Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 46 Take it for granted

Chiba's eyes widened slightly, reflecting Hyuga Snow Eagle's attack in his eyes.

Fast and accurate!

He judged Hyuga Snow Eagle's attack in this way in his heart.

One slap, just one slap, Hinata Snow Eagle knocked Akira Yamada unconscious. Without even using acupoints, Akira Yamada was stunned,

The opponent was too weak, and he couldn't attract Hyuga Snow Eagle's strength at all!

This is another judgment of Chiba.

But judging from this palm, Hinata Xueying's soft fist technique is far superior to Xue Nai's, Qianye is sure of this.

It's not difficult to dodge that palm just now, but Qianye doesn't know where his second and third palms will come from...

During this period of devil training, he constantly fought against Uzumaki Kushina. With Chiba's physical combat experience, he could more or less make some predictions in the battle, so as to avoid it. Otherwise, Kushina's powerful attack would Chiba couldn't take much and had to get down. This is also due to the high level of physical skills of Jiu Xinnai. After all, if you want to avoid her attack, you have to conceive of her possible attack while fighting, and predict the next blow in order to avoid it perfectly. And gradually, Chiba has trained to a certain level of combat prediction.

At least, Chiba has been able to accurately predict five to seven of Kushina's ten attacks.

However, Chiba is also very clear that this kind of prediction can only be made based on the familiarity with the opponent. The daily training has given him a considerable understanding of Kushina's fighting style before he can make such a prediction. This kind of prediction has a high success rate.

The current Chiba doesn't know Hyuga Snow Eagle at all. If she wants to dodge, it depends on her reaction. She can't predict her movements, so dodging is not so easy.

Even, it is easy to be hit by a surprise move.

The soft fist method comes with acupuncture effect, if the chakra acupuncture points are sealed, then he will start to slowly enter the disadvantage. After all, he doesn't have any nirvana, and he can't reverse his strengths and weaknesses in an instant.

Moreover, the battle between himself and Hyuga Snow Eagle is called a competition, and it is actually a life-and-death struggle.

Be careful and be careful!

At this time, Hinata Snow Eagle looked at Akira Yamada who was so soft on the ground, and the ninjas in the audience didn't have any comments. Everyone's faces were taken for granted. Obviously, Hinata Snow Eagle defeated Akira Yamada with one blow, and everyone None of them are surprised.

Hyuga Snow Eagle won with one blow, which was also expected by everyone.

From the side, we can also see Hyuga Snow Eagle's strength.

And Hinata Snow Eagle slowly raised his head, looked at Chiba, and then walked up the stairs silently, not waiting for the Chunin test officer's announcement.

This no longer needs to be announced.

Landslide Victory for Hyuga Snow Eagle!

"The third round, the winner, Hyuga Yutaka!" However, the Chunin test officer still dutifully announced.

"Hyuga Yutaka, I've heard about this a long time ago, but it's a pity that the opponent is too weak compared to him, otherwise there will be a wonderful duel." Orochimaru smiled and looked at Hinata Snow Eagle.

"Well, he is also a well-known genius in the village." Zilai also agreed, saying: "This time, he is the strongest Chunin."

"Yes." This time, Tsunade did not take out any scrolls to record, as if Hyuga Yutaka's strength was no longer needed to record.

Undoubtedly, Sannin had the highest evaluation of Hyuga Yutaka, far surpassing Hyuga Yukina.

On the second floor, Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato also had the following conversation.

"This Hyuga Snow Eagle is not likable, but his strength cannot be ignored. I am afraid that he is the strongest here." Uzumaki Kushina gave such an evaluation.

Although that Akira Yamada is just a child of ordinary birth, he still has considerable talent in the quality of ninjas, otherwise he would not have been approved by the Third Hokage to take the exam. It should be said that all the ninjas present who participated in the Chunin exam, They are all outstanding, even if they are not geniuses, they are still outstanding.

Uzumaki Kushina doesn't think that Akira Yamada's strength is weak, no matter how bad it is, at least he has the strength to become a Chunin. Hinata Snow Eagle stunned the opponent with a single palm. From the perspective of the test participants, the opponent is definitely not weak, but Hyuga Snow Eagle is too strong!

On Namikaze Minato's face, there was a faint look of surprise.

Hinata Snow Eagle is faster and more accurate than before! Progress is also rapid!

"Kushina, seeing this and that bet, do you still plan to continue?" Namikaze Minato's experience and strength surpassed Uzumaki Kushina's, and he had some contact with Hyuga Yutaka. Judging from this palm There are more things to come.

And the reason why he asked this was because he was afraid that Kushina would force Chiba to fight Hyuga Snow Eagle because of the bet.

As for why?

Naturally, it was because Minato Namikaze could tell that according to Chiba's battle against Kakashi, Chiba was no match for Hyuga Yutaka at all!

Even with Chiba's speed of progress, even with his leap-like progress in the past seven days, it would be difficult to bridge the gap between him and Hinata Snow Eagle.

Reluctantly facing Hinata Snow Eagle, I am afraid it will bring a devastating blow to Chiba's future growth!

"Of course we must continue!" Uzumaki Kushina's eyes fell on Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato sighed, and said: "I don't think it's necessary to continue this bet. If you really value your disciples so much, I can fulfill that condition for you, but the bet will be waived. "

Kushina... Please, just accept it like this.

This is Namikaze Minato's heartfelt words. He knows his lover's character. Although he is his lover, he never asks for anything from himself. Even if it is something she objects to, if he persists, she will silently support it. Yes A virtuous woman, but she is exceptionally strong and persistent in certain things.

Fight for what you want! Instead of receiving favors for nothing! This is one of the places where she has to be strong and persistent.

Although these are one of the reasons why he fell in love with her deeply, but now, it makes Namikaze Minato very distressed.

"Minato, don't underestimate my disciple, don't underestimate Chiba!" Seeing Hyuga Yutaka's strength, Uzumaki Kushina didn't have the slightest doubt about Chiba, and always firmly believed that Chiba would victory.

Namikaze Minato sighed inwardly, but did not continue.

Alas, I have to find a way to make Kushina give up the bet.

Uzumaki Kushina saw that Minakaze Minato didn't say anything, and seemed to want to say something, when the voice of the Chunin test officer came.

"The next match, the opponent..."

Before they could say anything, the eyes of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato were drawn to the rolling screen.

Taki Chiba!

The first name is fixed.

Seeing this name, Uzumaki Kushina had already given up her willingness to speak.

Is Chiba going to play?

She thought so in her heart.

And Chiba looked at the first name, was patted by Hirohiko on the shoulder, and said, "Ninja bag."

Chiba looked down, and Hirohiko had already handed over the ninja bag.

"Thank you." Qianye took it.

At this time, the second name freezes.

Matt Kay!

Seeing this name, Chiba tightened her grip on the ninja bag.


The opponent is Kai!

Really, I was in the queue just now, but I didn't see Kai, no, I didn't see it either!

Are you lost in thought again?

this habit...

Qianye was a little helpless, but also a little excited.

Maitkai, the name, is a special existence for many Naruto fans.

And now, he actually took the Chunin Exam with him! Still fighting both sides!

"The fourth match, Taki Chiba, against Matt, Kai!"

The Chunin test officer announced the two sides of the battle.

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