontline battles are becoming more and more fierce, and the village will not send them on dangerous missions. Most of them are logistics missions with elite protection , It's all for gaining experience, the danger is not great, but Obito is often dissatisfied that he is not performing dangerous tasks like Kakashi.

And when it comes to Hirohiko, this guy Chiba really thinks he is an expert at making money, and his ability to make money has been blown up by hundreds of streets. In the past month, Hirohiko has been going out intermittently to pick up people who can be found at the task distribution office as long as they have ninja qualifications. The public missions he has received have already earned more than one thousand taels, which relieved a lot of pressure on Chiba to supplement herbal medicine.

Moreover, intuitively, Chiba felt that this kid's strength was steadily improving.

During this month, besides fully adapting to the 5000-base training, Chiba has also achieved great results in the improvement of medicines. Although he is still far away from complete improvement, he has at least proved that three solutions are effective. Yes, what needs to be done next is to further strengthen and improve these plans and eliminate failure cases.

At the same time, during this month, relying on Yukina's white eyes to observe patiently, as well as asking Watanabe Hiroshi to conduct a few body checks on Nao, plus Tsunade's medical records, Chiba has already had a good understanding of Nao's condition. With a three-dimensional understanding, although it is impossible to find the law of chaotic chakra, and there is no way to cure it, he has great confidence in improving Nao's situation and stabilizing his condition.

During this period, he also thought about using the sealing technique to treat Nao, but in the end he rejected it. Long-term sealing of Chakra would cause more damage to the body. And now with his sealing technique, he can't reach the level of completely sealing Chakra, let alone for a long time.

All in all, although this month has been tumultuous, everything is proceeding smoothly according to Chiba's plan.

According to this progress, by the end of the year, all of Chiba's goals should be achieved without wind or waves.

And one month later, on this morning, Qianye slowly sat up from the bed, and at 7:30 on time, he was about to start training.

"you're awake?"

At this time, Hirohiko's voice came from the front door. Chiba looked subconsciously, but saw that Hirohiko had finished dressing and was sitting at the front door tying his shoelaces.

So early?

Chiba was slightly taken aback. In the past month, Hirohiko basically got up at about the same time, and I haven't seen him get up earlier than her, uh...except for the day of the group photo.

"Why so early?"

But the thoughts in his mind turned, and he asked subconsciously.

"Well, I received a mission, and I may not be able to come back for three to five days."

Hirohiko replied casually.

"Frontline mission?"

Qianye quickly realized that if it was a task of leaving the village for a month, it was impossible not to come back for three to five days.


Hirohiko nodded and didn't say much.

However, Qianye didn't ask, but frowned.

It seems that Hirohiko does not have my treatment, but still has to perform the tasks that the third Hokage thinks is necessary.

I don't know what's going on with the battle on the front line now, I only know that it's getting worse and worse, and the situation of a decisive battle has emerged.

I hope Hirohiko has not received any combat missions.

A little bit of worry arose in his heart, but in the end when Hongyan said goodbye and left, he just said "be careful in everything" and didn't ask.

And when Hongyan was about to reach the path, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly chased after him: "Hongyan, wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Chiba's voice, Hirohiko stopped, looked back at Chiba who was running, and said doubtfully.

"This, take it, eat it when it's dangerous."

Chiba stopped in front of Hirohiko, and handed him a small cloth bag, which seemed to contain some kind of round ball-like thing.


Hirohiko didn't know why, so he asked.

"It has not been developed yet, and the side effects are relatively large. It may cause coma and shock. Do not eat it unless it is dangerous."

But before he could ask, Chiba replied.

Not developed yet...

Hearing this, Hirohiko couldn't help sweating at the back of his head, his poker face almost pulled.

However, after hearing what Qianye said, he also understood what it was, nodded and said, "In other words, it can be used in battle."


Chiba nodded.

"I see."

Hongyan suppressed the helplessness of becoming a guinea pig, put away the things, and said, "I don't think I'll need this thing."

"That would be the best."

Chiba smiled slightly.

"I'm leaving."

Hirohiko turned and left.

"Be careful."

Saying that, Chiba watched Hirohiko leave, and turned around until he disappeared into the woods and disappeared.

But at this moment, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

Afterwards, he blurted out.

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