Chapter 571 Don't Ask


Seeing the blood continuously overflowing from the frame of Hirohiko's left eye, Chiba's brows were slightly tightened.

Is the pupil power of this illusion so strong? Generally speaking, the bleeding when using Sharingan will only appear after the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is opened, and the bleeding phenomenon will only occur when using almost top pupil techniques such as Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, it should be The pupil technique used is too powerful, and the pupil power is too strong to cause bleeding. Even if the original Sasuke has an eternal kaleidoscope, he still bleeds when using Amaterasu.

But now, Hirohiko is just an ordinary Sharingan, and when he unlocks this illusion, the pupil power he uses can actually cause his eyes to bleed!

How is this going?

Moreover, Hirohiko said that he had seen this illusion, and even because of the deep shadow of this illusion, he almost had a nervous breakdown when he recalled it, so, that is to say, Hirohiko is very likely to have experienced this illusion before.

According to Hongyan's psychological shadow of this illusion, it is very possible that the pain and fear caused by this illusion opened his eyes and evolved into a double hook jade.

And at that time, he should still be in the village. I met Hirohiko when he was seven years old. Seven-year-old Hongyan was still in school, so it was impossible for him to leave the village. From my birth to seven years old, there was nothing in the village or outside the village. Friction, even if there are spies from Outer Village invading, it is impossible for Hirohiko to perform such an illusion under the noses of the still powerful Uchiha clan. Moreover, I can't imagine any illusion master in Outer Village who can perform this. An illusion that cannot be broken.

Combining these factors, there is only one possibility. This illusion should have been performed by the people in the village, on Hong Yan. And those in the village who can cast such a powerful illusion...

There is only the Uchiha clan!

So, is this illusion created by the Uchiha clan?

Qianye pursed her lips lightly, her brows furrowed even tighter.

In fact, after he came to this conclusion, the first person he thought of was Itachi, followed by Shisui, but now Itachi is only two or three years old, and Shisui is probably not very old, and this level of illusion, if written by the writing wheel It is estimated that the kaleidoscope level is required to use the eye, otherwise Hong Yan will solve this illusion, and how can the corner of the eye bleed.

Chiba has almost concluded that this mysterious ninja who performed illusions on Chiaki should be the existence of the Uchiha clan who has already opened a kaleidoscope.

But who would it be?

Who could this Uchiha clan be? Why did he use such an illusion on Hongyan? Was his purpose really to hurt Hongyan, or to help him open Sharingan?

Then, why did he come back here, cast an illusion on Qianqiu, and it seems that he is still helping Yan Yin?

Thinking of this, Qianye frowned slightly. At this moment, the restlessness in his heart and the feeling of being watched behind him seemed to dissipate a little, and the originally tense heartstrings seemed to loosen a little.

However, since it is known that he is from the Uchiha clan, it will be easier to deal with... Moreover, Hirohiko said before that he has an older brother who defected from the village.

This mysterious ninja might be Hirohiko's older brother. However, it is not absolutely certain that the current Uchiha clan cannot be sure of their loyalty. Who knows if there are plots and entanglements that are not described in the original book. It doesn't have to be Hirohiko's brother who defected, it might be someone from the current Uchiha clan.

Here, I still have to ask Hirohiko.


It's better not to ask, Hongyan has already had a shadow in his heart on this matter, I'd better not expose it again!

When he wants to tell us, he will.

Yes, it’s better not to ask, it’s probably enough to know this, as long as Qianqiu can be saved!

Thinking about it, Qianye slowly moved his hand away. At this moment, he could already feel that Qianqiu's eyes were opening wide by themselves, and he no longer needed his fingers to open them.

At the same time, Qianye felt more joy in his heart. Since Qianqiu reacted, it means that Hirohiko's pupil power is working!

But at this moment, Qianqiu's eyes slowly opened wide, in the eye sockets, the wandering eyes had stopped, and he stared at Hong Yan with a slightly sluggish face, in the eye sockets, the dark red blood had already oozes out, filling the eye sockets in an instant, Leave along the eye socket.


