Chapter 403: Is There Anything You Can Do


The electrocardiogram was beating steadily.

Qianye closed her eyes and lay flat on the hospital bed, she didn't seem to wake up, she was still in a coma.

Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko sat by the bed without speaking.

However, all three of them had expressions of relief on their faces.

Severe bleeding, varying degrees of bone fractures in the hands and feet, large wounds with deep visible bones in the waist, ribs and cheeks, three broken ribs, muscle damage, ruptured blood vessels... There are also various blast injuries, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands. 30/30.

This is the result of the examination when Chiba was discovered and sent to the hospital. This kind of injury is not much different from the last time Yeyue fought. At most, the treatment is not so troublesome.

In terms of fatality, this injury is not inferior to that one at all, and the danger is self-evident.

Dr. Watanabe, who had just left, couldn't help but marvel at Qianye's tenacious vitality. If it were an ordinary person in this situation, he would have died long ago.

And according to the words of Watanabe Kenshin who was following him at the time, Chiba still dragged three corpses back, and even found several ninjas on duty in Chiba at that time, seeing the bloody footprints extending all the way, They were all shocked from ear to ear, knowing that Kenshin Watanabe was following behind, and only reacted.

When they were sent to the hospital, everyone had no hope at first, and Dr. Watanabe was covered in cold sweat. At that time, Chiba's situation was already very critical. He couldn't imagine what kind of battle would be necessary to cause such an injury. .

However, what made him even more unexpected was that the child persisted and was rescued.

Watanabe Hiroshi himself didn't believe that he actually saved such a dying person.

This always working so hard for others...why doesn't he know how to cherish himself.

Looking at the proud disciple with a pale face on the hospital bed, Jiu Xinnai felt like complaining or sighing in his heart.

Early this morning, when he was shopping with his best friend Uchiha Mikoto, Kushina heard about Chiba's situation and learned that he was sent to the hospital again.

Distraught, she bid farewell to her best friend Mikoto, and hurried to the hospital, but seeing Xue Nai and Hirohiko guarding here, she didn't disturb her at that time, but went directly to Hokage's office.

She is a little angry.

No, it should be said to be very angry!

The last time she met the Third Hokage and told her that she would accompany Uchiha Mikoto, she had inquired about the situation of the three of Chiba, and got the approval of the Third Hokage, saying that she would not let any of the three go out alone to complete the task , or in the case of three separate, to perform dangerous tasks.

She didn't know what task Chiba was performing this time. But she guessed that it must be some kind of secret mission.

Obviously, Xue Nai and Hirohiko did not team up with Chiba to go out on missions.

After confronting Sandai Hokage, Sandai Hokage revealed the situation. This is indeed a secret mission, but Sandai Hokage originally did not intend to involve Chiba in it, and even when Kenshin Watanabe was arranging the plan, he intentionally If Qianye was dismissed, he was afraid that Qianye would get involved.

But unexpectedly, Kenshin Watanabe's plan had a big flaw, Qianye did not know where he noticed the situation of this battle plan, and found the flaw in Kenshin Watanabe's plan, and strongly demanded to join in.

At that time, the Three Hokages considered the consequences of the failure of the battle, so they let Chiba join in. After all, Chiba's strength was well known by the Three Hokages. Moreover, with so many elite troops, they were not fighting alone.

For Chiba, who was able to perform solo missions, or even complete solo missions perfectly, rescued Ebizo from Sakai, and single-handedly facilitated the alliance between Konoha and Sakai, the difficulty of this mission was easier than the task of rescuing Sakai. .

Putting it all together, the Three Generations of Hokage agreed at that time.

But I didn't expect that Qianye would be so desperate, and finally lead to this result.

In fact, Kushina could also see that the Third Hokage was also very distressed and blamed herself. After that, she couldn't say anything to this kind elder, but she just begged again and again that the three of them must be allowed to work together in the future.

It is too dangerous for each of them to work alone.

Regarding her request, the Third Hokage was silent and did not say much. She also knew that the Third Hokage was not easy. After all, Chiba's teammates, one is the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, and the other is the famous genius of the sensitive Uchiha family. .

In the end, she didn't say much.

Then, she rushed to the hospital in a hurry, which was the scene just now, and at this moment, seeing Qianye's comatose appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of resentment in her heart.

He was the one who followed Yeyue all the way and rescued her at the risk of his life.

In the first battle of Chiyo, it was he who planned the strategy and took the risk to deceive the crucial antidote. It can be said that he saved countless ninjas on the front line and prevented them from being poisoned by the poison of sand hidden.

The rescue battle of Sha Yin led to the alliance between Sand Yin and Konoha, which won Konoha the current adjusted situation.

But now, the secret mission is to save three ordinary ninjas, and they don't hesitate to risk their lives to face the local elite troops alone.

Although Jiu Xinnai is in the village, she is always paying attention to Chiba and the others' movements. Naturally, she knows all this from various channels. Although she has not been with them all the time, she still does her best. Work hard to understand everything about them.

In all the battles, all the serious injuries, his blood was not shed for himself, but for the village and his partners.

Qianye is a person who can advise the village. He is definitely not stupid, but the things he does are always doing things for others and never thinking about himself.

In a sense, Chiba is an idiot.

He was completely able to protect himself and survive, but for the sake of the village and his partners, he was covered in bruises, and the intensive care unit was almost married.

What a... big idiot!

Even if it's for the sake of the village and your friends, you have to take good care of your body!

Involuntarily, Kushina had such a thought in his heart.

To be honest, at this moment, she even hoped that Chiba, Xue Nai and Hirohiko could stay in the village safely and do some logistical tasks.

I hope Chiba and the others don't have the halo of genius, they are ordinary ninjas, they don't have any noble blood, and they weren't born in a sensitive family.

The previous expectations of them, the expectations of them becoming great ninjas on their own, have been wiped away by the fear and fear these days.

At the same time, the current Jiu Xinnai felt a strong sense of guilt.

If she was an ordinary jonin, she might be able to perform missions with them and protect them in actual combat.

But, now...she couldn't even leave the village, so she could only pray for their safety.

Thinking of this, Kushina looked at Yukina and Hirohiko.

Is there anything I can do for them?

Is there any way to make them safer in war?

A series of worried questions emerged in Kushina's mind.

But at this time, Xue Nai who was next to him let out an exclamation.

"Chiba, are you awake?"

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