Chapter 589 The Flower of Hell


A mouthful of blood spat out from Yan Shanzhong's mouth, splashed on the thick rock cone he was holding with both hands, and slowly slid down.

His purpose is not to attract our make the other two escape...

Instead, annihilate us all, and the three of us leave together!

A self-deprecating bitter smile slowly emerged from Yan Shan's painful face, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

I should have ordered, I should have ordered the attack in the first place! It's all my fault, it's all my fault that they didn't have the opportunity to make so many seals. I killed my friends...

Everything is my fear, my fear of him, it is my timidity, hesitation, and indecision that lead to the current situation.

If I could be more decisive, my companions wouldn't be so impatient, rushing up so impatiently, and didn't even use small troops to test or divide up...

More than a hundred people...

There are more than ten people in one!

Yan Shanzhong smiled wryly, panting "hehe", a stream of blood slowly flowed down from his nose.

But at this time, in his eyes, there are reflections of the countless, criss-crossing, densely packed clusters of rock cones that spread out like lotus blossoms, as well as those hanging from the tip of the rock cones. , The corpse of Yan Yin, who was pierced through the chest and let the rain wash away.

In an instant, just in an instant, with that Taki Chiba as the center, the densely packed rock cones suddenly protruded from the ground, bursting out in a circular spreading shape, forming the formation as if bursting. With a stabbing shape like a lotus flower, his partners didn't even have time to scream, and they turned into meat skewers one by one.

At that moment, more than a hundred people died at the same time!

The blood turned into a blood flow, and slowly flowed down along the steeply rising rock cones, and continuously followed all the rock cones on the path, until the thick roots where the rock cones were densely packed and almost "grow" together, gradually dyed this place red. roots.

At this moment, this rock thorn lotus flower seemed to be alive, drinking the blood of the ninjas on the sharp thorns that fell from her waterfall.

"I... I'm sorry... you guys..."

A teardrop slowly slipped down from Yan Shanzhong's face that reflected the hell rock flower in his eyes, and dripped on the thick and thin rock cones that ran through his chest and abdomen.


While the tears were dripping, his hands also slowly fell down, hitting his legs that stood on tiptoe.

Afterwards, his eyelids closed, and his head slowly dropped, without a sound.

The whole person hangs on the rock cone that penetrated the ruins of the house and broke out from the stones of the slope.

Yanyin pursued the troops, more than 110 people, all of them were killed!


At this time, inside the house, a stone was slowly thrown out of the dark hole and rolled aside.

Afterwards, Hirohiko took the lead, followed by Xue Nai, and the two filed out.

But when they stood still, they were all slightly taken aback.

The house at this moment can no longer be called a house. The rock cones that get thicker towards the door of the house penetrate the scorched walls and roof, and pierced obliquely upwards. The two of them stood under the rock cones, It actually gave birth to a little feeling of insignificance.


A scorched black stone fell from the upper end of the penetrated wall and broke into several pieces.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai froze and looked at each other.


A thought came into their hearts at the same time, and they hurried out.

But when they ran sideways out of the door that was mostly blocked by a rock cone, their eyes were dark. The next second, their footsteps stopped suddenly, and their whole bodies froze. Slowly widening, the pupils...suddenly contracted!

At this moment, in front of their eyes, there was clearly a large mountain of rock cones, covering the entire open space, almost blocking the light of the sky, not even a drop of rain!

Looking up all the way, they saw that the roots of the rock cones were entangled, piercing obliquely all the way up, and could be divided into three layers. The lowest layer protruded from the thickest root system, which was extremely thick. The oblique angle to the ground is only 15 degrees and 20 degrees. These rock cones not only pierced the house, but also pierced the ruins, extending in a ring, like a leaf disk.

And on the next level, there are some rock cones with the thickness of palms closed. These rock cones are long and hard, and the angle is between 45 degrees and 60 degrees. Occasionally, some of them pass through the ruins, but more But piercing through the densely packed crowd. Like blooming petals!

The uppermost layer is a ring-shaped almost vertical rock cone belt, which is short and small, and there is nothing on it, like a pure stamen.

Some yellow dust is spreading around the second and uppermost rock cones, slowly dissipating in the rain curtain.

And when their eyes fell on the top floor, a picture flashed in their minds.

A rock cone lotus flower is blooming in the ruins!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And just when their eyes settled, in front of them, on the helical rock pillars like flower branches formed by the tangled roots of those rock cones, cracks suddenly cracked, and cracks spread like lightning all the way. To the entire rock flower.

In the blink of an eye, the flower of the rock cone was full of cracks.


There was a sound of cracking, and a blood-stained rock cone in the middle part of the rock cone flower broke and shattered, fell in mid-air, turned into little debris, and slowly dissipated in the rain curtain.

This seemed to be a signal. On the flower of the cracked rock cones, the rock cones were constantly broken, shattered, and turned into smoke and dust and dissipated in the rain curtain.


In the end, the huge rock cone flower suddenly shattered into a huge flower-shaped column of dust and smoke, which spread and disappeared all the way while maintaining the flower shape.

In a few seconds, this rock cone hell flower slowly shattered into the rain curtain like a flash in the pan.

"Papa papa!"

"Puff puff!"

And the next second, there was a series of sounds of corpses falling, more than a hundred of Yanyin's corpses fell from the sky, falling in a ring shape, and fell on the open space with puffing noises and blood spattering!

A dead air slowly spread out.

There was silence in the open space, only the sound of the creepy corpse falling to the ground.

However, Xue Nai and Hirohiko didn't even look at these falling corpses, nor did they pay attention to the creepy sound of falling corpses.

At this moment, in their eyes, the yellow dust shattered, the corpses fell, blood flowers danced like cherry blossoms, and the rain curtains strung together into bead curtains, and in the center of the bead curtain cherry dance, a figure stood slowly. Get up, raise your head silently,

As if sad, as if sighing...

Then, he turned his head slightly, and smiled faintly at them.

"Go back, it's safe."

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