Chapter 407

Don't you... blame me?

Chiba was sitting in the back seat of the meatball shop with a little restraint, while Haruko Guanye was putting Xiaohongdou who was holding her on another table, and by the way, put down the red bean soup and meatballs in her hand for Xiaohongdou.

Xiaohongdou glanced around, apparently aware of something, and without saying a word, just ate the meatball silently, praising the deliciousness from time to time, which made Guan Yechunzi smile.

And Guan Yezheng had already gone back to the kitchen to get busy.

Qianye glanced around, but her mind was full of doubts, wondering what Guan Ye's parents were going to do.

Just now when Qianye left in a hurry, Guan Ye was eagerly chasing him to stop him, and then dragged him into the shop almost forcefully.

And after dragging it into the store, I went to the kitchen to get busy.

To be honest, Chiba is a bit confused. In his opinion, apart from the hospital staff and the Konoha ninja who is gradually changing towards him, ordinary people still have disgusting attitudes and emotions towards him. .

Guan Ye's parents should be no exception.

What's more, the plan failed, Kanye and the others died, and Chiba himself had an unshirkable responsibility. For example, Kenshin Watanabe should have been stopped at that time, and he should not have been easily sent out by the third Hokage.

For example, when supplementing the plan at that time, there should be more bait.

For example, when encountering the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, you should get out quickly regardless of the cost...

At this moment, Chiba flashed many examples and what if, in Chiba's cognition, Guan Ye died, and he also bears a lot of responsibility, not only because the third Hokage handed over this matter to him When I felt the unreliable Kenshin Watanabe, my own inaction. Whether it was the imperfection of the subsequent supplementary plan, or even the objective disadvantages when the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were chasing and intercepting them, he regarded it as his own responsibility.

Guan Ye's parents should be disgusted and disgusted with him, and with the responsibility of Guan Ye's death, Chiba thought that Guan Ye's parents should treat him coldly, and even chase him.

After all, this is the pain of bereavement!

And I heard from Guan Ye that Guan Ye's parents only had one son, but no other children.

The white-haired man gave away the black-haired man, and he was the only son, and the grief involved was probably a thousand times greater than his own.

But now, they acted as if they were greeting a guest, rather than a loathed traitor who had negligently killed their son.

Chiba was at a loss, and at the same time felt a little unable to lift her head.

This is a feeling that he has never felt before, this feeling of guilt, this feeling of shame, is something that he cannot experience in a lonely life.

At this moment, he wished that he would go back to his lonely life and not care about anything, so that he would not have to face this kind of guilt.

However, his rationality told him that these were things he had to experience, otherwise he would go back to the starting point, and even lose those friends who are still alive with the state of "don't care about anything".

Compared to this guilt, Chiba still doesn't want to lose her existing friends in the end.

At this moment, Haruko Guanye, who had placed the little red beans, straightened up, and glanced at Chiba, who bowed his head and said nothing, and his tense body.

Then, he glanced at Kanno Masa who was busy in the kitchen.

As if in tacit understanding, Guan Yezheng also looked over, and the couple who had just lost their beloved son nodded silently.

As if they were encouraging each other.

Then, they looked away, Guan Ye was continuing to work in the kitchen, while Guan Ye Chunzi tightened his hands and walked towards Chiba.

Although she lowered her head, Chiba was not an ordinary person after all, and soon noticed Haruko Guanye who was walking towards her.

what to do?!

Regardless of whether Guan Ye and his wife seemed to be treating guests, hated themselves, or wanted to scold them, there was one thing he had to do.

That is, apologies!

Guan Ye's death, he cannot shirk his responsibility, the most basic expression of apology is a must!

Thinking of this, Guanye Haruko stopped walking and was already in front of Qianye.

"Sorry, it's all my fault!"

"Thank you, Chiba!"

Two different words sounded in the meatball shop at the same time.

Immediately, Xiao Hongdou, who was eating meatballs, paused, turned around with a puzzled face, and looked at the two people who looked at each other in astonishment after blurting out their gratitude and apology.

Thank me?

