Chapter 400 Report

Two hours later, Hokage's office.

"Master Hokage, it's not good!" Hokage hurriedly pushed open the door, took two steps in three steps, holding a pile of documents in his hand, and trotted anxiously in front of the third Hokage.

Sandai Hokage put down the soup bowl in his hand, and saw that Hokage was sweating and panting, immediately frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

When the words came out, the sitting posture of the third Hokage also changed from reclining chair to sitting upright.

Huo Jian took a breath, handed the documents in his hand to the Third Hokage, and said: "Our bait plan has collapsed. Both groups of troops were ambushed, and the enemies included Yun Yin and Yan Yin, and even Yun Yin and Yan Yin There is also the case of joint confrontation with the enemy."

Hearing Hokage's report, Sandai Hokage was also taken aback. He quickly opened the file, read it, and asked, "How is the situation and how much is the loss?"

"Now all the enemy ninjas in ambush have been wiped out. A total of more than 80 enemies have been wiped out. We have lost 3 elite jnin, 5 jnin, 19 elite zhongnin, and 3 ordinary zhongnin. A total of forty-four Thirty people were lost in the bait operation. The commander-in-chief Kenshin Watanabe returned safely." Homama hurriedly opened his mouth to extract important loss-related information from this stack of documents.

And when he said this, he seemed to think of something: "The other party lost 7 elite ninjas, 12 jnin, and a few elite ninjas. Fortunately, it did not cause any confusion, because the battles were all carried out outside the village, so the village has no effect in the

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage frowned even more tightly, not at all because the village was fine, and it was considered annihilation of the other party. From the perspective of losses, the other party's loss was worse than his own. But the third Hokage still felt that the gain outweighed the loss.

The purpose of this baiting plan is to lure out the infiltrating enemy ninjas lurking around the village and wipe them out.

However, in the current situation, I don’t know if there is any complete annihilation, and the loss of the village is also huge. The 3 elite Jōnin and 5 Jōnin are great for the defense of the village with tight manpower and the efficiency of strategic adjustments. Impact.

Next, the village had no more manpower to attack, so it had to stick to it. Of course, it is possible to transfer people from the front line, but the role of the front line troops is not only to confront, but also to ensure that if the land of earth really wants to attack, it can also fully defend.

Even if the Thunder Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom Alliance attack, they must be able to block their progress, so as to buy time for the brains in the village to come up with a solution, and, in the process of resisting, it is also necessary to ensure that the troops have leeway to carry out some countermeasures. Strategic adjustments ensure that the think tanks can make adjustments after they come up with a solution.

If you are beaten too hard, even if you have a good strategy, you can't adjust it.

Furthermore, the front-line troops are also quite sensitive troops. Even some small dispatches are now being cautious, for fear of being known by the opponent. Something was discovered, or something was overreacted, leading to direct war.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Jiu left the village to go to the front line to command.

Now the deployment of the troops is not just casual, you have to consider all aspects. In fact, the third Hokage also has considerations for bringing Watanabe Kenshin back. After all, Watanabe Kenshin has just emerged and has limited experience. It is better to be safer. Nara Lu Jiu has to deal with it.

As for Kenshin Watanabe, who was transferred back, he was accumulating experience in the village, and then he would make great use of it at that time.

But I didn't expect...

The Third Hokage looked at the mission report on the document, with a slight sigh on his face.

Could it be that I was too anxious, or misjudged the person. Believe in these things, and do it indeed...

And when the third Hokage saw the end of the document, his complexion suddenly changed, and he blurted out: "What's wrong with Chiba?"

Hearing this, Huomama frowned, and said, "Chiba was seriously injured, and he seemed to be going to rescue Kanno Satoru, Aso Sasuke, and Kusunoki Katsura, three people who were used as "bait". When Watanabe Kenshin found out, He has killed more than a dozen enemy ninjas, and at the same time, he has reached his limit."

"Now!" Third Hokage said anxiously.

"It has been sent to Konoha Hospital now, and is being treated by Hiroshi Watanabe who has just been transferred back, and is currently being rescued." Huoma said worriedly.

"Save Guanye and the others? What's going on?" Third Hokage frowned.

"It seems that our bait operation and Chiba's supplementary operation failed. There was a big change in it, but Kenshin Watanabe didn't know what the change was, nor did the other plan participants. I I believe that Qianye is not a child who will act recklessly, there must be some major change that made him have to do this." Huojian said, and in words, he had already begun to excuse Qianye.

After all, Chiba's task is not to rescue Guan Ye and others, but to attract the attention of other enemies.


And hearing the words of the fire, the three generations of Hokage pondered.

Indeed, Qianye must have his reasons for doing this. After all, I never thought that there would be Yanyin and Yunyin in this place, and even Yunyan would have a tendency to cooperate.

Chiba cannot be blamed for this matter, but Kenshin Watanabe cannot be blamed too much. After all, the plan has changed, and we do not have detailed information.

"In any case, we must rescue Chiba and give Hiroshi Watanabe a message that he can use all the medical resources in the village." Third Hokage said: "The vigilance of the village needs to be strengthened. The elite troops have a day off. Stay vigilant as usual tomorrow."


Huo Jian nodded in agreement, and was about to turn and leave after speaking.

He was also very anxious. The famous ninja who brought back to Chiba used the word "rescue" to describe Chiba's situation, which shows that Chiba's situation is very critical. I'm afraid it will be a fight with Yeyue.

Hokage asked him to meet with Hiroshi Watanabe, and he happened to go to see Chiba's situation.

And at this moment, Hokage spoke again.

"How are the three children of Guanye? Qianye, have you been rescued?"

Huo Jian was taken aback for a moment, and there was a flash of sadness in his expression, and he said in a deep voice: "They all sacrificed."

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage took a slight breath, frowned and closed his eyes, let out a breath for a while, and said, "Is that so? I see, you go to work first."


Huo Jian turned and left.

And after Kagami left, Sandai Hokage leaned on the armchair wearily.

For the deaths of these three children, I have the responsibility to bear the blame!

Three Hokage's heart felt heavy.

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