At this moment, there seemed to be an invisible ripple spreading out from Qianqiu and Hongyan's staring eyes. As the ripple spread, Hongyan suddenly leaned back, and suddenly covered his right eye with his left hand.


This sudden, Chiba and Xue Nai both exclaimed.

"It's okay, I'm fine!"

After leaning back, Hirohiko, who quickly recovered his posture, shook his head, covered his left eye with one hand, wiped the blood from his right eye with the other, and shook his head slightly panting.

Sure enough, it was his illusion, only he could have such a strong pupil power, and only his illusion, after being cracked, would rebound.

Why is he here, why is he casting such an illusion on Qianqiu...why...

A series of reasons flashed in Hongyan's mind.


But at this time, an exclamation interrupted his thoughts, and also interrupted Qianye and Xue Nai's words of asking about the situation.


The three of them looked at the same time, but they saw Qianqiu stand up suddenly, and ran towards the ruins in horror, this came down too suddenly, Chiba and Xue Nai looked at Hirohiko again, but they didn't hold him back, this time When she turned her head, she had already run several steps.

"No! You are not real. Brother Chiba, Brother Hirohiko, and Sister Xue Nai will not die, they will not die... Father will not die, mother will not die, father said he will take Waiting for my mother to come back, this is a dream, this is not real, no, no!"

And following Qianqiu's staggering footsteps, she blurted out a crying voice with infinite fear and pain.

In that crisp voice, it sounded like there was a kind of heart-breaking sadness and fear!

Hearing these words, the three of Qianye were all stunned for a moment, feeling sad for a while.

What exactly did Qianqiu go through to make her make such a voice...

And the next second, he suddenly realized that he hurriedly got up and chased Qianqiu away, but in the process, Hong Yan shook and sat down again. All I had to say was, "Go chase Qianqiu."


At this moment, Xu Shi ran too fast, Qianqiu staggered and fell to the ground, his whole body was buried in the ground, slipped a little distance, and made a shallow mark on the wet ground .


Seeing Qianqiu fall, Qianye and Xue Nai hurriedly took a stride, and stopped on both sides of Qianqiu quickly.

"It's not real, it's not real, mom and dad won't die, brothers and sisters won't die either, they'll all be fine, they'll come back to accompany Qianqiu, they'll definitely come back, they won't die, this is a dream, This must be a dream... It must be a dream, because it doesn't hurt when you fall down, it doesn't hurt in the dream, and now Qianqiu doesn't hurt at all, it doesn't hurt at all, so it's not real, it's a dream, because it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all It doesn't hurt..."

At this time, Qianqiu's crying words came from under her head buried on the ground in a muffled manner, but there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the words. It hurts.

Hearing Qianqiu's words, Qianye and Xue Nai's movements eased down, they squatted down slowly, and Qianqiu's muffled voice, "No pain, no pain, no pain, Qianqiu It doesn't hurt at all..." Such words.

For some reason, they both smiled.

This girl is obviously in pain, okay!

At the same time, there was a feeling of regret and joy in my heart.

This child must have experienced a lot of pain and scenes that he didn't want to see. Fortunately, the illusion was solved!


And at this time, Xue Nai patted Qianqiu's head, who was lying on the ground with his head buried in the soil, and said, "It's all right, it's all right now."

"Hmph! I won't believe it! When I turn my head, you will definitely look like your face is covered in blood, so you're all right! No way!"

But, unexpectedly, Qianqiu strongly denied it, and after finishing speaking, she quietly buried her head in the soil, and began to mutter "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all" in a muffled voice.

Regarding this, Xue Nai was obviously stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly, but there was a trace of relief in the wry smile.

Great, Qianqiu is fine, this kid is still very energetic!

At the same time, such a thought also appeared in Qianye's mind.

It's fine, it's fine.

Before they knew it, both of them sat down, closed their eyes and let out a long breath.

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