Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 417: Thoughts

Cabin, temporary bathroom.


Cold water was poured from his head to the ground, and Qianye gently placed the basin on the self-made bench beside him, the water droplets dripped to the ground along the outline of his looming muscles, tick-tocking.

Unexpectedly, Hongyan already had the Sharingan of Sangouyu.

Chiba frowned, picked up the towel beside him and wiped off the water on his body, then put on the old clothes beside him and left the bathroom.

However, it does not seem unreasonable. Sharingan is originally a member of the Uchiha family. After understanding the true meaning of "love" and losing this love, the emotion of "love" will turn into "hate", and the brain will produce a A special kind of chakra allows the nerves to grow regularly, making its eyes mutate into Sharingan.

The condition for the creation of sharingan is the special chakra produced by the Uchiha clan from love and hatred. Even the condition for opening the eyes of the kaleidoscope sharingan is to kill one's close relatives and friends with one's own hands, or witness one's close relatives and close friends die in one's own body. before.

According to the eye-opening conditions of Sharingan, I am afraid that after the close relatives and friends died in front of me or planned to kill them with my own hands, the pain of losing the beloved will produce an incomparable special chakra, which will further mutate Sharingan and become a chakra. Become a kaleidoscope sharingan, with stronger and more terrifying pupil power.

According to this principle, Hongyan evolved from Ergouyu to Sangouyu, probably because of the deaths of Bai Chuanquan and Shui Gulin. In grief, Sharingan further mutated and became Sangouyu.

And in Chiba's view, in the original work, Sasuke's three-pointed jade was in the battle of the valley of the end, and finally made up his mind to cut off the fetters with Naruto, so he changed from the two-pointed ball to the three-pointed ball.

I am afraid that Sasuke at that time was also extremely reluctant and painful in his heart. In the end, this pain produced a more powerful special chakra, which made Sharingan go further.

Of course, the above is Chiba's own speculation.

However, now it seems that it can explain why Hongyan has the Sharingan of Sangouyu. After all, judging from the situation that Hongyan was unable to control his grief before, how much he valued Bai Chuanquan and Shui Gulin. The pain will definitely not be light.

"Perhaps, that's how Hongyan's Ergouyu came from at the beginning." Qianye put the dirty clothes into the basin and murmured unconsciously.

Although he knew Hongyan as Ergouyu Sharingan, but when Hongyan first opened his eyes, it should be Shangouyu. Later, after some accidents and felt deeper pain, he became Ergouyu.

That is to say, before he knew himself, Hirohiko experienced at least two major changes, one was to open his eyes, and the other was to evolve Ergouyu.

Thinking of this, Chiba couldn't help sighing. For an eight-year-old child, Sangouyu's Sharingan, in a sense, just explained the cruelty of the ninja world. Hirohiko, who is only eight years old, has to experience various kind of death and loss.

In my previous life, at my age, I probably still thought about playing games and skipping classes!

Chiba sat down on the small wooden pier in front of the basin, took the bucket from the side, and poured the water into the basin with a "crash", and glanced at the night beside the bathroom, that is, outside the back door, but Seeing the stars and the full moon hanging high, he sighed: "Tomorrow should be another sunny day."

While speaking, his thoughts drifted to Xue Nai.

The Eight Diagrams Thirty-two Palms used by Xue Nai should have been improved. Ordinary Eight Diagrams Palms should not have such strong penetrating power. If it hits someone's body...

Qianye shook her head, not daring to imagine it any more, she even shivered subconsciously, and didn't think about it anymore.

Then, another thought came to his mind.

No matter what they have experienced, they have all grown up, Sangouyu's Sharingan, Baguazhang that can penetrate the coat of a tailed beast...

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

It can only be said that it is worthy of them!

Thinking about it, Qianye stopped washing clothes in her hands, and frowned slightly.

I have to practice with Jiu Xinnai at eight o'clock every day, and I have independent practice in the afternoon, that is to say, the daily training in the morning... It seems that I have to move the time!


It's not a question of moving time, it's because there is no time!

After all, the time in the morning has evaporated, and to defeat Kushina... It is estimated that it will be impossible in a short time.

The strength of Kushina in the six-tailed state is completely above them, even above the perfect chemical reaction between the three of them.

To be honest, with the speed shown by Kushina's six-tailed state, they are far behind, and she hasn't used ninjutsu yet.

In the original work, Naruto's Tailed Beast mode is basically physical combat. That's because Naruto only knows multiple shadow clones, spiral pills, spiral shurikens, and senjutsu... There are not many traditional ninjutsu at all. Even if you want to use it, you can't use it.

But Kushina is different, she knows ninjutsu, and she is not a ninja who prefers Taijutsu. Of course, Kushina's Taijutsu is also quite powerful. And in the form of a tailed beast, no one has ever said that ninjutsu cannot be used.

I don't know how much the power of ninjutsu will be strengthened by Kushina under the boost of Tailed Beast Chakra. In the state of Tailed Beast Chakra, Kushina's Chakra may be much larger.

The power of the wind escape and water escape she used may be greatly enhanced.

At that time, not only will she have to deal with her speed, the physical plasticity of the Tailed Beast Chakra, but also various water escapes and wind escapes...

Just thinking about it gives me a headache!

And looking at Kushina's appearance, if he couldn't defeat her, he wouldn't let him go out on missions, and the third Hokage should have agreed to this matter.

It seems that during this period of time, my training plan still needs a lot of adjustments. Moreover, we have to practice duels in the morning, so we can't go to bed too late at night.

Some places still need to be integrated.

Moreover, the development of self-created ninjutsu also takes a considerable amount of time. The initial idea is there, but it still needs to be perfected and practiced...Do you want to eliminate the time taken up by medical experience, sealing techniques, and medical ninjutsu?

Or cancel the daily physical training?

Qianye pondered, hesitated, and at the same time, his thoughts gradually spread out, and his hands began to move.

Amidst the splashing water of washing clothes, Chiba's thoughts were full of changes in the training plan, and the details of fighting Kushina during the day...

It wasn't until a series of eager knocks came from the front door that he stopped what he was doing, and the thoughts in his mind stopped slightly, with "Who, it's so late... Could it be that Kakashi is here today?" I went fishing again... eh? By the way, Kakashi is in the village?" With such doubts, he opened the door.

But after opening the door, Qianye was stunned when she saw her eyes clearly.


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