Chapter 483 Thanks!

Thanks, Hirohiko!

Fire Dungeon, Wind Dungeon, Lightning Dungeon, has this person mastered the three kinds of nature changes? Being able to use fire, wind, and thunder three evasion techniques, and each evasion technique is very powerful, it is definitely the quasi-S rank ninja.

Moreover, using three powerful escape techniques without hesitation, this person's own chakra amount is definitely quite a lot!

In the middle of the sky, Qianye's eyes turned around, almost narrowed into a slit, looking at the middle of the flames and smoke.

At this moment, the flame and the ring of smoke and dust have been separated by three parallel electric light lines, the fire is getting weaker, and the smoke and dust are also being hit by the drizzle to settle down.

At this time, the original drizzle seemed to gradually increase, and it had turned into drizzle. When the rain fell, there was a faint "chicking" sound in the flames. It also gradually became smaller, and it is estimated that it will be wiped out by more and more rain in a short time.

At this time, on the other side of the flames and smoke, Morino Shinsuke untied the steel wire around his waist, and together with Shiga Taketake caught Kiuchi Taketo, who was covered in scorched black air.

At this time, Taketo Kiuchi had his eyebrows closed tightly, and there were many burn marks on his body. If it hadn't been for Shiga Taketake's technique of manipulating tools in time, he would have been hit head-on by the fireball. Looking at his current injuries, if Hit him face to face, I'm afraid he will be burnt into coke!

After catching Kiuchi Taketo, Morino's cheeks, right leg, and waist and ribs slowly emerged, and there was a spot of blood. After a while, the skirt of his clothes was already stained red.

After feeling the pain, Morino couldn't help but look at the three shurikens obliquely inserted into the soil behind him. If he hadn't flashed so fast, these three shurikens might have killed him, even However, the injury on the foot was caused by him deliberately putting his leg on top of Kunai's sword. If he didn't use his leg to block it, something might happen to Shiga Taketake who is now behind him.

The angles of these three kunai were very tricky, and they were caught off guard by dodging the fireball. If he hadn't reacted quickly and his body's reflexes were faster than his consciousness, he and Shiga Takeyue would have been seriously injured.

The reflection of the scene just now in his mind sent chills down his spine.

This person...whether it is the timing or the level of ninjutsu, it is chilling.

From the beginning of using fire escape ninjutsu, except when throwing kunai, the imprints on the hands are almost non-stop, and even during the process of throwing kunai, there are seals on the hands.

Almost within a second after throwing Kunai, the wind escape ninjutsu was completed, and it was cast before it hit the ground. After landing, the thunder escape ninjutsu seal was completed. Then Lei Dun used it.

The three ninjutsu plus Kunai attack are basically used in the process of falling from the sky!

Whether it's the timing of the seal, the judgment of our reaction, or the tricky attack angle...

This person is far better than me!

Now Jianren is seriously injured, I don't know if he still has the power to fight again!

Now, it's a bit bad! It can be said that this ninja's interception...caused us the biggest trouble!

Thoughts were surging in Mori Nao's mind, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the three adult fist-thick ravines on the right side, and he couldn't help taking a slight breath.

However, there was smoke and dust all around, and he subconsciously inhaled, but coughed slightly.

"True number teacher, are you okay!"

Hearing Morino Shinji's cough, Shiga Taketake's expression changed slightly, he looked at his teacher and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Shino Mori shook his head and said, "You take care of Kento, and hide behind me. It's not easy for someone to come. I just saw Chiba, and I thought it was almost done. But I didn't expect that when encountering such a difficult enemy, Wu Yue, no matter what, must bring the defense map back to the village."

Hearing the teacher's words, Shiga Taketake nodded silently, took Kiuchi Taketo, and helped him back behind Morino Shinko, while frowning.

Teacher Zhenshu's tone... It seems that the person who came here is really not simple, and he can be sure that it is the quasi-S-rank ninja.

Is it a ninjutsu ninja?


Judging from his three kunai throws, his basic skills and shuriken skills are definitely not far behind, not as superb as Hirohiko, but at least extremely accurate, he is definitely a first-class shuriken master.

And as a quasi-S rank ninja, how bad is the basic skill of taijutsu? There are only ninjas who can't ninjutsu, but there is no ninja who can't taijutsu!

Shiga Takeyue pondered in his heart, his heart was heavy.

Then, he looked at Kiuchi Taketo, and saw that the latter had a painful look on his face, and he seemed to have lost his fighting power.

After all, when he pushed Morino Shinshu away just now, he was basically wiped by the side of the fireball. Given the temperature of the fireball, it is normal to lose combat power.

As for Kento...Since Chiba is here and he is here, as long as there is time, nothing will happen!


At this time, the three of Chiba landed one after another.


It was at this time that the rain gradually thickened and poured down, and the drizzle turned into a heavy rain!

The rain suddenly poured down, and the fire was hesitant and gradually died down.

Suddenly, Qianye shouted: "Hirohiko!"

Before the words fell, the seal in Hong Yan's hand behind him was almost finished.

Wind escape, whirlwind cut!

A tornado mixed with countless wind blades spewed out from Hongyan's mouth, gathered raindrops, wrapped in the tornado, formed a water blade tornado, wrapped in wind and rain, cut across, and protruded into the flame black mist.

Immediately, the flames and black mist rolled up, as if being absorbed by the water blade tornado, and with a crackling sound, followed the water blade tornado.

At the same time, the water blade tornado was gradually dyed black, like a black smoke tornado, it burst out, and at a distance of tens of meters to the right of Mori Shino, it flew out and rushed into the primeval forest middle!

Immediately, broken leaves and sawdust flew randomly, and the waterfall scattered and startled, extending along with the tornado until the tornado disappeared!

But Chiba, Yukina, Morino Makoto, and Shiga Taketake saw everything clearly.

The flaming black smoke was cut away by the wind, and before the two of them, the charred wood was scattered, or broken into two or three pieces, or cracked and spewed out ashes.

And in this piece of fallen scorched wood, a burly figure turned his head sideways, as if he had just avoided something, and at this time his eyes were sharp, looking at Qianye and the others.

Yunyin's... Yeyue clan?

Looking at the dark bronze-like complexion and snow-white hair, Chiba's pupils shrank slightly.

No wonder!

No wonder using such ninjutsu without hesitation, the Chakra of the Yeyue Clan is fully loaded!

It turned out to be... the Yeyue clan!



Qianye frowned tightly. At this moment, his mind was full of scenes of fighting with Yeyue.

He knows best how difficult the Yeyue clan is!

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