Chapter 638 Group Photo

Now it seems that you really can't wear this dress to take a group photo!

In the slightly dark corridor, Chiba looked at the clothes she was wearing that had been taken off and put her eyes aside, and glanced at the already dense patches, and an idea came to her mind.

In the past three years, even though this dress is my newest one, Xue Nai still made so many patches.

Feeling the unique warmth of the sun on the new clothes on her body, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

In the past three years, he has developed ninjutsu, necessary physical training, and some usual carelessness. Although his clothes have been added, they are also damaged very quickly. He would not choose to throw away clothes that he couldn't fit because of his physical growth. As long as he could wear them, he would save money on clothes as much as he could.

Moreover, Qianye usually doesn't care about how he wears, clothes and so on. At most, he thinks about practicality, whether it is strong or not, and whether it is convenient or inconvenient to move. As for the style and color, he has no preference or pickiness. If these two conditions are met, basically he will never refuse to wear it.

Even, in the past few years, occasionally going out shopping with Xue Nai, Xue Nai can't help but buy him a few decent clothes, but Chiba refuses them all because of the price, and eventually it always turns into going to the village thrift store, buy a few cheap things.

In this regard, Xue Nai can only repair Chiba's really worn out clothes. The existence of Xue Nai has saved Chiba a lot of money, and now she can afford the weight-bearing props of the body size, Xue Nai It can be said that the credit is the greatest.

However, what Qianye doesn't know is that in private, when Xue Nai and Lin sometimes meet, they will complain like this sister who is one or two years older that Chiba is too incapable of taking care of herself, living with him, and her own needlework Life is much better.

Lin always smiled at this, and if there was Hong beside her, after Lin smiled, Hong's eyes widened and she sighed silently in her heart.

Qianye is really an idiot in cultivation, isn't there anything else in his head besides cultivation and eating?

At the same time, Hong is still relatively shy now, and sometimes has some bold thoughts, such as "Only a stubborn girl like Xue Nai believes that he will never let go. If it were someone else, she would not be able to bear it long ago." "I'm really worried about Xue Nai. If they get married in the future, even if they are the eldest daughter of the Hinata family, with such a husband, I'm afraid life will be unbearable." It will make Xue Nai so desperate. As the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, she has temperament and beauty. I heard that when she lived in Chiba's house, many boys in the village, even seniors who were several years older than us, had Many are devastated, heartbroken and depressed.”

"Then, let's go out..."

Qianye picked up the old clothes and touched the snow-white clothes on his body. The soft touch made his heart feel warm for no reason.

Then, he took a slight breath, and walked out slowly, towards the light.

I don't know, how about wearing it?

I don't feel any inconvenience, and although the fabric is soft, it is very resilient and strong.

Qianye had such a thought in his mind.


In another place, on the rock statue of the Second Hokage, the old man known as "Grandpa Zang" was tremblingly stuffing his dentures into his mouth, then turned his head suddenly, and with a sound of "pimple", the bones turned In the voice, staring at Jiu Xinnai, said a heavy "hmm!", and pointed to the cube covered by the black cloth.


Hearing this sound and noticing Grandpa Zang's gaze, Jiu Xinnai hurriedly said, and quickly turned around to fiddle with the cube covered by the black cloth. It looked attentive and cautious.


Looking at it like this, is Grandpa Tibetan really invited here?

And hearing Grandpa Zang's voice, Hirohiko and Yukina, who looked away from the dim corridor entrance, couldn't help feeling suspicious when they saw Kushina's appearance.

It was the first time for them to see their teacher like this.

At the same time, they also confirmed that this cube should be a camera. At this moment, Mr. Kushinai has taken out the tripod from under the black cloth and set it up. It is clear at a glance that it is a camera.


At this time, Grandpa Zang's rickety body tremblingly propped up from the ground, and he was standing up from the ground bit by bit. With this simple movement, Grandpa Zang stopped and gasped three times.


It must have been tied up by our teacher!

Grandpa Zang is almost a hundred years old at this age, he must have retired, and our teacher must have brought him here forcibly.

Seeing Grandpa Zang's appearance, Hirohiko and Yuki Nai immediately denied their previous thoughts.

"Okay! Grandpa Tibetan."

At this time, Kushina moved the set up camera back, adjusted the appropriate distance, and spoke respectfully.


