Chapter 63 Random

"Water escape, the art of water bombs!"

Shui Gulin made mudras with his hands, and spit out water bombs from his mouth.

"Water escape, water flow wall!"

Almost at the same time, Bai Chuanquan finished making seals, and pressed his hands to the ground. Immediately, a wall of water broke through the ground and stood upright.

"Boom boom boom!"

The water splashed everywhere, and the water bomb hit the water wall, making a muffled sound, but the sound was like a hard object hitting the wall.

The water bombs shattered, and the wall of water splashed down.


The two kunai shot out from behind the water wall at the moment the water wall splashed down, and went straight to Shui Gulin.

Shui Gulin's pupils contracted slightly, the timing of these two kumai was well grasped, the water bomb didn't work, and he was preparing for the next ninjutsu. These two kunai just interrupted his knot seal.

This Shirakawa Izumi...

When Kuna shot at him, Shui Gulin could only dodge sideways, and with two whirring sounds, Kuna flew away from both sides.

Then, his eyes widened slightly.

After Kunai's tail, the two pieces of paper stretched straight in the wind.

"It's over..." Everything on the field was reflected in Qianye's eyes, and Qianye made the following judgment.

"Yes!" Xue Nai nodded aside.

"Not bad." Hirohiko nodded, speaking concisely.

"Mizutani Rin's reaction was a bit slow after all," Chiba said, recalling their battle in his mind.

Both of them are ninjutsu-type ninjas, and both of them are water escape ninjas. They both chose to distance themselves at the first time, and fought several times. Because of the previous battle with Chiba, Rin Mizutani was not in perfect physical condition after all. The water escape technique used, such as the water chaos wave and the water clear wave before this water bomb, is inferior to Bai Chuanquan in terms of power, and even the last water bomb can only spit out 3 pieces, and none of them hits. Through the water wall, the reason why the water wall splashed down was that Bai Chuanquan lifted the spell.

And this Shirakawa Izumi is also a very calm ninja. Although he is not very old, he is also very proficient in water escape, which should be similar to Mizutani Lin in his heyday. I have more spare time.


Two clouds of fire and smoke exploded in the arena, and two Kunai's detonating talismans exploded, immediately blasting Shui Gulin into the air, and fell to the ground with a "poof".

Damn it! lost!

Shui Gulin closed her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth, half because of pain, half because of unwillingness in her heart.

At this time, he had already lost, the explosion of the detonating talisman was too close, his ears were ringing, and with the slight concussion before, he knew that he could no longer compete, and if he continued to compete, he might die .

At that time, the test officer will also come to stop him, which he knows very well.

Bai Chuanquan seemed to be looking at Shui Gulin lying on the ground, although there was a slight smile on his face, but he was not very happy.

After all, he already knew the opponent's state halfway through the fight, and it was normal to win.

At this time, the water flow in the field gradually converged to some low-lying places, forming some small puddles.

The amount of chakra of these two children is also good, they are very proficient in water escape, and they both have the strength of Chunin. There are really some good seedlings out.

Namikaze Minato saw it in his eyes, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Afterwards, he stepped forward to check Shui Gulin's injury, and made a judgment.

"The second trial of the Chunin exam, the fourth competition, Shirakawa Izumi, win!"

Afterwards, the members of the medical class hurried forward and carried Shui Gulin back to the infirmary, and Bai Chuanquan also returned to the auditorium of the participants.

At this time, no matter the audience seats of the test participants or the audience seats of ordinary people, there was a lot of discussion.

"This is so unfair! Mizutani's strength won't lose so easily..."

"Yeah, this is entirely a matter of rules."

"It's a pity, Mizutani."

The three of Chiba kept a distance from the group of three or five test takers, forming a small group and watching the field silently.

"Xue Nai, Hirohiko, you should know the real intention of this rule." Chiba said suddenly.

"Of course." Hirohiko nodded.

"We must consider using the least labor-saving method to defeat the opponent. A battle should not consume too much. It also tests our mentality. If a game is just over, we will randomly move to the next game. The mentality is very important. Don't be fooled by the kind To end a battle, it must be affected by the mentality of being at a disadvantage. Teacher Jiuxinnai said that no matter when and where, one must calmly and objectively judge the strength of the opponent, the pros and cons of the situation, and maintain a normal mind." Xue Nai said .

"Also, don't set your own limit." Chiba said.

"Yes." Hirohiko and Xue Nai nodded at the same time.

"Hey! This is so unfair! My son hasn't recovered at all! Damn it! If it wasn't for his imperfect condition, my son wouldn't have lost!" Obviously, it was Shui Gulin's father who started making noises and was immediately attracted Many eyes.

Shui Gu Lin's mother quickly pulled him to sit down, and then smiled apologetically to the people who came to pay attention.

"Huh!" Under the restraint of Shui Gulin's mother, although Shui Gulin's father was not making noise, he snorted in extreme dissatisfaction.

Qianye took a look, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Is this guy really a Chunin? Haven't you seen the real intention of the rules?

Then, Qianye's eyes fell on the big screen. At this time, Shui Gulin was carried away, Bai Chuanquan had returned to the auditorium, and the fifth competition was about to begin. The big screen has also turned at this time.

When Chiba looked over, the first row of names had stopped.

Hyuga Snow Eagle!

"It's Snow Eagle!"

Immediately, all the contestants looked at Hinata Snow Eagle who was standing alone somewhere with her chest folded. At this time, Hyuga Snow Eagle frowned slightly, pointing his finger on his arm irritably.

Apparently he got a little impatient for waiting, but when he saw his name, he snorted coldly and glanced at Qianye slightly from the corner of his eye.

In his eyes, there were three parts of impatience, three parts of anger, three parts of killing intent, and a part of hatred hidden in his heart.

Chiba, who had undergone the baptism of the murderous spirit of the Jōnin, could naturally feel this murderous gaze, and Qianye looked back at the past unwilling to be outdone.

In the air, at the point where the eyes of the two met, it seemed that sparks were about to burst out.

Then, the two turned their heads and looked at the second row that was turning.

It must be me!

It must be Taki Chiba!

Both of them have such an idea.

Chiba quietly clenched the railing.

This Hyuga Snow Eagle is always stuck in his throat if he doesn't get rid of it. It's better to end it early, so as not to have another competition when he encounters him after exhausting too much physical strength, it will inevitably be too disadvantageous. So, just this one, the decisive battle.

Hyuga Snow Eagle also pointed his arms anxiously.

Random is such a hassle! Hurry up and give me random to Taki Chiba!

At this time, the names of the second row were decided.

The two looked at it, and everyone looked at it.

"Hey! Snow Eagle and this kid?"

"Hey, there's a good show to watch!"

"Snow Eagle must help us teach this kid a lesson!"

The test takers whispered.

Xue Nai and Hirohiko also frowned slightly.

Namikaze Minato in the arena also frowned.

Kushina Uzumaki quietly clenched her fists in the audience, with a smile on her lips.

Second row of names.

Taki Chiba!

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