Chapter 499 The Only Chance!


After the two wooden figures withdrew a few meters, they stood still on the ground, but their eyes narrowed, and there was a flash of surprise and...

Shame and anger!

This is not ninjutsu! This is not at all, ninjutsu, he is just pretending!

And she was even more shocked and angry. The red in the eyes faded slowly, turning into a clear black, reflecting Qianye who turned around before him.

That's right, Chiba's seal is just a pretense, it is impossible to use ninjutsu at all. Just to scare her off.

At that moment just now, Chiba's reaction was barely catching up, how could it be possible to use ninjutsu in Jieyin, just to make her back away.

At this time, Qianye seemed to be calm and understated, calmly as if everything was expected, but in his heart, he was already so dignified that he couldn't be more dignified, and almost all of them were just a few words.

The speed was too fast, and under normal conditions, I couldn't even notice her trajectory, and I didn't even have time to protect the rock skin just now.

Chiba's face remained unchanged, but his eyes couldn't help but glanced at his left hand. As the arm facing the fists of the two wooden figures, he was almost trembling with pain at this moment. The blow just now had a feeling of breaking his hand. The illusion that he had formed, even the seal just now, almost didn't come out.

And now, this left hand is already red and swollen, and there should be no bone injuries. After seeing this, Chiba's eyes couldn't help squinting.

so serious?

If I confront her head-on without protection, I'm afraid it won't take a few punches, and I will vomit blood and die!

It seems that when Kushina was training us, he still kept his strength without hurting us.

But now, Yumuren is doing all he can, and if she is not careful, she may be in a situation where she will never be able to recover. Although she only has two tails now, Erwei and Brigade are just two tails, that is to say, she is the most perfect. The first stage of the tailed beast form is not much worse than Kushina's six-tailed form!

Chiba moved her left arm behind her back without a trace, her eyes fell on the front, she pursed her lips and stared at herself, surrounded by light red chakra, like two Yumu figures surrounded by small light red pinches of flames.

Kushina in the form of six tails, I, Hirohiko and Yukina have never completely defeated...

Now, in the face of the two Yumu figures of almost the same level...

In fact, there is no confidence in it!

When I watched the original works and animations, I still liked Yumuren very much. I didn’t expect that after timetraveling, facing her in the real world, she would drive me to a dead end!

Looking at the slightly arrogant and beautiful girl in front of her, Qianye laughed helplessly at herself.

If you don't break through the two Yumu people, you won't be able to get out of the encirclement on the defense map, and even the five Hirohiko on the other side will be involved. At that time, the consequences are definitely not what Chiba wants to see.

Moreover, Chiba concluded that even if she killed herself and seized the defense plan, this beautiful girl would rush towards Hirohiko and the others non-stop, and take away Yukina who was the Hyuga clan.

Not only is he going to die, but Hirohiko, Shiga Taketake, Morino Masaru, and Kiuchi Taketo, the four of them will definitely die too!

And next, after getting the defense map, Yun Yin and Thunder Country of the Hinata clan will become the biggest winners of this war. Konoha will suffer incalculable losses, and even Kushina in the village will also suffer It was affected because the Kingdom of Thunder attacked the Nation of Fire with a defense map or the United Land of Coercion or Trade.

The worst-case scenario could see Kushina go from being the last weapon she can't use to being the last game-changer. It may not be necessary to let Nine Tails go berserk directly!

No matter what, he must break through this level, and, in order to prevent her from going to trouble with Xue Nai, he must be here to make her lose her fighting power!

In other words, he must beat her!

His eyes have changed!

Although their hearts were full of shock and anger, the two Yumu people had been paying attention to the every move and expression of this "not-looking" young man in front of him, especially after he retracted his left hand behind his back, her entire body felt tense. Double the improvement.

Facing this Taki Chiba, she had to cheer up. According to the information from his psychic beast before Grandpa Bi died, this Taki Chiba can use earth escape and water escape, physical skills Very powerful, there is also some kind of forbidden technique that can greatly increase speed and strength, and some kind of secret technique that can greatly increase the amount of chakra in battle.

Moreover, this little monster's understanding of tactics is no less than his Grandpa Bi. In a sense, this Taki Chiba is very similar to his Grandpa Bi. They are the kind of people who not only have outstanding personal strength, but also have this A tactical mind that can match personal strength, that is to say, one person can match two or three people of the same strength!

When she saw Chiba's seal just now, why did she choose to retreat immediately instead of attacking and interrupting Chiba's ninjutsu before it was released? It was because of this.

In the face of such a person, the most important thing to pay attention to is never how much ninjutsu this person knows, how strong the ninjutsu is, and how big the chakra is, but what kind of tactics this person will use and what kind of consequences he will have. Hand, what will happen is beyond your expectations!

This is when she was a child, after she knew that she was Renzhuriki, and after knowing why everyone in the village avoided her, hated her, and even threw her with garbage, at the time when she was most disappointed, that person walked over with a smile, The kind grandpa who pats her head teaches her the first thing when it comes to fighting.

Face enemies, especially cunning ones who know tactics.

First, maintain your own state of mind.

Second, ensure your own advantages.

Third, when the first two attention points cannot be maintained or a certain point cannot be maintained, I think about how to keep myself from getting hurt. When facing any enemy's dangerous moves and ultimate moves, the first thing I think about is to pull Keep your distance and reach a safe distance.

Constantly retreat, endure, and accumulate strength, and wait until the moment the enemy loses composure to end the battle.

However, at that moment, seeing the little Konoha who killed the kind old grandfather who smiled at him for the first time, touched his head for the first time, and talked to him in a gentle tone for the first time, Monster, her head is full of the appearance of her Grandpa Bi being picked up by the third generation of Raikage.

That horrible look!

All the blood was drained from his body, and his entire face was bloody, even deformed, almost unrecognizable!

At that moment, she almost lost her composure, and her mind was full of killing the boy in front of her who was about his age, maybe a little younger.

Almost without thinking, he attacked from behind, and when he saw his hands that formed seals, he suddenly remembered his own grandfather's teachings, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and at the same time, he suddenly retreated as if in shock, so as not to suffer this attack. Taki Chiba's trap.

And, suppress the hatred in my heart and force myself to calm down.

Because, she knows that only by being calm can she kill this little monster. Moreover, this is her only chance to kill this Taki Chiba. senior!

And in the limited tasks that can leave the village, the chance of encountering this Taki Chiba is even smaller.

She must not pass up this opportunity!

This little monster must die!

Seeing the change in Qianye's eyes, her figure sank slightly.

She knew the meaning of that look.

The opponent will not let himself go!

And, the attack is coming!

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