At this time, Grandpa Zang had already managed to stand up. After taking a few breaths, he took his hand back and found a crutch, stopped him, and made him trembling and almost collapsed in a second. The lower body is supported.

Hearing Jiu Xinnai's words, Grandpa Zang nodded with a serious face, and then, leaning on a cane, he took a step forward.

A very small step, almost a small slip on the ground.

However, at this moment, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's eyes widened slightly. At the moment of this step, they felt the same sense of oppression as on the battlefield. .

The bodies of the two of them tensed up.

"Look carefully, as Konoha's strongest photographer ever, his dedication to taking pictures has already turned into aura."

At some point, Kushina had already arrived behind them, and suddenly said.

And hearing this game, Hirohiko and Xue Nai nodded seriously at the same time, this is like the feeling on the battlefield, it is genuine.

At this moment, Grandpa Zang took another step, with even more momentum, and the oppressive force rushed towards him.


The sound of footsteps falling was like stepping on their hearts.


Unconsciously, the two swallowed.

"Hoo hoo..."

Then, Grandpa Zang, who moved a few centimeters, gasped violently, and the sense of oppression disappeared instantly.


Unconsciously, the corners of Hirohiko's and Xue Nai's mouths twitched at the same time.

No matter how strongest he is, he is not a grandfather who is about to die!

"I'm back."

At this time, Chiba's voice came from the corridor entrance.

Immediately, the three of them looked together.


Qiqi was stunned!

I saw a black-haired young man slowly walking out of the dim corridor. His white clothes were like snow, in the style of a short-breasted kimono. Red flames were embroidered on the neckline, cuffs, and black belt wrapping. The hem was knee-length, below was a pair of black trousers, neither loose nor tight, it looked a little leisurely, and on the feet were a pair of black ninja shoes.

In the strong wind, the wide sleeves fluttered, giving him a somewhat chic feeling.

But in the fluttering of the slightly long hair, that handsome and delicate face has a bit of determination, and the dark eyes seem to be bottomless, like the most charming whirlpool, which can almost catch the eye. People suck it in, it's indescribably handsome.

The so-called people rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles.

Chiba, who is dressed in snow, looks handsome and unrestrained at the moment, almost charming!

Even beauties and handsome men like Xue Nai and Hirohiko were a bit overshadowed.

At this moment, in their eyes, Qianye under the sun seemed to be coated with a layer of brilliance.

"Qian... Ye?"

After being stunned for a while, when Chiba's footsteps hesitated a little, the three of them murmured.

Qianye's change made them so surprised that they could barely speak.

Even, Xue Nai's face was slightly flushed.

So... so handsome...

A trace of disbelief flashed across Hirohiko's face.

This guy changed his clothes, as if he was a different person. Now I find that Xue Nai's eyes seem to be very vicious!

As for Jiu Xinnai, there was also surprise on his face.

Although I knew that Chiba would definitely change drastically, but it was not very high, and the effect was so good, I guess Xue Nai's heart is pounding like a deer now.

The current Chiba is almost as good as the Minato at that time!


At this time, while the three of them were in a daze, Grandpa Zang's serious cough suddenly sounded. The three of them shuddered almost in unison, and suddenly came back to their senses.

"Come on, Chiba, let's take a photo together!"

Kushina hurriedly said.


On the other hand, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's eyes widened, and they suddenly looked at the camera, only to see that at some point, Grandpa Tibetan's crooked body had already got into the black cloth.

"Oh, here we come!"

The three of them, who were still in awe at first, even thought that they were Chiba who was wearing the wrong clothes. When they heard Kushina's greeting, they glanced at Grandpa Zang who was about to take a photo, and hurriedly responded and ran away. come over.

Soon, the four of them stood together, facing the camera.


And at this time, under the black cloth, Grandpa Zang's trembling voice sounded like his body.

"Speaking of which, don't be too surprised. Grandpa Zang's level of photography is so good that even ghosts can't escape."

At this time, Kushina shortened his body, seemed to adjust his position, and said proudly.

Ghosts can't escape?

As soon as these words were said, the bodies of the three of Qianye tensed up instantly, and the sudden sound frightened them directly.


Before they could have other thoughts in their minds, the shutter on the camera was already pressed.

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