Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 468 Overestimated?


Qianye let out a long breath, and the emerald green brilliance in his eyes slowly dissipated. After wiping off his sweat, he sat down on the ground, looking quite tired.

However, there was joy on his face, and then he untied his coat silently, and put the coat on Xue Nai's body, covering the intact white back under the burnt clothes.

The medical research in the past two years has not been in vain.

At least in the battlefield, the wounded can be healed to the point where they can fight, and the burns can be completely healed. Although it costs a little more chakra, but at critical times, it can even change the direction of a battle. ah.

Especially with a combat power like Xue Nai.

Under the siege of fifteen people, he could still escape. If it wasn't for this return, Xue Nai's investigation mission would have been completed perfectly. We probably have already broken into Yunyin's encirclement and entered it.

If Yukina can know ninjutsu...

Chiba shook her head and gave a wry smile.

If Xue Nai knew ninjutsu, the fifteen people probably wouldn't be able to go back. No, it might not be enough for Xue Nai's ninjutsu and soft fist.

It can be considered that I finally know why the Hinata family can’t use ninjutsu, and they are rejected by ninjutsu. Soft boxing plus ninjutsu has more tactical options than my ninjutsu plus rigid style.

In another ten years, I am afraid that Xue Nai may be stronger than Hinata Shinsuke. At that time, these fifteen people might not be enough for her to fight.

She is only ten years old, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

People in the village and the Hyuga family say that Hyuga Yutaka is the closest ninja to Hyuga Shinsuke. In my opinion, Yukina is the closest one, and the one who has the most hope of surpassing Hyuga Shinsuke!

Qianye sighed a few times, then frowned slightly.

It took me nearly 20 minutes to heal Xue Nai, at least, did Yan Yin not move during these 20 minutes?

And it was under such a big movement!

Chiba looked at the big pit behind him, and the grave-like semicircular rock ball in the big pit that had been broken into a mountain of rocks.

That is the technique of mountains and soils he used.

Even if Yan Yin no longer sends elites, the patrol team should check the situation and give support!

Moreover, it is very close to the encirclement. If the Yanyin patrol team comes, it will only take a few minutes, and it should have come long ago.


Thinking about it, Chiba turned his eyes to Hirohiko, and Hirohiko noticed him immediately, even, his eyes were originally looking at this place.

There was even a look of relief in his eyes.

Seeing Qianye's gaze, Hirohiko shrugged and shook his head, apparently understanding what Qianye meant. He responded like this, saying: There is no trace of anyone coming to support and inquire.

Am I overestimating Iwagakure? Too overrated Iwagakushi, the commander in charge of the siege?

For such a big thing as the deployment map, at least it must be loess... Then, it shouldn't be like this!

Qianye frowned, quite puzzled.

But at this time, a cry came from in front of him.

Xue Nai woke up!


Xue Nai slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw the boy sitting in front of her clearly, her face turned slightly, and she sat up slowly with a sense of shame.

"Slow down, the injury is just right."

Chiba hurriedly said.

Although after medical ninjutsu treatment, Xue Nai can fight immediately, but Chiba is still very careful, for fear that something will happen to Xue Nai.


Hearing Qianye's concerned words, Xue Nai's cheeks turned even more, but she hesitated but said nothing.

"it's okay no problem!"

Qianye seemed to know what Xue Nai was going to say, so she waved her hand and comforted her.

"I'm sorry... I lost my plan."

And this time, Xue Nai almost burst into tears, and said in his mouth.

Immediately, Qianye was in a mess, seeing Xue Nai hanging her head and trying to hold back her tears, she was instantly at a loss.

These two guys really haven't made any progress at all! Obviously they are already living together.

And in the distance, seeing Xue Nai bowing her head and Chiba waving her hands wildly, not knowing where to put them, Hirohiko half-closed his eyes and sighed.

This time is a good time to embrace it!

The girl looks like this, doesn't she just need your comfort, now is the opportunity to enhance her relationship!

ah! Ahhh!

That idiot is silent!

Hey Hey hey!

Still stood up! what are you doing?

Hirohiko covered his face with one hand, unable to see the situation on his face.

Still gone?

This guy is amazing, hardworking and talented. In terms of cultivation, he is perfect, but emotionally, this guy...

Absolutely an idiot!

Hirohiko shook his head, watching Chiba walk all the way to the bushes at the edge of the forest through his fingers, bent down, as if looking for something.

Looking at Xue Nai again, she still looked down, but she had already stood up.

It was really hard for Xue Nai to fall in love with this love idiot.

Hirohiko shook his head with a look of "hopeless", turned his face away, and continued to be vigilant.

At this time, Chiba straightened up, and also glanced at Hirohiko, and at the same time, there was an extra scroll in his hand.

"Found it! Xue Nai!"

He raised his hand towards Xue Nai, and said as he walked over.

Hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai's shoulders that were tense due to nervousness and guilt relaxed slightly, raised her head slightly, and said, "I checked, no one should have seen it yet."

And looking at Xue Nai's appearance, Chiba also didn't know what to say, and thought: Hirohiko, what's going on, did you do it on purpose?

Did you turn around on purpose?

Really... Didn't you see that I'm out of recruits?

Hurry up to comfort Xue Nai!

Qianye walked up to Xue Nai, looked at the scroll, thought for a while, and said: "Xue Nai, how many times have you opened this scroll?"

"Huh? How many times?"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Nai completely raised her head, with a slight astonishment on her face.

How many times have you opened it?

Why are you asking this all of a sudden?

"Yes, several times."

Chiba said with certainty.


Xue Nai frowned, although she didn't know why Qianye asked this, but she knew that the plan scroll was very important, Qianye would never ask meaningless questions, so she started to think about it.

once... twice...

She recalled the number of times she opened it in her mind, and said, "5 times, I was drawing the patrol information of the encirclement along the way, and opened it a total of 5 times!"

Chennai is sure.

Qianye nodded silently, said "um", then raised her two fingers up, as if a seal had been formed.

Afterwards, a row of tadpole characters slowly emerged on the seal of the scroll, forming a circle, like the sealing wax of an envelope.

This is... a sealing technique?

Chiba, is there a sealing technique arranged on the scroll?

Surprise flashed in Xue Nai's eyes.

She didn't notice at all that there was actually a sealing technique on the scroll!

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