Chapter 410 Good News

Just wouldn't be good news.

The three of Chiba looked at the excited Kushina in front of them, and a look of helplessness flashed across their faces.

Just now, Jiu Xinnai said that he wanted to announce the good news, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth, swallowed the words on the edge of his mouth, and changed his mouth to "clean up the dishes first!"

Then, the three of Chiba, whose bad premonition became stronger and stronger, could only clean up the dishes with a black line.

After that, he left with Kushina.

Following Jiu Xinnai all the way, he came to this clearing in the forest.

It was also the training place where their Jiuxinnai class used to be.

So far, whether it is Chiba, Hirohiko, or Yukina, they have basically guessed the good news about Kushina.

The three reckoned that the good news for Jiu Xinnai was probably that Jiu Xinnai's class regrouped and then trained and so on.

Moreover, judging by her appearance, this training is estimated to be a battle with her.

However, in desperation, Chiba also felt that this was not a bad thing. There is no doubt about Kushina's strength, she is definitely a first-class excellent ninja, and Kyuubi is sealed in her body. With her superb sealing technique, she can The Nine-Tails Chakra that controls the part freely can even explode to the extent of the Four-Tails.

As a master of the sealing technique and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Kushina's strength is at least at the quasi-S level.

Moreover, actual combat is also a good way to improve, and the opponent is still a ninja with quasi-S or even S-level strength.

However, looking at Jiu Xinnai's appearance, it seemed that he wanted to deal with the three of them at once, Qianye felt that this had to be considered carefully.

After all, his strength has surpassed that of the elite johnin class. Although he has not reached the quasi-S class, and there is a considerable distance, but with his ultra-fine chakra control ability, he can change the chakra nature and form on the basis of ninjutsu With the changing level of ninjutsu, it is estimated that Kushina will have to work hard to deal with him.

And now there are Xue Nai and Hirohiko. Although I don't know how far the strength of these two people has improved, but with their cooperation.

The effect of Jiuxinna's battle training will definitely be greatly reduced, and may not even improve the effect.

Using multiple shadow clones and training separately, even if it is one-on-one, the effect will still not be obvious. After all, with their current strength, if they only rely on shadow clones, not only will they have no effect, they may even be defeated by the three of them.

Although I'm sorry for Kushina, if it wasn't for Kushina's one-on-one body training, it wouldn't have much effect at all!

Qianye sighed in his heart, and followed Kushina in front of him to stand still.

Perhaps, this is a bit selfish for Xue Nai and Hirohiko, but I need to find a way to let Kushina train me one-on-one!

While standing still, such a thought flashed across Qianye's mind.

And when this thought flashed by, Xue Nai and Hirohiko stood beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Three eyes fell on Jiu Xinnai.

With almost identical sentiments...

Be sure to let Kushina (teacher) train me alone!

But at this time, seeing these three gazes, Kushinai's excited smile did indeed subside slightly, turning into a slightly relieved smile.

These three children also experienced many setbacks during this period, the loss of Kanno in Chiba, the deaths of Shirakawa and Mizutani in Hirohiko, and the pain of house arrest in Xue Nai.

However, these setbacks did not dampen their fighting spirit, they did not feel discouraged at all!

Grief may never go away.

However, they are all seeking stronger power to prevent such a thing from happening again, or, when this kind of thing happens again, they can sometimes turn the tide and prevent this kind of thing from happening again!

You are indeed my disciple!

Thinking of this, gratification instantly filled Kushina's entire heart.

Then, she took a deep breath and said, "The first part of the good news, our Kushinai class is assembled again, and I will be in charge of everything for you."

With Kushina (teacher) in charge of everything for us?

When the three of them heard this, they were all taken aback.

So that is to say, now whether it is missions, training, or other ninja-related activities, Kushina (teacher) is in charge?

How do you feel, returning to the treatment of interns?

Is this good news?

After the three of Qianye were stunned, the back of their heads was sweating deeply.

"You don't seem to be very happy. Are you dissatisfied with me leading you as the captain?" Jiu Xinnai frowned, and she keenly noticed that the emotions of the three disciples were not high.

"No, no, no! How is this possible! We are very happy! How could you be unhappy to hear such good news! How could you be dissatisfied!"

Almost subconsciously, the three of them changed the interrogative sentence pattern of "this is good news" in their hearts into an affirmative sentence pattern.

good news! This is good news!

Kushina, who got the answers from the three people, nodded and said, "Then, the second part of announcing the good news is..."

call! It's over!

The three of them wiped off their sweat at the same time, and when they heard Jiu Xinnai's deliberately elongated tone, they said in their hearts: Next, it should be battle training! What can improve us is actual combat training.

Actual combat training against stronger players!

And after this thought passed by, the second half of Kushina's words also came.

"Group photo! We're going to take a group photo!"

scare? ,

Hearing the second half of Jiu Xinnai's words, the three of them staggered on the ground together.

Group photo? Is there a class photo?

Isn't this what you should do when you form a team?

Is this also good news?

Obviously you forgot, okay?

After reeling, the three of them complained in unison.

However, after these words, Kushina didn't care about their attitudes any more, but grinned an arc at the corner of his mouth, with a slightly mysterious smile:

"And then... I'm not going to keep my mouth shut, the third part about the good news..."

The moment the words came, the eyes of the three of Chiba blurred, and Jiu Xinnai disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the three of Qianye were stunned at the same time,

So fast! I didn't even see what was going on!

Wisps of emerald green brilliance emerged from Qianye's eyes, and his emerald green eyes also turned back.

Teacher Jiushina's instant body, so fast!

Scarlet pupils gleamed from Hirohiko's eyes, and his eyes glanced back at the fastest speed.

in the back?

The raised meridian extends from the corner of Xue Nai's eye to the temple, and the white pupil is raised.

Roll your eyes!

And at this moment, Kushina's slightly cold voice came from behind them.

"Beat me! Only you can graduate from the internship!"

So fast!

When the voice came, a thought struck the three of them.

And when the thought came to him, three fists formed by reddish chakra slammed hard on their sideways cheeks.


There was a muffled sound, and the three of them were thrown flying together!

The figure of Kushina who is wrapped in light red chakra is revealed, and around this light red chakra coat...

One, two, three, four... five!

Five chakra tails waving!

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