Chapter 475 Mystery

Inside the encirclement in the primeval forest, southwest of the center, there is a temporary camp.

"Is this really good?"

Hirohiko jumped down from the tall primitive trees, looked around, and saw that the surrounding primitive giant trees seemed to be surrounded by bushes, and they were in a rare open space in the primitive forest, with a radius of about ten dozen rice. He said without worry.

The current situation deviates a bit from the plan. Moreover, if the three of them gather together, they will be easily besieged. At that time, no one may be able to escape.

This is also the inappropriateness that he raised when he made the plan.

At this moment, Chiba and Xue Nai were fiddling with a cauldron and a bonfire in the middle of the open space. Hearing his words, Xue Nai also raised her head, looked at Chiba, and said, "The original plan was that the three of us would go three separate ways, each holding The signal, after breaking into the encirclement, each holds the signal and sends it in three places to disperse Yunyin and Yanyin's pursuit, isn't it right?"

Obviously, Xue Nai is also very puzzled by the current situation.

That night, when making the plan, the three of them naturally discussed the action after breaking into the encirclement. The original plan, they broke into the encirclement in three ways. Based on Chiba's calculations, they would definitely be able to break in. If Yun Yin If the commander of Heyan Yin reacts quickly, he will definitely let them go with a pretentious appearance. Instead of letting them go outside to cause trouble, it is better to trap them with the intelligence team, or pile them together for control, or catch them all at once.

If you advance in three ways, after reaching the encirclement, each of the three places will send out a signal to hide the communication, and then let the intelligence team join one of the people. Yun Yin and Yan Yin don't know which signal. Which one will join the intelligence team will inevitably divide the troops, and it will be easy for them to break through.

Originally, they thought that Qianye wanted them to break through from Yanyin together, but in the end they would divide into three groups, each going to one place, and then send a signal to carry out the original plan.

After all, the essence of the original plan was to disperse the enemy's forces in three ways. It doesn't matter how to break in. The key is to send signals separately.

But now, Chiba looks like he doesn't intend to divide the troops into three groups, and has already sent the signal of "rescue has arrived". It is estimated that the intelligence team has begun to actively look for opportunities to join them, and it should be better. Hid himself and waited for their next signal.

And at this time, the intelligence team should also feel at ease. After all, they have been besieged for such a long time, and they cannot leave, and they have to constantly use Yunyin and Yanyin to mediate. Every time it is dangerous, emotionally , it is absolutely not rational, or positive, it is inevitable that there will be anxiety, and even the idea of ​​​​giving up.

The emotions and mentality of the intelligence team are also the first thing Chiba mentioned when making plans, the signal, which undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm. At least, on the intelligence team side, there should be no mistakes, or not There will be too many mistakes.

The original plan actually progressed very smoothly, and the feasibility was also great, but Chiba did not intend to carry out the crucial step, which made Hirohiko and Xue Nai very puzzled.

Hearing this, Qianye just smiled and said: "Now we have been stared at by Yunyin and Yanyin. If we go in three ways, I am afraid we will not be able to go back. Now, the only best way is to hug A bunch. Either us or the intelligence team."

During this period of time, since the siege, the intelligence team has accumulated a lot of pressure, and both Yanyin and Yunyin must have accumulated a lot of pressure, and their pressure is even greater than that of the intelligence team.

The defense map is of great importance, and even an important item that has a decisive impact on the war. I am afraid that the third generation of Raikage, the third generation of Tukage and our third generation of Hokage are all paying attention to this matter, and regard this matter as the top priority. one!

It is conceivable that the pressure on the shoulders of these two commanders is even greater than that of the intelligence team. I am afraid that no one wants to solve this matter more than these two commanders!

Under the huge pressure, it will definitely affect the mentality. Yunyin and Yanyin's joint agreement to besiege together, and all kinds of caution are actually a manifestation of pressure and anxiety. What's more, the confrontation of the three countries in the encirclement has actually become a deadlock. No one can do anything to the other, and no one dares to trigger the stone platform first.

They are all waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity.

And at this time, if there is an opportunity to solve this matter, they will definitely seize it desperately.

Of course, since these two commanders were ordered in the face of danger, and they were able to maintain their balance for so long, they were naturally calm and cautious people. No matter how anxious and desperate they were, they would still remain sober.

And this sliver of sobriety is the last line of defense to prevent the situation from deteriorating. Yunyin does not want the situation to deteriorate, and Yanyin also hopes to get back the defense map. Let this matter be left alone, so as to avoid dragging the entire battle situation into a whirlpool of eternal doom.

That's why Sandai Hokage only sent the three of them over. Because the three of them are an opportunity.

Let Konoha's intelligence team have a chance to escape, and give the village's intelligence team a chance.

It also gave Yan Yin a chance to regain the defense map.

It also gave Yun Yin a chance to seize the defense map.

For the Konoha intelligence team, someone came to the rescue, the village did not abandon them, and the village still supported them! As long as they support them long enough, the village will hopefully rescue them.

As far as Yunyin and Yanyin are concerned, the three of them are not impossible to deal with. Although they are difficult to deal with, they are definitely not impossible to deal with. If they are terrible geniuses, then they can basically take off their forehead guards and surrender to Konoha!

There is no need to fight this battle at all.

It is precisely because the rescue team sent by Konoha can break this delicate balance and create an opportunity, and it is also a team they can deal with, so it will not arouse the overreaction of the two parties or even the three parties, and everything is under control , or the situation that everything can be mastered will allow the commanders of Yunyin and Yanyin to maintain the last trace of sobriety.

If the rescue team is too weak, it will not be able to create an opportunity, and it will come in vain.

If the rescue team is too strong, then it is easy for Yunyin and Yanyin to lose their minds under the heavy pressure and overreact, with disastrous consequences.

I have to say that Nara Shikaku's arrangement is very reasonable, and the team arrangement of the third Hokage is also very sophisticated.

The balance created by the three of us is an opportunity for all three parties, so we can prevent the situation from deteriorating completely and the balance from completely collapsing!

But now, Yunyin and Yanyin under heavy pressure have been looking forward to this opportunity, looking like hungry tigers and wolves, their eyes are almost red. After we come in, if there is any change, they will probably pounce on us.

Here, we can only be at a disadvantage, and only by making mistakes can we maintain the last trace of balance!

While speaking, Qianye sighed in his heart.

They have entered the tiger's den and wolf's den! Now, it's their turn to walk on thin ice and be careful everywhere!

When Xue Nai and Hirohiko heard Chiba's words, they looked at each other, frowning slightly, obviously not understanding what Chiba meant.

Isn't it like waiting for them to catch a turtle in the urn?

However, although they were puzzled in their hearts, they didn't ask any questions. They just silently did what they should do, one lit a fire, and the other jumped up the big tree after changing shifts.

They choose to trust Chiba unconditionally!

Seeing this scene, Qianye closed her eyes and sighed uncontrollably.

The Third Hokage insisted on forming a team of three of us, probably because of this!

Unconditional trust!

Trust me unconditionally!

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