Chapter 433 The message conveyed

"The water is deep?"

Hearing Chiba's words, Hirohiko asked rather puzzled.

"Well, I'm afraid, this matter is not what I imagined, and there are deeper things in it." Qianye took a breath and said: "Since Master Shinsuke has said so, we will not investigate Alright, let’s leave it at that.”

"That's it?" Hiroko was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and said, "This is related to Xue Nai's safety, so let's forget it?"

"Well, that's all."

Qianye let out a breath, and he was also relieved in his heart. Maybe he was thinking in the wrong direction about this matter.

It's not a "person" or a "conspiracy", but a method, Hyuga Shinsuke's method, a method to protect Yuki Nai.

Although I still don't know what Hinata Shinsuke plans to do, but the reason why she sent Xue Nai out of the Hinata family and entrusted herself to protect it is very likely that Hinata Shinsuke couldn't help herself and couldn't protect her daughter openly, or he didn't believe in Hinata The family protects their daughter, so they send their daughter out to his trusted self for protection.

And Hyuga Shinsuke also believes that he has the ability to protect Xue Nai.

This matter may be due to Chiba's infinite exaggeration of the hidden truth, a little worrying too much, and even rising to the level of Uchiha Madara's man-made problem.

Hinata Shinsuke's sentence "enough" may be the message to him. Hirohiko and Hinata Snow Eagle's sparring is no longer a day or two, it is almost a habit. But, why did Hinata Shinsuke stop this time, and why did Hinata Shinsuke stop Hirohiko from entering the door after he ordered Hirohiko to investigate the information.

These were the two questions Chiba first reacted to after hearing Hirohiko's narration just now, and then he thought of another point.

Hyuga Shinsuke may know that he ordered Hirohiko to investigate this matter, and for some reason, he prevented Hirohiko from contacting Hyuga Yutaka, but from another perspective, it is also possible that Hinata Shinsuke intentionally vented Yukina's anger, and put himself After her daughter was sent to someone she trusted, Hirohiko and Hyuga Yutaka were prevented from contacting for some reason.

The former knew that Hirohiko was going to investigate Hyuga Yutaka, so he stopped him.

The latter prevented Hirohiko and Hyuga Yutaka from getting in touch without knowing Hirohiko's intentions.

Obviously, the two have different meanings.

In the former, Shinsuke Hinata meant that he did not want Chiba to pry into information about this matter, and the meaning of the phrase "enough" is likely to be said to Chiba, no! It is almost certain that it was said to Chiba.

This sentence is enough, and it may express two meanings, one is "enough, stop spying." The other is "enough, as long as this is enough".

To put it all together, it is, "Enough, no need to spy, you just need to let Xue Nai stay by her side and protect her by her side, this is enough, it is enough to protect Xue Nai, Xue Nai is safe enough, there is no need Keep spying on." Even Chiba's spying is likely to destroy this layer of "safe enough" and become "unsafe".

In other words, like this, Chiba doesn't have to do anything, Xue Nai is safe, and there are no other threats.

Chiba only needs to stay by Xue Nai's side, or Xue Nai's side by Chiba's side, that's all. Don't need to think about anything else, and don't know what's hidden in it.

The latter, Hyuga Shinsuke means that it is inconvenient for Hyuga Yutaka to contact anyone now, even the Hinata family is inconvenient to contact anyone, so this sentence is enough, it is for Hirohiko.

The meaning of the sentence "enough" can also be understood as two meanings.

One is, as the teacher of Hinata Snow Eagle, there is no need to continue the duel training between you and Hinata Snow Eagle, and if it continues, it will not be of any benefit to both parties. So, enough, no more sparring.

Second, Hyuga Snow Eagle can no longer train with you.

In this situation, it's not that Hinata Xueying doesn't want to practice duels with you, nor does it mean that he doesn't want to practice duels with you, but, he can't!

This involves things within the Hyuga family, and what may have happened within the Hyuga family. As a result, the Hyuga family did not receive Hirohiko, or even all outsiders.

And what happened inside is also the reason why Hinata Shinsuke wants to send Xue Nai away.

So, that's enough, stop it, it's not right now.

And Chiba reasoned that the possibility of the latter is very low, Hyuga Shinsuke is not an idiot, after Hyuga Snow Eagle came to find him, Hyuga Shinsuke must know that he will definitely come to investigate what happened.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, it is simply unheard of for the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family to be handed over to others for protection. What has never been seen is please, and it is absolutely impossible. Even if it wasn't Chiba, anyone would investigate.

Moreover, no matter who it is, they will not blatantly investigate. After all, investigating the most noble clan in the village and bypassing Hokage can be said to be plotting against Baiyan, the blood successor, and basically tantamount to betraying the village. up!

As for myself, the best way to investigate is to use Hirohiko and Hyuga Yutaka's duel relationship to secretly conduct spying investigations.

Moreover, Hirohiko is in the same class as himself, and also in the same class as Xue Nai, as long as he asks, whether it is for himself or for Xue Nai, Hirohiko will definitely agree.

When Hirohiko came to look for Xueying, Shinsuke Hyuga must have known the purpose of coming, even if Hirohiko was not here to spy, Shinsuke Hinata would definitely think that he was here to spy.

So, this sentence is for Chiba.

In other words, it was Shinsuke Hyuga who told him that it was enough to maintain the status quo, don't think too much, let Xue Nai stay by his side, or let him stay by Xue Nai's side.

This is the best protection, nothing else needs to be done!

Even Hinata Shinsuke's use of the word "enough" to convey the message to Chiba itself implies another meaning.

"Trust me that I can handle things well, you just need to stay by Xue Nai's side and protect her!"

Afterwards, Chiba, who thought of this level, chose to believe Shinsuke Hinata, thus letting Hirohiko stop the investigation.

But now, in the face of Hongyan's confusion, he did not intend to hide it, and told Hongyan all the inferences.

After listening to Chiba's discussion, Hirohiko loosened his frown slightly, and said, "Then, in this matter, we just need to keep Xue Nai by our side?"


Chiba nodded.

"As long as it is like this now, everything will be as usual, Xue Nai will live in your house, and then train with Teacher Jiu Xinnai, everything will be fine?"

Hirohiko asked again, as if confirming.


Chiba nodded again.

"There is no problem at all, just like this? Can you protect Xue Nai 100% in this way? I believe you can do it?"

Hirohiko asked again.

"I don't believe in me, but I believe in Master Zhensuke. I believe that he will not harm his daughter, nor will he make fun of his daughter. I also believe that he can handle things well."

Chiba looked at Hirohiko and said.

Feeling the confidence in Qianye's eyes, Hirohiko took a breath and said, "Then do as you said."

Qianye nodded silently and smiled slightly, but her heart was still a little heavy.

Although it is said that I only need to keep Xue Nai by my side, but why? Why Hyuga Shinsuke sent Xue Nai out.

Hyuga family, what happened?

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