Chapter 463: Siege

All the roads were blocked. When Qianye faced Yan Yin's troops, was he also facing such a master?

There are only eight of them now, and I already feel like I can't run away, let alone defeat them!

Can't imagine how he did it.


I now understand how he felt at the time.

Xue Nai's body was slightly heavy, her mind was wandering, and her head was slightly tilted.

"call out!"

The moment she tilted her head, a shuriken shot out from her ear quietly.

The attack... has arrived!


At this moment, Xue Nai took a step forward, and with this step, her figure became shorter!


A few strands of black hair flew up.

At the moment when Xue Nai stepped on the short body, a wind blade rushed towards, almost brushing against the ends of the fluttering hair of Xue Nai's short body, if Xue Nai's short body was a little slower, I'm afraid she would The scalp will be cut off!


The Kunai flying out suddenly stopped.

A scallion white jade hand held its tail, buckled it in the ring at the end of it, then circled around, and held it in this scallion white jade hand!


A circular arc of cold light suddenly struck out!

Xue Nai twisted her body violently, using the foot that she stepped out as the axis, and with a twist of her figure, she took advantage of the momentum to sweep across to her right.


There was a sound of gold and iron clanging, and a flash of sparks splashed on Xue Nai's right.


Yan Yin, who was attacking from the right side, had his pupils shrunk slightly, and the hand holding the kunai's stab trembled slightly, one horizontal and one vertical two kunai staggered past each other. The sound trembled and burst out.


With a crisp sound, Kunai swept past.

The smoke addict who came from the right frowned, but said "tsk" in his mouth, but his figure retreated sharply, and in his pupils, there was a reflection of Xue Nai who was spinning and sweeping. The tiger-shaped palm that he swung out from the ground, and the whirling air that faintly came out of his hand distorted.

At the same time, the eyes of Team Leader Yan Yin who was spitting out a mouthful of wind blade in the seal seal also widened slightly.

At this time, the Kunai that swept out had already escaped from Xue Nai's palm, and flew towards him very quickly!

In an instant, it reached the tip of his nose.

And he jumped up at this time, and he was about to let go of Jieyin's hand, and reached out to touch the handle of the ninja sword behind him.

This little girl's film!

Obviously, this Kunai was thrown out by Xue Nai with the momentum of sweeping!


At this time, Xue Nai's left foot touched the ground, and after drawing a dust mark, her figure stopped suddenly. After this pause, the tiger-shaped left hand that had already retracted into her abdomen had already pierced out from under her right arm.

Immediately, a swirling air twisted and shot out suddenly, and flew towards the elite Iwagakure who was attacking from the left side holding the ninja sword high.

Gossip empty palm!

Yan Yin, who held the knife on the left, gritted his teeth sharply, and a look of surprise and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

This knife, cut or not?

If it is cut off, the little princess Hinata will definitely be injured this day, but she will also be injured by the Bagua empty palm. Look at the empty palm of the little princess just now, this power, if hit...


But at this moment when Yan Yin's elite was surprised and hesitated, Xue Nai didn't even retract her palm, she stepped hard on her feet, and the whole person suddenly stepped back.


At this moment, at the moment when Xue Nai sank and retreated.

A sword light!

From top to bottom, cut down from the sky!

Wiping her nose and retracting the palm of her right hand, drop!

The Yan Yin elite who descended from the sky felt the touch of the sword falling in his hand, glanced at Xue Nai who had already withdrawn, and gritted his teeth slightly.

Baiyan's vision is too wide, she has seen all our actions!


The powerful blood succession limit!

But at this time, Xue Nai who was flying back was frowning.

Four people... Only four people participated in the battle?

remaining people……

Blocked all my escape routes!

In the white-eyed vision, there are still a few Yanyin elites standing on the surrounding trees, watching the battle here.

However, even if their companions lose, they have no plans to end.

Obviously, it is to prevent everyone from rushing up together, creating a loophole, which is to block all her hopes of escaping!


Xue Nai landed and flew back several meters.


At this time, a splash of blood splashed out from the cheek of Team Leader Yan Yin, and the Kunai thrown by Xue Nai brushed his cheek, and with a sound of "duh", it penetrated behind him, which is the moment when Xue Nai came. On a tree trunk in the direction, the blade of Kunai pierced halfway into the tree!


A layer of cold sweat broke out from the forehead of the ninja Iwagakure attacking from the right side. He squinted at the crescent-shaped hollow that was punched out next to him, as if a tree trunk had been bitten, and swallowed unconsciously.

It was almost there just now, if he retreated half a beat slower to avoid it, then the crescent moon cavity would be left on his face.

At this moment, instead of slapping his face with sawdust, his blood and brains were splashed!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The Iwagakure ninja attacking from the right gritted his teeth, held the ninja sword tightly with both hands, and watched the whirling air twist and pass by his left arm, and the left sleeve shattered with it, turning into pieces of rags and spinning around go with him.

And the twisted flesh on the left arm, the dripping blood oozing out!


The elite Yanyin who descended from the sky squatted down on the ground, slashed into the ground with a knife, splashed a little dust, and the tip of the knife penetrated an inch into the ground, but he didn't even look at Xue Nai who was not far away, with a stern look There was a slight chill on his face.

"Tick tock!"

A drop of water fell from the air and splashed on the muddy ground.


Two drops, three drops, four drops...

The raindrops poured down, and in a blink of an eye, a downpour poured out of the gloomy sky.


Team leader Iwagakure rolled to the ground, bounced up after two rounds, tightly holding the ninja knife behind his back.


Yan Yin, who was attacking from the left, took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and then took a step forward, with his hands already in the posture of knot seal.


The ninja who attacked from the right had his left hand down, his right hand clenched the ninja knife, the ninja gritted his teeth in pain, and turned his gaze to Xue Nai.

"Chi Leng!"

Yan Yin, who descended from the sky, drew out the second knife behind his back, stood up slowly, stared at Xue Nai, and clenched his hands slightly.

In front of them, Xue Nai stretched forward with one hand, retracted the other in her abdomen, and stepped back half a step with her right foot. There was no obvious expression on her face. This pretty little girl was still calm and serious!

It is still the standard soft fist posture.

With the sound of the rain, the skirts of all the people present were already in full swing.

What a...remarkable little girl!

As expected of the head of the Hyuga Clan!

Yan Yin, who was surrounded by trees, and Yan Yin who was fighting on the ground, couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

The attacks of four people, four directions, arriving almost at the same time, were all blocked.

And is……

Without using Huitian!

And at this moment, Xue Nai's serious and calm face loosened a bit.

the corners of her mouth,

There was a smile.

It was also when this smile was revealed, and I don’t know if it was the illusion of the Yanyin elites, the rain curtains around seemed to be...


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