Chapter 460 Signal!

The blood was like beads, scattered little by little, and was quickly thrown behind by the flying Xue Nai.

A pair of fifteen, she was pretty good at escaping.

What's more, there are eight elites.

However, she was injured, very badly, with two sword wounds on her left arm and right shoulder, and a wound on her cheek. It was from these wounds that blood oozed out, gathered into beads, and flew out in the air.

On her back, there are still some traces of blast wounds, and the skin and flesh are rolled up. This should be the most serious injury on her body.

In addition, there were many scratches on the body, and the snow-white clothes were also stained with blood and stains.

It can be seen how dangerous the battle just now was.

However, she escaped, but Yan Yin did not catch up.

She didn't seem to be surprised at this point. Although the expression on her face was solemn, with occasional flashes of pain, she didn't show regret or disappointment, as if her goal had been achieved.

Chiba and Hirohiko, don't know what's going on now?

Although I feel a little uncomfortable, I should have started to implement the steps on their side.

Moreover, those elites seem to be heading towards Yunyin. According to Qianye, it is absolutely impossible to fight Yunyin. Now Yunyin and Yanyin are in a delicate balance. Be careful.

Moreover, it seems to be in alliance.

Xue Nai recalled Chiba's series of instructions, and after comparing it with the reality, she quickly made a judgment.

Then, it is to support Yunyin.

That is to say, Chiba and Hirohiko have already started to attract the attention of Yunyin and Yanyin, and they may have rushed inside by now.

Now that we're done here, it's time to...

During the flight, Xue Nai reached into the ninja bag behind her back, as if she was about to take out something. But when she touched the inner space of the ninja bag, her face froze.

She suddenly remembered what Qianye explained before she left.

When you come back, you must have that scroll in your hand!

And now, the scroll that recorded their action plan is gone!

Not in the ninja bag anymore!

A trace of panic flashed across Xue Nai's face. Before rushing into Yan Yin's encirclement, she took it out to record the information, and it was impossible to miss it. She remembered that it was placed behind her waist...

Wait a minute, back?

Xue Nai was taken aback, and then looked at the smaller ninja bag hanging on her right leg. She didn't put the scroll back into the ninja bag just now, because considering that the ninja might be used frequently in the battle, She was afraid that she would lose the scroll in a hurry.

Therefore, she was placed in another ninja bag.

As the gaze turned, Xue Nai breathed a sigh of relief, but when her gaze touched the spare ninja tool bag on her leg, her breath was suddenly choked, and her entire face was tense.

The body stiffened instantly.

Even the burning pain in his back was instantly forgotten.

That scroll... is gone!

Not even a ninja bag!


Xue Nai recalled in a panic, and stopped suddenly all day long, standing on a tree.

Recalling scenes in her mind, she rushed into Yanyin's encirclement, intercepted Yanyin's support troops, and then attracted patrol troops, and fought fiercely...

Is it that time?

The picture in Xue Nai's mind suddenly froze. When she pulled back, the extremely accurate and fast Kunai shot from the grass unexpectedly, and there was even a bloodstain on her right leg.

At that time, walking in a hurry, she didn't notice that Kunai didn't hurt her leg, but cut off the ninja bag!

The person in the dark is aiming at her scroll!


Thinking of this, Xue Nai's face changed suddenly, she could lose everything, even her life, this scroll cannot be lost!

Moreover, this was dropped in the enemy's camp, basically their plan failed!

Even, the enemy may wipe them all out according to the above plan!

It must be taken back!

Anyone who sees it must be killed!

Xue Nai's face became serious, her white pupils stood out, and she opened her eyes when she turned around, and the direction she was facing now was exactly the direction she came from!

no! Going like this will only lead to death. There are too many of them... I was injured again. Here, Hirohiko and Chiba must be notified.

Xue Nai frowned slightly, and glanced at the transmitter in her hand, as long as the signal was sent, Hirohiko and Chiba would come.

Of course, more enemies may also be attracted.

Originally, she planned to use it at the agreed place, but now, she had to use it in advance, and not using it at the agreed place would bring a lot of trouble and danger.

In the end, I still held them back!

Xue Nai gritted her teeth, the plan was lost, this is the most serious situation, and it is still lost in the enemy's camp, and the enemy is likely to target the scroll... All these connections mean that the scroll fell into the enemy's hands.

She destroyed all the plans, and even pushed the whole mission into an abyss of eternal doom!

This mission cannot fail!

If they fail, Yun Yin and Yan Yin will not be able to give them a second chance for Konoha!

As long as the signaling device is sent, Chiba and Hirohiko can be gathered together, and danger can also be gathered together.

Give the enemy a chance to surround and kill them!

However, she had to do this, and she could only do it, no matter how guilty she felt, she still had to do it!

Otherwise, the consequences will be even more unimaginable!

"call out!"

Therefore, in the forest in the south surrounded by Yan Yin and Yun Yin, a white smoke rushed up into the sky with a sharp sound.

Then, explode!



This is?

Chiba, who was flying towards the inside of the encirclement circle, suddenly stopped and looked at the white mist that spread into a special pattern in midair.


It's a signal!

Qianye suddenly stopped, and flew towards the direction of the signal almost without thinking.

At this time, the Yunyin patrol team, who was ambushing not far ahead, saw Qianye's sudden change of direction, and their expressions changed.

what happened?

How did you change direction!

At the same time, in another place, Hirohiko, who was simply bandaging his right arm, stopped and looked at the signal in the sky on the left.

It's Xue Nai's signal!

At that moment, he frowned, and without further ado, he walked directly towards the direction of the signal. At the same time, in the deep virgin forest tens of meters away from his direction, a group of Yunyin patrols were equally astonished.

Seeing that they were about to enter the encirclement, they were already planning to fight him, and then pretended to be invincible and let him enter the encirclement.

At this time, it turned around!

This... what's going on?

What are they going to do?

The patrol team suddenly became a little messy. When they received the order, they also knew that this young man from the Uchiha clan had defeated the four elites and rushed straight forward. It looked unstoppable and was bound to enter the forest.

But...why did he immediately turn around when he was about to enter the forest?

This is going south!

Why are you going south?

"Anyway, report it quickly!"

In a daze, one person spoke.


The rest seconded.

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