Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 525 Too Outrageous!


Qianye stepped on the branch of the original forest, and the air wave behind him flew obliquely, hitting the backs of him and the two Yumu figures, making a crackling sound.

But Qianye seemed not aware of it, and frowned slightly, not only did he not have the joy of annihilating the eight ninjas Yanyin and Yunyin, but even had a little dignified look on his face.

But after stepping on the branch, Qianye made a turning point and rushed to the left suddenly.

Strange, so strange!

Whether it's the wooden man, or these Yunyin and Yanyin, their reactions are too strange!

It seems... a little scared of me, very jealous, and even a little anxious.

In a battle with the wooden man, he basically gave up attacking and took a defensive position. When his strength was higher than mine, he gave up the initiative and completely handed over the initiative to me, which led to the defeat.

Even, this battle is watching me, not letting go of all the changes around me, watching me carefully all the time, guarding me all the time, as if afraid of any conspiracy from me.

Too much defense, too much fear, obviously you can use the advantage of the tailed beast chakra to completely control the initiative in your own hands, obviously you can consume me with constant attacks, so that I can't find a way to break the tailed beast's coat and Opportunity, but...

The eight people of Yanyin and Yunyin are also the same. Although Yunyin's life-threatening temptation is a little worrying because of my words, they are all experienced patrol members. They have seen many battles and experienced a lot. Fighting, you should know that before the battle starts, you must calm down, and judging from their appearance at that time, they have already made up their minds and made a plan.

From their eyes at that time, it can be determined that they already have a mature and feasible plan in their hearts, and they also maintain a high level of vigilance.

but why? When I used the earth flow wall, they were in a state of confusion, as if my actions were unexpected to them, or in other words, my actions touched a certain bottom line in their hearts, causing them to rush down desperately.

He didn't even use kunai, detonating talisman, shuriken, or even clones to test and lure the enemy. At the same time, the powerful character Yun Yin, who was not simple at the critical moment, did not hesitate to risk himself and use his life to test the trap, stepped out of the trap in one step. , Just when he stepped into the open area, he eagerly announced that there were no traps.

This is outrageous!

In this case, don't they only consider the trap to be triggered? If it is a new ninja, it is indeed possible to make such a low-level mistake, leading to irreparable consequences.

But they are the intelligence team that besieges us, and the siege team that does not allow the crucial deployment plan to escape, whether it is Yan Yin or Yun Yin, will not send new recruits, even those with a little less experience dispatched.

This kind of low-level mistake really shouldn't be made!

Their behavior is as if I am a scourge, force majeure, as if I have made a move, taken the initiative to do something, or launched ninjutsu, thrown kunai, moved, etc., it will cause harm to them In other words, irreversible consequences.

It's as if, as long as I make a move, the overall situation is in my hands, everything is under my control, it will definitely exceed their expectations, and they will definitely fail.

In the end, it turned out that they rushed over regardless of everything, as if they were dying to fight back, regardless of the consequences and the situation at the time...

This... is simply unreasonable!

The Yumu man may lack combat experience and be too cautious, which is why he is like this. But these Yunyin and Yanyin were too outrageous, they did such an irrational behavior directly!


This is not an irrational behavior, this behavior seems to be like suicide!

Qianye frowned, and shuttled back and forth in an arc, heading southwest, heading straight for the edge of Yanyin's encirclement.

Originally, Chiba thought that they would use Kunai detonating talismans to test them out. At that time, they were planning to use the four-pillar prison technique to block them, and then waited for an opportunity to use the four walls of the four-pillar prison to cover their sight, and walked away, deliberately leaving Next is the wooden man.

Afterwards, they will definitely fight because of the wooden man, even if they don't fight, Yun Yin will be extremely afraid of Yan Yin, and plant a bomb between them.

At that time, with the strength of Renzhu, Yunyin will definitely not pursue deeply, and for Yan Yin, seeing Renzhuli returned to Yunyin, he would not dare to pursue alone. After all, under the circumstances at the time, the reason why they stood still was because Because of Qianye's words, and secondly, because of the defense map and Renzhuli restraining them.

Yan Yin uses the power of human pillars to contain Yun Yin and prevent them from fighting for the defense map. Yunyin, on the other hand, used the defense map as a quality to prevent Yanyin from fully competing for the strength of the human column.

Keeping Renzhuli, if Yan Yin goes straight to chase him, Yun Yin who has gained Renzhuli, and Yun Yin who is relieved, will never let Yan Yin take the defense map with peace of mind, and will definitely rush to compete with Yan Yin for the defense map, after all , although the defense map has a lower priority than Renzhuli, it is also something that Yun Yin must contend for.

And vice versa, if Yanyin gets the defense map, how can Yunyin take Renzhuli back safely?

The two sides are hindered by this.

At that time, they will definitely fight for the ownership of Renzhuli, and their behavior of escaping can also make them think that they are bluffing. There is no trap in the open space, and Renzhuli is in the open space. In order to fight for Renzhuli, they must Enter the clearing.

And Qianye can wait for the opportunity to detonate the detonating talisman under the ground, annihilating them in one fell swoop, but whether the wooden man can survive is a problem.

However, Qianye still believed that the strange cat covered in demon fire would not let Yumuren die like this. It should have some means to save Yumuren in the flame explosion. Taken away by the wooden man.

This was Chiba's original plan.

In fact, when carrying out this plan, Qianye himself made a mistake. Originally, it was a four-pillar prison technique. Although he was able to form a seal with one hand, he was a bit unaccustomed to forming a seal with his left hand, and eventually turned into a soil flow wall.

At that time, he was still screaming, and directly opened the injury door mode, and the seal of the substitute technique was formed, in order to avoid the enemy's Kunai and detonating charms from probing.

But I didn't expect...

They had such a reaction that left him speechless.

Chiba was really unexpected, but he reacted quickly. Now, using the rock wall to cover him, he used the physical skill to move to the clod in the distance behind, and took away the two wooden figures .

After all, they had already rushed into the open space, and they no longer needed the strength of the human pillar to lure the enemy.

Carrying a renjuriki is like a talisman. If one encounters a desperate situation, one can use the renjuriki to make a deal. Even, this renzhuriki will play a pivotal role in one of his next plans.

Qianye will never give up, even if it is the corpse of the wooden man, it will have such an effect.

Could it be that……

But after a series of thoughts flashed in his mind, a light flashed in Qianye's eyes.

I have attracted the attention of both Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village, and I have even become the focus of attention, enjoying celebrity treatment.

That's why they are so apprehensive and afraid.

However, this is impossible!

One of the protective measures the Three Hokages took for me was to conceal everything I did, to reduce my sense of presence in the war, so as not to become famous, to be the target of public criticism, and to be excluded by the villages first.

What I do should not be leaked to other villages...


Indeed, Sandai Hokage tightly controlled the messaging of what I did.

However, there is a village that also knows part of what I do!

Perhaps, there is more than one village!

Thinking of this, Chiba's heart tightened suddenly!

Now, it's a bit bad!

I must, be more careful!

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