Chapter 389 All together?

hateful! In the end it turned out...

Watching the tip of the sword recede bit by bit, drops of blood left from the corner of Chiba's mouth and nose, dripping like beads, fell to the ground, splashed into blood beads, absorbed by the soil under his feet, forming a black hole. point.


The tip of the sword was completely pulled away from Qianye's chest, and a puddle of blood sprayed out from his chest. After the puddle of blood spurted out, Qianye seemed to have lost all support, and fell to his knees with a "plop".

at least...

A strong thought flashed through his mind, and then with a "poof", he fell heavily on the ground with his face facing the ground, splashing a little dust.

And after Chiba fell, the tall and thin figure with the mask behind him was also revealed. Li Sankuanmaru looked at the long knife and stitches in his hand, and the blood on it. A chillingly grim smile.

You can fool Watermelon Mountain and Loquat Ten Zang, but you can't think of it! I will follow behind you!

"Hey hey..."

There was a strange laugh that made people sweat in the back of his head, and it came out from under his mask. Then, Li Sanchuan Wan shook, and then shook again, and with a "plop", he fell on his back in the bushes behind him with his sword In the middle, the shrubs and leaves were flying, and there was no sound.

Ever since Chiba wounded him and left, Li San Kuan Wan simply bandaged his left leg with a sense of hatred and killing intent. Track all the way.

However, he was quickly thrown away. After all, half of his body was seriously injured, and it was good enough to be able to walk around. How could he keep up with Chiba who was flying through the forest.

Originally, he also planned to give up, but he didn't expect that shortly after being thrown away by Qianye, when he just changed the simple bandage into a more reliable wound medicine plus bandage, Qianye turned back.

Then the other five ninja swordsmen followed closely. At that time, he was bandaging in a hidden place in the bushes under the tree, and the two sides fled and chased each other, but no one found him.

After seeing Qianye's return, he didn't care about anything, and kept walking in the direction of Qianye. Finally, Qianye was blocked and an explosion occurred. He had just arrived at this place, and when the white mist swept in, He took advantage of the situation and hid in the bushes where he fell at the moment.

Seeing the white mist that filled his eyes, he secretly cried out at first, but he didn't expect that Chiba turned over and hid in a small tree that just fell down, and the bush where the small tree fell was right there. His hiding place is only a few steps away!

And when the five people were drawn away and Qianye stood up, he almost dragged the wounded half of his body, and stabbed Qianye's chest with a sword from behind.

This is also because Chiba's head was shaken and his ears were ringing, and his senses were dulled, otherwise Li Sanchuanwan's stumbling stab would not necessarily be stabbed.

But now, Li San Chuan Wan finally couldn't hold it any longer, and passed out. As for life and death, he didn't know.


At this time, above the wildness, the shadow avatar Chiba flew upside down, holding the blasting knife upside down, sprinting out of the small woods amidst the flying leaves, and after landing, he ran wildly.

And within two or three seconds after he rushed out of the woods, in the small woods bordering the wilderness, leaves suddenly fell in five places, and five knife-wielding men rushed out, chasing the shadow clone Qianye in front of him.

Tsk! It's really tight, but no matter what, the body's current situation is not good, and the treatment may take a certain amount of time. Before Chakra disappears, I will run as far as I can.

After the shadow clone Qianye glanced behind him, a simple thought crossed his mind.

And at this time, after landing, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, who was also running wildly, frowned slightly, looked at the shadow clone Qianye in front of him, and said, "Do you feel strange?"


At this moment, the five people did not maintain a semi-fan formation, but gradually closed up, and Loquat Ten Zang was diagonally behind him. Hearing his words, he immediately asked.

"It always feels like something is wrong!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost frowned a little, his eyes flickering.

Indeed, there was nothing suspicious about this kid's actions. In the situation just now, if he wanted to escape, he would go in the direction behind me and Pipa Shizang, after all, his destination was that direction.

This time, Konoha and him acted as cover-ups with 20 other elites, and the information was unmistakable. And these 20 elites were divided into 5 teams after leaving Muye Village, and scattered in all directions.

The direction this kid was going in should be the direction of one of the five teams. At this time, it was obviously better to ask for help than to give up the mission and go back to the village alone.

After all, he and the five teams set off together. Compared with the distance, the distance to ask for help is of course much shorter than giving up the mission and returning to the village. Of course, it is also the best choice.

Maybe, those five teams, in addition to the role of cover-up, are just in case, to provide support!

His behavior is normal!

But why, I always feel a sense of disobedience?

The footprints and those dead skins are too obvious, as if to lure us to run this way.

No matter how hasty it is... No, it is possible to be in a hurry. After all, counting the smoke bombs, the time he got to escape is only five or six seconds. I am afraid that he himself did not notice that he stayed behind. trace.

Damn...what's wrong!

Although the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost still had that serious look, he was already entangled and suspicious.

"What's wrong?" Loquat Shizang and the other three looked at each other. Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was the captain of this operation, and they were convinced of his ability. Now he had doubts and subconsciously spoke.

"No... it might be an illusion."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost shook his head, stomped on his feet, accelerated his speed, kept his eyes on Qianye who was running wildly in front, and said, "Quicken up, this kid is starting to die!"

Hearing this, the other four people looked at each other, without thinking too much, speeded up as much as possible, and chased after the shadow clone, Qianye.

But at this time, the speed of the shadow clone Chiba slowed down significantly. Under their acceleration, the distance between the two quickly shortened, and he would be caught up in a short time.

no more...

The shadow clone Qianye glanced back slightly, and tightened the explosive knife in his hand.

If it goes on like this, it's just being caught up, it might as well be...

Thinking about it, Qianye, the shadow avatar, suddenly stopped, spun around in profile, and stopped abruptly with both feet. After gliding on the ground for a while, he turned around and swiped at the five Watermelon Mountain puffer ghosts rushing forward. .

This kid!

The distance between the two sides was not far at all, but one stopped turning around, and the other sped up, and the shadow clone Qianye swept it with a knife, and almost instantly reached the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

And the composite detonation symbol on it lit up.

Immediately, the five ninja swordsmen stared slightly in unison.

Do you want to do this trick!

The thought passed through their minds.

And the next second...


In the wilderness, a ball of fire exploded.

Instantly engulfed the five shadow clones Chiba and Ninja Sword!

Damn, how many times! The brat! Will this trick?

In the hearts of the five people, Qiqi burst out such an angry thought.

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