Chiba was stunned.

Apologize? this kid...

Guanye Haruko was also a little taken aback.

Even Guan Yezheng in the kitchen was stunned, and stopped working. Then, he pursed his lips slightly and continued to work.

Is this child deeply guilty because of Xiao Wu?

Even though he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, his life was almost lost. Do you still think that Xiao Wu's death is his responsibility?

This kid is not like the rumors outside, he is obviously a good boy!

A series of thoughts flashed through Guan Yezheng's mind, and he finally sighed.

"Yes... I didn't protect Guanye well..." After reacting, Qianye lowered her head again, and murmured, "If it wasn't mine..."

"Thank you for bringing Xiao Wu's body back."

However, Guanye Chunzi interrupted him and said.

"I..." Qianye raised her head in astonishment, only to see that Guanye Chunzi had already sat down, sitting next to him, with a forced smile on the corner of her mouth.

But Qianye could see that her eye sockets were already red, and there were tears in her eyes. It was obvious that when Guan Ye was mentioned, her mother still couldn't help but feel sad in her heart.

"Thank you for risking your life to save Xiaowu. It's not your fault, there are always things people can't do." Guanye Chunzi interrupted again, but comforted Qianye.


Qianye was silent, but she didn't dare to watch Ye Chunzi while lowering her head.

This child... It's hard for him to bear so much disgust and disgust. Think about Xiaowu's persuasion at that time, and then look at the present.

This child has indeed suffered a lot of grievances.

Xiaowu must be very happy to be able to make such a friend who does not hesitate to live or die.

Seeing Qianye's appearance, Guanye Haruko couldn't help sighing, because of Guanye's persuasion, she had actually changed her view of Qianye, at least she would no longer follow the trend and think that he would eventually become a traitor like his father, and gradually Don't care about the traitor's blood on his body. Looking at Qianye's appearance again, and thinking about the unfair treatment he received, Guan Yechun could not help but sigh.

But thinking of his own son, Guanye Chunzi couldn't help but have a sour nose and red eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"So, stop blaming yourself." Guanye Chunzi suppressed his sobs and said, "Since Xiao Wu has become a ninja, he is ready to sacrifice for the mission..."

Chiba didn't speak, but clenched her fists even tighter.

He knew that Guanye Chunzi was trying to enlighten him, and he was afraid that if he caught up with him, besides expressing his gratitude, he was also afraid of blaming himself.

Guan Ye's parents, like Guan Ye, have a gentle and kind heart. Even if they lost their only son, they did not blindly blame others! I would rather endure the grief than vent my anger on others!

Guan Ye's kindness was originally inherited from his parents!

And at this time, with a sound of "get", a stack of meatballs was placed in front of him.

"In the future, remember to come over often. I often have new meatballs here. You are the best meatball I have ever seen. Your opinion is very important." Guan Yezheng also sat beside Chiba at some point , Passed the meatballs and red bean soup.

But when the sound settled down, Qianye's eyes suddenly turned red.

Isn't this... the excuse Guan Ye often makes!

Sure enough, father and son!


With a little trembling, Chiba nodded silently.

Guanye Chunzi and Guan Yezheng looked at each other, their eye sockets were also flushed, Guan Yezheng took a breath, and with a slight nasal voice, he forced a smile and said: "Xiaowu... when he was leaving, did you... did you... ...What are you talking about..."

As soon as these words came out, Guanye Haruko's eyes also fell on Chiba, full of anticipation.

Hearing this, Qianye trembled slightly, then took a slight breath, raised her head and said:

"He said he had no regrets."

no... sorry...

Guan Yechunzi and Guan Yezheng looked at each other, a line of tears fell from Guanye Chunzi's eyes, and Guan Yezheng was also trying to hold back the tears.

No good... no regrets...

One was crying, the other was holding back tears, and both of them nodded.

"Also...he said that he is very happy to be your son!"

Chiba clenched her fist again and said.

"Kanno... is really an amazing ninja, and he was still protecting me and Aso in the end, if it wasn't for him..."

"He's a hero!"

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