Chapter 611

Chakra Perpetual Chaos? Cause blindness, and intermittent severe physical illness?

Looking at Hirohiko in front of him, a trace of horror and disbelief flashed in Chiba's eyes.

is it possible?

Perpetual confusion? Will the chakra still be permanently confused?

However, if what Hirohiko said is true, then it is not unreasonable nonsense. Chakra is a mixture of mental energy and physical energy, and mental energy and physical energy are the energy of the human spirit and body concentrated to a certain extent. Mental energy is born out of the human spirit, and physical energy is born out of human cells, but they are connected with both the spirit and the cells. In a sense, they are connected and will affect each other.

If there is a problem with the body or the human spirit, it will also have a bad impact on Chakra, which is manifested in the fact that Chakra is difficult to condense and manufacture.

And if there is a problem with Chakra, it will also cause damage to the human body, just like the chakra of the Eight Gates of Rage, it will cause damage to the body, and the Chakra of permanent chaos, although not like the Chakra of the Eight Gates of Rage It directly destroys the human body, but it will affect the functions of the human body and cells. The longer the disorder lasts, the worse the impact on the body will be.

And if there is permanent chaos, if you don't die, you will indeed become seriously ill intermittently.

After all, chakra chaos is the root cause. No matter what kind of serious illness, even if it is cured, it will eventually recur due to chakra chaos.

It makes perfect sense.

Although Qianye was horrified and unbelievable when he heard Hongyan's words, but in his heart, he rationally analyzed the reasonableness of Hongyan's words.

"So, I want to ask you to treat Nao."

At this time, after the narration, Hirohiko spoke out his request.

"Well, I know the specific situation. I've never heard of this kind of thing..."

Qianye frowned, and his eyes moved down to the special barbecue in his hand, but there was hesitation in his words.

"It's been so long, and I'm used to it. It doesn't matter if it can't be cured. I just want you to take a look. And Tsunade-sama has seen it too, but he is helpless. In fact, it's not a force, but it feels... no, you Don't stress, it's just... that..."

Seeing Qianye frowning and bowing his head, Hirohiko said hastily, with a bit of haste and panic in his words.


Qianye is this kind of person. He always puts other people's affairs above his own. He even puts his partner's life more important than his own. If I make such a request, he will know that I and I Nao's relationship, knowing how important Nao is to me, if I ask him so.

He will definitely do his best to help. If he fails, he will definitely feel guilty, which will have a bad impact on his psychology. Now that it is a time of war, this may have a bad impact on his mission security.

What's more, I'm completely in a difficult situation right now, even Tsunade-sama can't cure the symptoms, no matter how powerful Chiba is, it's impossible to catch up with Tsunade-sama's medical skills.

Isn't this hurting Chiba!

What am I doing!

And in his heart, the idea of ​​self-blame appeared.

"Did he cause Nao's situation?"

But when Hirohiko was at a loss, Chiba lowered her head and spoke. At this moment, Chiba suddenly felt that something had emerged from the mist, and had some vague speculations about that Hirohiko's brother and the relationship between Hirohiko and Nao.


Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko was taken aback for a moment, then froze, then nodded, acknowledging Chiba's words.

Yeah? It was Hirohiko's brother... the source of the darkness in Hirohiko's heart.

Then, there seems to be no reason to organize me to cure Nao.

Hearing Hirohiko's affirmation, Chiba's mouth revealed a slight smile.

"I see. When I leave the hospital tomorrow, I'll go to your house to see Nao."

Chiba slowly raised her head, looked at Hirohiko, her eyes were shining with determination, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to have finally found something that made him feel at ease.


Seeing Chiba's expression, Hirohiko was stunned for a moment, he definitely never thought that Chiba would have such an expression, he showed it as if healing Nao was something he was bound to achieve.

"Don't worry, I will definitely heal Nao!"

The smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth curled up a little more, and she made a decision that couldn't be explained further.

That's right, after all, Nao is Hirohiko's concern. This kind of repeated illness will definitely make Hirohiko very worried. When he leaves the village for missions, this kind of concern may become more serious. It's just that Hirohiko is cautious by nature, so he didn't make too much trouble .

However, it is certain to make mistakes. In this mood, it is very difficult not to make mistakes. It's just that there are some small mistakes now, and his strength can completely make up for them, but one day, they will lead to catastrophe.

This is inevitable.

The mentality during the ninja mission is one of the most important links, which directly affects the judgment in the face of events.

Nao... If it is not cured, Hirohiko will be slowly pushed into the abyss of eternal doom.

Here, no matter what the price is, let Nao recover, and even if she can't recover, let her condition be controlled within a stable cycle. Let Hirohiko rest assured, after all, periodic illness can be prevented, and even Nao himself can take care of himself.

I can't be too optimistic about this matter, after all, Tsunade is helpless.

Some things, after all, cannot be 100% successful without making up your mind!

Looking at Hongyan, a series of thoughts flashed in Qianye's mind, and the determination in his eyes was burning, becoming more and more intense.

I don't know if it's an illusion, why do I feel that Chiba... is on fire?

Chiba's expression was reflected in his left eye, Hirohiko was a little dazed.

"Now, do you want to eat?"

But at this time, Qianye's hand was passed over, and the dried lotus leaf that had been peeled off was handed over to him.

Immediately, a smell of meat came to my face.

Hirohiko looked at the steaming beef back roasted with special black pepper sauce, looked at Chiba's firm face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly his stomach growled.

Hearing this sound, Qianye's determined expression suddenly changed into one of astonishment.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was quiet.


The two stared and blinked.


Suddenly, the two of them laughed together.

"Well, thank you, the troublesome matter has been resolved, and the appetite has returned."

Hirohiko took the barbecue with a slight smile and took a bite.

At this moment, Qianye also took out another piece, untied the dried lotus leaf with ease, and began to feast on it.

It can be regarded as temporarily reassuring Hongyan a little bit!

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