Chapter 49 Youth Burns!


Chiba fell to the ground and straightened up. At this time, Maitekai was slowly sliding down the wall, and there was a human-shaped shallow pit printed on the wall.


A few fine gravels tumbled from the wall.

It seems that adding the training of the use of strange force footsteps to daily training is still very effective, and the strength control this time is also good!

At this moment, Maitekai lowered his head and drooped his hands weakly, as if he had fainted.


Chiba narrowed her eyes slightly.

"See, the walls are cracked!"

"Impossible! This is impossible! Is he really a seven-year-old child?"

"I... really want to go home."

"After such a blow, I guess there will be multiple fractures. It's over. Is this a genius who graduated early?"

The test participants, that is, all the ninjas, looked at the human-shaped shallow pit on the wall and the crack beside the shallow pit with surprise, disbelief, and even horror in their eyes.

"This is decent!" Uzumaki Kushina quietly clenched his fists and said, while muttering in his heart: Although I knew that Chiba was practicing martial arts with weight-bearing props, I didn't expect that he would not be able to do so in the competition. Carrying weight-bearing props is too big, this habit is not good, and he will have to get rid of it in the future!

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly, firstly because his hand hurt from being held by Kushina, secondly because his hope seemed to be in vain, Kai seemed unable to defeat Chiba.

"This strength... and movement, did he learn Kai's Taijutsu moves on the spot?" Jilai couldn't help but glanced at Tsunade, Chiba's kick reminded him of Tsunade's fight.

"Well, strength, it's a little bit worthy of the name of a genius." Orochimaru nodded, quite admiringly.

"Speed, strength, and movement, this Taki Chiba's physical talent is very good, no wonder he was able to get the third Hokage-sama to approve early graduation." Tsunade nodded, ready to record something on the scroll.

The outcome of this competition has been decided, and there is no need to fight anymore. Based on the damage to the wall, it is estimated that Maitekai has suffered multiple injuries or even broken bones. The competition has become unsustainable.

Even, on the field at this time, the medical team has already rushed over from the outfield, carrying a stretcher, and is preparing to treat Metkela.

This is the end?

Qianye frowned slightly, looking at Kai who bowed his head in silence, but the feeling in his heart told him that it was not over yet.

At this moment, the Chunin test officer was ready to announce the end of the competition. This time, Chiba undoubtedly won.

In fact, the Chunin test officer also had a look of surprise on his face. This kick was so strong that it was able to make a gap on the wall.

Is this really something a seven year old can do?

Suspicious in his heart, he slowly raised his hand, ready to announce the result of the game, and the medical team also walked up to Maitekai at this time.

Instead, Qianye said, "Wait a minute! Don't move!"

The Chunin test officer was startled, and the Sannin was also startled, quite surprised.

The medical team was a little displeased, and one of them said eagerly: "They are all injured like this, and they must be treated quickly."

Qianye didn't pay attention to it. Looking at Maitekai, he took two steps back, his body sank slightly, and he actually made a gesture of fighting.

Immediately, the three medical ninjas looked at each other, frowning.

how? Is this kid still going to be beaten? Just kidding! This person is hurt...

But before the thought had completely flashed through their minds, they froze.

Maitkay, the wounded boy...stand up!


Maitkai coughed lightly, his body was still a little shaken, but he made a gesture of "please" with one hand behind his back, meaning: Come on, keep fighting!

"This way I can still stand up!"

"Is this really Kai?"


The faces of the ninjas in the arena showed shock. If I were myself, I would never be able to stand up after being kicked like this, and I would definitely be dragged away.

There was a smile on the corner of Qianye's mouth, but there was some slight bitterness.

Sure enough, it's not that easy...

"Stand up?" Uzumaki Kushina was also surprised.

Maybe... Kay could do it.

Namikaze Minato's eyes showed a slight joy.

Sannin also showed a slight surprise.

"Youth is... never ending!" Maitekai slowly raised his head and looked at Chiba.

Sure enough, one of the most perseverant in Hokage, God of Hard Work...

The corners of Chiba's mouth twitched, and Kai's eyes were not the kind that would easily admit defeat and admit defeat.

The medical ninjas looked at each other, and looked at the watermelon-headed boy in surprise, with a little disbelief in their eyes.

This kid is so strong!

Obviously, Maitekai has not given up the game, and their medical ninjas can only leave, while the Chunin test officer put down his hands and took a step back.

What a...remarkable brat! It's still possible to stand up. Speaking of which, I remember this brat was the one who graduated from the ninja school only by relying on physical skills. I heard that he is not good at ninjutsu and genjutsu, but only good at taijutsu.

A battle between ordinary people and geniuses?

I'm looking forward to it...

Chiba looked at Maitekai, and slowly put one hand behind his back.

"This is?" Namikaze Minato on the second floor looked at Chiba with a flash of his eyes.

"Youth..." Maitekai took a deep breath, and suddenly disappeared in front of Qianye.

The next moment, Qianye suddenly lowered her head, kicked upwards, and came straight to her chin.

This is?

The kick came so fast that Qianye almost didn't react, and kicked him hard on the chin. Lightly, it flew into mid-air.

Chiba gritted her teeth, endured the pain and looked down, only to see Maitekai put his hands on the ground, making a posture like a start in a race, and the figure disappeared again in the next second.

Shadow Dance Leaf!

Chiba's pupils shrank slightly.

Then the next step is...

Chiba's eyes glanced back slightly, and at this moment, the second half of Maitekai's words came from behind him with firmness.

"Let it burn!"

At this time, Qianye was in mid-air, unable to use any strength, and couldn't even move. Qianye's pupils shrank slightly, and an expression of astonishment could not be suppressed on his face.

Next...could it be Biao Lianhua? impossible! Biao Lianhua can only be used if the first door of the eight doors is opened. At this time, Kai should not know the eight doors of Dunjia!

Did I remember it wrongly?

No! This is not a lotus flower, it is not tall enough!

Chiba is only three or four meters above the ground, so the height of Biao Lianhua needs to be even higher! Chiba glanced back, Kai was almost close to him, and quickly spun around in mid-air, spinning from behind to Chiba's side, and then an elbow hit Chiba's chest fiercely with the force of the spin.

"Konoha Fluid Technique, Bad Yansheng!"

"Bang!" Flesh muffled.

Qianye was hit by an elbow and fell rapidly.


Qianye fell to the ground, immediately smashed out a shallow pit, cracks spread, smoke and dust rose everywhere, engulfing Qianye's body.

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