Chapter 647 Almost!

So sharp!

Almost found again!

The figure of the man with the fox mask suddenly appeared on the branches of the lush trees in the woods outside the cabin, but his face under the mask was a little pale.

Just now, he was about to move away from the original surveillance location with the target. It was just a small movement at that time, and he was almost spotted by that Taki Chiba. He was exposed.

This Taki Chiba is actually so sharp.

At this moment, the man with the fox mask was still in shock. If he was discovered, he would definitely die.

"I was saved by you."

And at this time, behind him, the cold voice sounded again, the sudden sound made the man in the fox mask stiffen and almost trembled, but he was a trained ninja after all, he was still in shock and frightened One jump, but on the surface, he basically hasn't changed in any way.


And after the voice sounded, when he replied, he had already calmed down the emotions in his heart, and said very calmly.


After being frightened several times, this kid has grown up a bit? He should have been frightened just now. There was a slight change in the curvature of his back, and he even felt stiff, but he didn't expect that he had calmed down in less than a second while he was replying.

Maybe there is a reason why Danzo-sama did not follow the standard procedure to promote this kid.

Danzo-sama, do you like him very much?

That's why he was sent here to perform a task that an intern would not have been able to perform.

Behind the man in the fox mask, the tall and thin man also wearing the fox mask narrowed his eyes slightly, and in his eyes was the man in the fox mask looking down from an angle, while many thoughts flashed through his mind repressedly.

Forget it, since it's Danzo-sama's intention, then I must do my best to complete the task of training this kid. Although I helped a bit just now, this kid's teleportation and stealth skills have a certain degree of fire. In an instant, I'm afraid I can't do better than him.

There is still merit in this point, and the response is quite fast.

Perhaps, my previous evaluation of him was a little low.

Well, since this is the case, there is no need to kill him for the time being.

Thinking of this, the tall and thin man in the fox mask slowly let go of the war blade on his back.

The killing intent subsided.

At the same time, the man in the fox mask breathed a sigh of relief. His strength was far inferior to that of the man behind him. If he wanted to kill him, he would have no power to resist. He would be killed almost instantly. He had already learned the lesson when Danzo-sama chose the captain of the two-person team. If Danzō-sama hadn't stopped him, he would have been killed by the sword.

oh? Can you feel my vague killing intent?

This feeling is also good!

The eyes of the tall and thin man who let go of the war blade reflected the change in the neck of the man in the fox mask just now, thinking with great interest.

It's just that Taki Chiba's reaction...

However, after the interesting reaction, the brows of the tall and thin man frowned. The reaction of the young man whom he was also deeply afraid of just now was beyond his expectation. He was able to detect the silent change in an instant. Even he was a little unbelievable, the actions just now were all in his eyes, the actions of the kid in front of him can be said to be perfect, even a quasi-S-level master, as long as it is not a perception ninja, it is basically impossible to detect it, but this Taki However, Qianye noticed it immediately, and almost didn't have time to hide away.

As expected, this matter cannot be delayed any longer, and we must report to Lord Danzo immediately. The improvement of Taki Chiba's strength is too unimaginable. From the time he shined at the age of seven to now, in just three years, he already has The strength of the elite Jonin, the quasi-S-level combat power, and the unforgivable thing he did to Danzo-sama, it is also doomed that he is absolutely impossible to be Danzo-sama's friend. For Danzo-sama, his changes , we cannot ignore it.

Thinking about it, the narrowed eyes of the tall and thin man slowly widened, he handed out a scroll from his arms, and said, "Leave this to me for the time being, and you will immediately hand over this information to Lord Danzo."

The scroll that was suddenly handed out from his ear made the fox masked man's back tense again, but when he saw clearly that it was just a scroll, not a war blade, his tense back immediately relaxed, and he took the scroll immediately, without hesitation. said: "Yes."


The tall and thin man spoke.


The man in the fox mask didn't say much, and disappeared on the branch in a flash.

"Taki Chiba..."

But the tall and thin man didn't even look at the man in the fox mask, his gaze was always on the ten-year-old boy behind the small wooden house a little far away in front of the forest leaves.

You don't need to cause Danzo-sama any unnecessary trouble, just be active under the light of the three generations of Hokage-sama, if you dare to step into the dark world and disrupt Danzo-sama's plan, no matter how strong you are, you will must die

In his heart, there was this violent thought, as well as a trace of uneasiness that he couldn't suppress.

Then, he took a slight breath, and walked in a certain direction, silently.


But at this time, Chiba, who had resumed his physical training, frowned slightly, and looked away from the black cat that jumped down from the tree branch, the emerald green brilliance in his eyes had already dissipated.

Is it my illusion?

Or am I mistaken?

In his mind, such a doubtful thought unconsciously rose up.

Just now he clearly felt a gaze, the same gaze as he felt in the woods and river, on the branch where the black cat jumped off.

However, when he subconsciously turned on the injury door mode and looked over there, he only saw the black cat that was staring at him just now, and now it was pacing the catwalk and heading towards the village, his face was shaking. The black cat that doesn't flick him.

This cat should not be a ninja cat, no matter how you look at it, it is an ordinary cat. If it was an ordinary cat, then maybe it was just an illusion just now, because I was too suspicious.

And if it was Ninja Cat, how could it let me see it openly, I am afraid that the cat would have disappeared when I passed by in the blink of an eye.

If a ninja cat with a certain degree of intelligence is used to monitor me, it is absolutely impossible for me to find out.

Am I being too sensitive?

Moreover, now that I am in the village, there seems to be no one who needs to watch me.


It seems that there is a person...

No, if it is Danzo, how could his root surveillance be discovered so easily by me, even twice.

Although Danzo is not favored by others, his strength and the root organization under him are by no means ordinary people.


After thinking about it for a while, Chiba once again classified this matter as an illusion.

Focus on training now!

At the same time, his attention returned to training.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of boxing stakes seems to be heavier and faster!

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