Chapter 613: Critical moment!

"In the end, the mission went relatively smoothly. Taking advantage of the fear of the enemy Yanyin, I finally wiped them out. I don't know what happened next because I was in a coma."

Chiba breathed a sigh of relief and ended the narration, and Chiba's narration was very detailed. Basically, after he arrived at the mission location, he informed the Third Hokage of all his actions in detail, even the complicated plan , he handed them all over to the Three Hokages.

It's just that, in some key places in the narrative, he often inadvertently added a few words describing the attitude of the enemy towards him with fear or even fear.


But at this moment, the Third Hokage looked at Chiba's plan, with admiration in his eyes, and he groaned for a long time.

Just passing such a plan solved the most critical problem in the encirclement and created a state of balance.


It is not a state of balance, it is to let Yan Yin, who is most likely to lose control, feel at ease and ease up, and let Yun Yin, who was originally indifferent, be restrained because of Yan Yin's relationship, and even use this plan to let Yan Yin attack Yun Yin, Abolish the already unstable agreement between the two parties, and change the situation from dealing with Yan Yin and Yun Yin to dealing with Yan Yin or Yun Yin...

Chiba's strategy is unexpected but reasonable. He can always resolve situations that ordinary people find extremely difficult.

This time, relying only on this volume of planning, they secretly separated Yanyin and Yunyin, causing the unbreakable encirclement to disintegrate from the inside in a sense, and made perfect use of the contradictory and complicated relationship between Yanyin and Yunyin , It can be called a perfect completion of this task.

His level of strategy is unmatched in the whole village, even Lu Jiu seems to be a little bit worse.

Now, he is only a little younger and lacks a little experience, otherwise, this kid will definitely be able to do it...

no no no!

I was too anxious. This matter still needs to be carefully thought out. It can only be settled after he grows up and has thoroughly experienced this battle. Even, there will be four generations by then. Discuss with the fourth generation.

However, I believe that no matter who it is, they will not have the qualifications of Chiba.

What's more, the child's behavior of protecting his companions at all costs during the mission, as well as the final decision on the Taki Maya incident...

This child is not only extremely talented, but even though he is treated coldly or even rejected by the village, his heart is as warm as fire...

It was a blessing for the village that he was born in the village!

At the same time, the third Hokage also gave Chiba the highest evaluation in his heart, and even, the third Hokage's worries about the future of the village, because of Chiba's appearance, there is one less.

But looking at the third Hokage who was focusing on the plan, Chiba felt a little uneasy.

I don’t know, after listening to my narration, whether the third Hokage can detect the key to the banditry, if he can detect it, then during this period of time, he will definitely not send me out on missions, so I will have more time to complete the mission. train.

However, if the three generations of Hokage didn't notice those key things, then I would still be sent to the mission. There is no way for a ninja to refuse the mission, especially the mission issued by Hokage himself. to finish.

After all, ninjas exist to complete tasks. Although in this world of Naruto, ninjas are a routine profession, they also have a sense of "brightness". However, this cannot change the essence of the ninja - to complete the task!

And from now on, between the battle of Kanna Kun Bridge, if I will still be assigned tasks, it will be difficult to improve much.

Even, the originally scheduled gymnastics training was basically in vain, and Que Shan's practice was basically impossible.

Although this is a report, it is actually the key to determining whether I can change my fate in the future and even the Battle of Shenwu Kunqiao!

Chiba unconsciously took a breath.

He has finished his narrative, and now he is waiting for the reaction of the third hokage, and just now the third hokage told him to leave, but stopped him, and then asked him to report, this situation, Chiba can already faintly feel something.

In the current situation, either the Third Hokage still has some ignorance about this mission. After all, Hirohiko and Xue Nai acted separately from him halfway through. Maybe the Third Hokage wants to hear about his situation.

Or the Third Hokage may have found something from the scroll he put down without a trace just now, and asked him to report, and the defense map incident has ended, everything has been settled, there is no way that the scroll is missing from the defense map incident The problem is that it is very likely that something happened on the battlefield where the fighting is becoming more and more fierce. The Third Hokage needs to make some arrangements, and these arrangements require him. detail.

And judging from the situation of "Three Hokage asked him to retreat, and then called him to stop, and the time in between should be the time when Third Hokage just finished reading this scroll", it is estimated that among the two possibilities, the later are more likely.

In other words, according to his own narrative, the Third Hokage may entrust him with front-line war missions!

But now Chiba would definitely not want to carry out frontline war missions.

This narrative is actually very important!

If the third generation of Hokage asked Chiba to go to the mission now, Chiba would have to go. It is wartime, no, even if it is not wartime, disobeying Hokage's order and not performing the mission is definitely a very serious matter.

No matter how much Chiba contributes to the village, and how tolerant the Third Hokage is, regardless of his refusal, and even relying on Chiba not to let him carry out the mission, his loyalty to the village will still be reassessed, then, He would definitely not be able to participate in such a critical battle as the Battle of Kanna Kunqiao.

Even, at that time, he would be strictly forbidden in the village.

Similarly, if he personally explained the situation to Sandai Hokage and explained the reason why he could not participate in the mission, then Sandai Hokage would most likely stop sending him to the battlefield for this reason, and he would still not be able to go to the Kanna Kunqiao Battle . Moreover, because this reason was said by himself, he might not even be able to find a rebuttal.

Here, only the third Hokage found out by himself, and then strictly ordered Chiba not to carry out the task, so that he can confidently find a reason to participate in the battle of Kanna Kunqiao in the future!

The current situation seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated!

It seems that Qianye played a leading role in this deployment map mission, and most of the great credit for this deployment map mission is also his...

Then, for the task at hand, I'm afraid it must be Qianye.

At this moment, Sandai Hokage closed the plan handed over by Chiba, with a gratified smile on the corner of his mouth.


But at this time, Qianye's eyes were fixed, he knew that the critical time had come!

"Can you keep this proposal for me as a souvenir?"

Third Hokage gently put down the proposal, took a breath, and said.


Hearing the words of Sandai Hokage, Chiba naturally agreed, this plan is useless, he can do whatever he wants, he is now focusing on another matter, for this reason, his breathing slowed down unknowingly .

It's for me to quit!

Or, tell me about that scroll?

Qianye's heart was intertwined with this thought that made his heart beat slightly faster.

"Thank you, and I won't hide it from you. I plan to give this plan to my youngest son, Asma, to study."

The Third Hokage said with a smile, a trace of father's unique pampering and a kind of anxiety that hates iron and steel flashed in his eyes.

"To Asma?"

Chiba said with an unchanged expression.

Let me back down?

Or tell me the situation?

And in his heart, the thoughts became more and more anxious.

"Well, that child should learn more from you, and reading this plan will definitely be of great benefit to his future development. If the effect is good, I want to include it in the textbook."

Sandai Hokage nodded, looking away from Chiba.


Although the Third Hokage said the unprecedented words of "incorporated into the textbook", Chiba didn't care at all, his eyes were fixed on the Third Hokage, and his heart tightened suddenly.

The moment of decision has come!

"Here, I have a task..."

And at this moment, the Third Hokage picked up the battle report from the front that had been put down.

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