Chapter 381

so close……

Qianye stood up slowly, one hand touching the water polo in front of him, inside the water polo was trapped a man with braided hair, beaded pendants, and wearing a forehead protector with the symbol of Wuyin.

However, the enemy ninjas found my tracks so quickly... This is a bit unbelievable. In my plan, it will take a while...

Also, is the ninja who sneaked in Kirigakure?

Qianye glanced again at the odd-shaped broadsword slung across his shoulder, and pulled the corner of his mouth invisibly.

Even, there are still seven Ninja Swordsmen!

Qianye looked along the hilt of the strange-shaped sword. At this time, the strange-shaped sword was being held in the hands of the braided man, maintaining a sweeping appearance, but at this time the man was trapped by Chiba's water prison technique. Under the strong water pressure, of course, the sweeping momentum was gone, and it could only freeze in mid-air. Half of the hilt side of the strange-shaped sword was submerged in the water, while the other side was exposed to the air.

This should be the spray of the explosive knife among the seven ninja swords, so the one who weaves the braid... no doubt, it should be Wakuri Sankushimaru and Murashi Jinhachi who are called the "ruthless duo"!

Damn, I saw this knife, and I fell for it!

Qianye withdrew his gaze from the explosive knife spray, looked at his outstretched hand, and the right half of his body, frowning tightly.

At this moment, the clothes on the right side of his body had been blown to pieces, the half of his body was almost charred black, and the outstretched hand was covered with scorched marks, and the flesh and flesh were even rolled up in some places, which was already injured by the blast.

Just now when the explosive knife exploded, although Qianye coated himself with rocky skin, the rocky skin was blown into pieces almost instantly, if he hadn't subconsciously turned sideways to block at that time, and borrowed the impact of the explosion Back away, I'm afraid his injuries will not stop there.

However, the rocky skin still protected him. Although the injuries on his body looked serious, they were actually just superficial injuries, and there were no major injuries inside, and they didn't even affect the seal.

And all of this also fell into Murashi Jinhachi's eyes. After seeing Chiba's injury, his eyes projected a look full of disbelief.

This is impossible!

This kid, who was hit by the explosion of my droplets at zero distance, only suffered some skin trauma, and the impact on him was minimal!

This brat! How did you escape the explosion!

Even after the explosion, he was able to use the water arrow technique to feint, and separate out three water bodies for a second feint... In the end, the amount of water destroyed by the water body perfectly used the water prison technique.

This brat... not only possesses extremely strong combat power, but also is very experienced in combat experience!

At this time, Qianye's other hand slowly raised up, forming a seal, and a picture flashed in his mind.

It was the picture of the seal formed by Yahiko with one hand behind his back when Lao Zi's burning river rock technique was about to be activated.

There is no doubt that this seal is the seal of the water body technique that Yahiko used when avoiding the burning river rock technique, and Chiba, who saw the whole process of making the seal, naturally learned this ninjutsu .

And now after using it, Qianye deeply feels that in a sense, although the evasion clone is not as good as the shadow clone, it can inherit 100% of the power of the main body and half of the chakra, but the chakra used is relatively large. Much less, but the cost-effectiveness as a stand-in and feint clone is much higher than that of a shadow.

Even if three water bodies are used now, Chiba's chakra amount is only about 20% used, and a considerable part of the used chakra amount is used to make water bodies. If there is water, Water body consumption will be smaller.

However, the ability of this water body is only one-tenth of the main body, and it can only be used for promotion and feint attack.

The combat power of the shadow clone is still much higher than that of the water clone.

Of course, for example, other escape technique clones, such as the Thunder Dungeon clone, have more functions. At the beginning, Yeyue used the Thunder Dungeon clone to paralyze and imprison Qianye's shadow clone, but it seems that the Thunder Dungeon clone Chakra is also consumed a lot. When Kakashi used the Thunder Dun clone to fight Payne, it was pointed out that a lot of Chakra was wasted.

It seems that the Chakra consumption of various escapist avatars is also different, but the water avatar should be one of the lesser ones.

There is also the soil double used by Chiba, which is actually a kind of soil clone. Relatively speaking, it consumes more than the water body, but not much more.

As the screen flashed, two seals had already been formed in Chiba's hands.

There are seven ninja swordsmen, it is very likely that all seven people will come, or even...

Chiba thought of Kai's father, Matt Dai, who seemed to have opened the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation in order to rescue Kai in the third battle, and fought desperately against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Chiba doesn't know when exactly, but it is also in the third war, so there is no shortage of such possibilities.

Anyway, now, solve one if you can!

Thinking about it, the last seal in Qianye's hand was formed, and several small holes like whirlpools slowly formed on the surface of the water polo in front of him, and slowly sunk inward, forming water arrows, heading towards Wuli Even the eight helix twisted away.

hateful! This bastard kid!

At this time, seeing the water arrows, the puffed Wuli Jinba's eyes suddenly widened. At this moment, he was tightly pressed by the amazing water pressure, and he couldn't move at all. He even wanted to let go of his hands. Even the blasting knife droplets can't do it!

He couldn't dodge the water arrows!

And he didn't need to look to know where the water arrows were pointing.

The head, the chest, the heart, the ribs, the chest and abdomen...all of them are vital points, and there is even a water arrow aimed at his hand holding the spray, even his own hand.

It turned out to be the combination of the water prison technique and the water arrow technique!

Waves of despair welled up in Murashi Jinhachi's heart

In this situation, he can't escape at all!

In other words, he must die!

At this time, Chiba's eyes flashed murderous intent, and the water arrow that spun into the inside of the water polo slammed for a while, as if accumulating power, it was about to stab out in an instant!

Water escape……

But at this moment, Qianye's complexion changed, and he suddenly looked at the tree trunk on his right.

"call out!"

There was a slight sound of piercing the air, and a long knife like a needle flew out from behind the tree trunk, and in an instant, it hit Qianye's cheek.


Almost instantly, this thought flashed through Qianye's mind, and when this thought flashed, Qianye's body had already retreated.

"call out!"

There was a thread-like flash at the end, and the long knife wiped out a line of blood on the tip of Qianye's nose, flying along the thread-like flash and flying into the air.


At the same time, Qianye, who was flying back, also left the water polo with her outstretched right hand.


The moment Chiba's right hand left the water polo, the water polo suddenly shattered and splashed.

A sneer floated on Wuli Shiba's face, at this moment, his whole body suddenly lightened, and there was no more water pressure.

The technique of the water prison is solved!

Then, go to hell!

With a cruel smirk, Wu Lijiba, exerting force in his hand, the compound detonating amulet on the spray of the explosive knife slowly lit up.

Afterwards, the wind of the knife was strong, and it moved towards Qianye with the momentum of cutting two sections horizontally!

But in Murashi Jinhachi's eyes, it seemed that this kid was blown into coke by his favorite knife!

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