Chapter 481 Worrying too much?

Perhaps Chiba was overthinking, although Yun Yin and Yan Yin responded quickly to the situation of the second intelligence team, but up to now, they and the intelligence team are only tens of meters away, and there have been no accidents.

Looking at the three people who were also flying towards the front, Qianye was slightly relieved.

"Xue Nai, how are Yun Yin and Yan Yin doing now?"

Chiba stepped on the branch, Chakra exploded, and said in his mouth.

"Now the other side has reacted, the shadow clone of the intelligence team has been blown up, and the pursuit of Yun Yin and Yan Yin is not coming, but with their speed, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with us."

There was a little surprise on Xue Nai's face. When she first heard Qianye's question, she was slightly taken aback, so she paused before answering.

"Well, very good. The behavior of the intelligence team has brought us a huge advantage. However, after the rendezvous later, the two of you will leave first. Remember the meeting place."

Qianye looked at the intelligence team ahead, with a little surprise and understanding in his eyes.

"I see."

Hirohiko nodded.

And Xue Nai glanced at Qianye, hiding the worry in her eyes, and nodded silently. But there was a trace of sadness in her heart.

In the end, it was because of the identity of the clan... couldn't it be Chiba's backup? I even pulled Hirohiko away from his side, this is...

Are you dragging your feet again?

Xue Nai narrowed her eyes slightly, and bit her teeth lightly.

Although, from the moment she took the initiative to expose the identity of the clan, she knew that she had no way to become Chiba and Hirohiko's backup. The identity of the Hyuga clan, appearing in any place except Konoha Village, will become the target of public criticism. With her, Chiba and Hirohiko will only fall into a more dangerous situation.

As for Chiba's meaning, Xue Nai also understood.

She belongs to the Hyuga Clan, if captured by the enemy, it would be a great loss to Konoha Village, even if she finally got the defense map.

Even, she knew that Hirohiko also wanted to be by Chiba's side, but he knew this very well, so he had no objection to Chiba's arrangement and actively cooperated.

Xue Nai, are you blaming yourself again?

Hirohiko, who was flying at the end of the team, glanced at Xue Nai in front of him, and frowned slightly. After they rescued her from the siege of Iwagakushi's elite, Hirohiko could often see Xue Nai's back like this.

The three of them get along day and night and cooperate with each other tacitly. Although they seldom speak, if they understand each other, they are not much different from each other.

Xue Nai knew him and Qianye, Qianye knew him and Xue Nai, and he also knew Qianye and Xue Nai.

It doesn't matter, you are the little princess of the Hyuga family, the little princess of the village, and you are also the princess of me and Chiba!

We two boys, if we can't even protect you well, then what face do we have to carry out the mission? Even if the mission is successful, it's meaningless!

Hirohiko sighed slightly in his heart, but he still didn't say this thought, he knew that if he said that, Xue Nai would feel more guilty and blame himself.

Yukina and Hirohiko, there is no problem with this combination, unless they are kage-level masters, otherwise Yukina and Hirohiko who have white eyes and sharing eyes can't beat, but they can still run.

It's just that I hope that the mentality of the two of them...don't think about me too much, lest something unexpected happen.

Even things that get the situation out of control!

After going back, I have to explain this matter to Xue Nai, lest she continue to blame herself. After all, she has behaved very well from the beginning to the end, calm, calm, courageous and resourceful, and even, if the defense plan is obtained, Then her credit must be number one!

Qianye, who was at the forefront, also had a thought in his heart at this time.

Afterwards, after this idea popped up, Qianye's eyes fell on the front, the three intelligence teams flying over.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the three of them!

Have they entered the intelligence team on a classified mission? He even successfully intercepted the defense map of the Land of Earth, and negotiated with Yun Yin and Yan Yin for nearly half a month...

No wonder the three generations of Hokage would say "they will cooperate with me".

Yes, if it was them, they would indeed be able to cooperate with me. After all, they have carried out missions together, and they have also fought against each other. Needless to say, their strength and experience.

The Third Hokage didn't tell me the name list in advance, even at the risk of having a negative impact on the rescue plan, they had to hide their identities, probably because I was afraid that I would be disturbed by emotions, unable to make a correct judgment, and make a bigger mistake.

Indeed, if I knew that the people I wanted to rescue were the three of them, I'm afraid that because of Guan Ye's affairs, my emotions would affect my rationality, and I would unconsciously become timid, or rush forward aggressively!

Three generations of Hokage, really spicy!

It is worthy of being the "strongest Hokage" who carried Konoha in World War II!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and there were three young ninjas reflected in Chiba's eyes. The longest one held a seal with one hand and rested on the hilt behind his waist with the other, while the other held the hilt behind his back with his left hand , on his stern face, a pair of pupils were as bright as a knife, and at this moment, he was slowly moving his eyes away from him, looking up, his right arm sleeve was fluttering, as if he had no arm.

And the last person, with his hands retracted behind his back, with a smile on his mouth, looked at him, and the worry in his eyes seemed to be slowly dissipating.


The intelligence team turned out to be Captain Morino, as well as Shiga and Kento!

That's right, in front of his eyes are Morino Masaaki, Shiga Taketake and Kiuchi Taketo!

It's no wonder that he was able to come up with a tactic to lure the enemy with a shadow clone. It turns out that Shiga is here. During this time, I heard that he has been performing missions on the front line. It must be even more powerful!

Regardless of its own strength or tactical strength!

Qianye took a slight breath, and slowly opened her hands.

"Yuki Nai, Hirohiko, step back!"

When the thoughts turned around, Chiba stepped on the branch with one foot, and with a "pop", the chakra exploded, and the sawdust on the branch exploded and splashed out. Chiba flew back at a faster speed, her open hands grabbed Hirohiko and Xue Nai one after the other, and pulled them back together.

And at this moment, two groups of huge flames descended from the sky, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.


Immediately, two huge flames exploded in the primeval forest, and the thick smoke from the burned trees rose suddenly, gathered into pillars, and soared into the sky!

In an instant, the figures of the three of Chiba, as well as the two sword lights of Morino Shinsuke and Kiuchi Taketo were submerged!

The accident happened after all!

Just as the three of Chiba and the intelligence team were about to meet, only a few meters away from the stall, the enemy's attack came!

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