Chapter 625 Balance of Formula

From this point of view, it is indeed the only way to choose to hang his life. I am afraid that Tsunade also wants to take care of Nao's body slowly. After reading this medical certificate, it is even more certain that the medicines for daily use and serious illness are for maintenance. The body uses it, including getting more sleep.

However, the medicines in the village are still limited, and there should be better substitutes for many medicines. No, it should be said that some medicines in the formula are substitutes for these better medicines. Is this to take care of Hiroko?

If the medicines with better efficacy were used, at least two kinds of medicines were not available in Muye Village, and the prices of the remaining better medicines were not acceptable to Hiroko.

Even with the current formula, it is estimated that Hongyan's life will be very tight.

I used to think that Hirohiko was richer than me, but now I always feel a little sorry for Hirohiko. The reason why he has more ninja tools in his ninja tool bag than me is probably because the cost of herbs is a little cheaper than mine...

He is actually living a tight life!

Under the flickering of the candlelight, Qianye slowly put down the scroll, and tea was being poured into the exquisitely crafted wooden cup next to it, making a "hululu" sound.

"How about it?"

At this time, Hirohiko, who had half stood up, sat down gently, and the teapot spout slowly left the wooden cup beside Chiba, and with a "duh", it was placed on the small square table.

"There should be a method. According to Tsunade-sama's medical certificate, Nao's illness is not a terminal illness. Although Chakra confusion is very troublesome, Nao's body can still be restored through medical treatment, but the formula still needs to be cured. Certain improvements will take time. As for curing Nao’s chakra disorder, it will also take time, but as long as the medicine can nourish Nao’s body, no matter how long it takes, it won’t be a problem. Even Nao’s blindness, there are also some It may be cured." Qianye replied truthfully, since Hirohiko asked about this, Chiba did not intend to hide it, but in the words, some difficult descriptions were somewhat subtracted, so that at least it would not make people feel uncomfortable. Hiroko was too worried.

As for the difficulty, although Chiba didn't say anything, he knew that Tsunade's formula had reached a certain limit, a certain balance, that is, the balance between Hirohiko's economic ability and the efficacy of the medicine. The medicine is already at its limit, and there is almost no room for improvement, unless Chiba prepares a prescription composed of expensive medicines that Hiroko cannot afford at all.

Obviously, this is not OK.

Although Konoha Village is prosperous and the third Hokage is lenient, it is not a charity. Even if the third Hokage will provide all the medicines, it is impossible to supply them for a long time. Among the formulas with the best curative effect that Chiba thought of based on Tsunade's formula, There are some expensive medicines, and Konoha will be painful to use, not to mention long-term supply.

Which medicines are expensive and rare, and the medical knowledge scroll left by Tsunade on the medicinal properties, types of herbal medicines, and types of chemical medicines are actually marked. Among them, Chiba also knows a little about the market.


Hearing this, Hirohiko nodded and didn't say anything. The face under the candlelight was still the familiar poker face, without any change.

However, with this simple sound, Chiba could hear Hirohiko's confidence in himself, as well as the faint tone of "I can't put any pressure on Chiba".

I'm afraid, when he nodded just now, what flashed in Hirohiko's mind was "No matter what Chiba says, I can't put too much pressure on him. Nao's condition is cured well or not, so I can't put too much pressure on Chiba." ..." Such a thought.

Although it didn't appear on the surface, what Hirohiko said clearly meant that he didn't have any hope for Nao's condition, and at the same time he didn't want to put too much pressure on me. Even if I didn't say anything about some things, he actually knew it well. Avoiding such things as difficulty is probably superfluous.

Perhaps, this is also good, if there is no hope, Hongyan can at least be calm in this regard, and will not be shaken by some inevitable failures, which is undoubtedly beneficial to him.

After all, although the third Hokage may freeze me, there is no reason to freeze Hirohiko, a genius who is also the seed of the future.

Hirohiko may still be sent on a mission.

As for Xue Nai, I am afraid that there will be no more missions. She is originally from the Hyuga clan, and this mission is probably an outlier among the outliers.

Gently rolling up the scroll of the medical certificate, Chiba calmly flashed a series of thoughts, sat up slightly, glanced at Hirohiko who lowered his head to read after putting down the teapot, and said, "What kind of book is this?" ?”

While talking, Qianye vaguely saw the word "Ninja Biography" at the end of the cover of the book. It must be a biographical novel. Although this is an era of war, there are always some literary works that become popular.

Chiba remembers that Hirohiko also likes this kind of books quite a lot. It seems that Hirohiko said that he would read some novels and manga when he rests. Of course, these novels and manga are all novels and manga in the world of Naruto, and have nothing to do with those in the previous life. .

"Huh? This is the sample issue that the publishing house gave me. It said it will be released soon, and I want to give my opinion. Uh... the reward is considered a D-level mission."

Hearing Chiba's question, Hirohiko raised his head, turned a page in his hand, and said.


Chiba nodded. In fact, he didn't care too much, and didn't ask too much, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of the "sex" exposed on the title page of "Ninja Biography" because Hirohiko turned the page, and the " The radical of the word "wood" above "nature" seems to be half of a certain word.

It turns out that it's extra money... However, the publishing house specially sent him a sample issue for him to judge. Could it be that Hongyan's novels are actually very good?

After all, you can make extra money by appreciating novels...

At the same time, a slightly surprising thought popped into his mind.

"I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'll go to bed first."

After thinking about it, Qianye carefully put away the medical certificate, stood up, and spread out the quilt next to her.

"Well, then I'll go to bed too, it's getting late."

While Chiba was laying out the quilt, Hirohiko also put away the novel, turned around and spread out the quilt next to him, and moved their teacups to the middle of the small square table to avoid falling.

Not long after, the two of them laid the ground floor.

Because after the dining table was moved into the kitchen room, the place where Chiba and Hirohiko laid the floor was obviously much more spacious. However, the space of this log cabin is not very big. There is only a small square table between the mattresses of the two. Only one person can move around. On the other two sides of the mattress, one is the wall of the front door, and the other is the wall of the back door. If the dining table is not moved, neither of them will be able to sleep.

This is also one of the reasons for widening the kitchen, freeing up space for Hirohiko to lay the floor.


Chiba blew out the candle and lay down.

"Good night."

he said.

"OK, good night."

At this time, Hirohiko had already lay down.

After saying goodnight to each other, both of them closed their eyes.

Tomorrow, there are still many things to do.

Such a thought popped up in both of their hearts.

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