Chapter 376 New Plan!

Hearing what Chiba said, both Hokage and Hokage felt that Kenshin Watanabe's plan was full of loopholes.

Originally thought to be a pretty good task, now it seems that it is completely to let the bait die, even like writing the whole plan in black and white on a scroll and sending it to the other party.

Regardless of how the other party will respond, what is certain is that the two-month strict defense has all become a joke.

Moreover, no such plan can be implemented. The other party will not be so stupid. After one time, they will be more cautious, and if they have started to worry before, they will calm down.

The whole plan would go bankrupt and even give the enemy ninjas a shot in the arm, making them harder and more persistent.

There is no doubt that Kenshin Watanabe's plan has messed up all the plans!

Third Hokage closed his eyes slightly, and leaned back.

I, who took a laissez-faire attitude towards this matter, have failed my duty! As a Hokage, I have failed my duty!

Although Kenshin Watanabe needs to be cultivated, this kind of behavior that takes Watanabe Kenshin's feelings into consideration affects his fairness and objectivity, and also leads to his own judgment errors!

In other words, in this matter, the standard is too relaxed!

There is no doubt that I bear a great responsibility in this matter!

Seeing the appearance of the third Hokage, Hokage opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but swallowed it all in the end.

This is not Naruto-sama's fault. I know all about this matter, but I didn't find any loopholes in it, and I think it is a very good plan that can be executed.

Now Naruto-sama is busy with many things, and of course he can't find all the loopholes perfectly.

And as Hokage's assistant, this kind of thing should be discovered by me!

It was my dereliction of duty!

At this time, Sandai Hokage took a deep breath, looked at Chiba, and said, "So, what can you do? It is impossible to recover now."

Sure enough, it was impossible to recover it!

However, there is still a way!

Qianye squinted her eyes, with a sharp glint in her eyes, pursed her lips, but did not speak immediately.

On the other hand, Huojian looked at Qianye, frowning.

Now that the plan has started, the second wave of troops is about to set off, and the three of Guanye are already on the road. It is estimated that they have been noticed by the enemy ninjas. If they recover at this time, the plan will be no different from failure.

At this moment, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent.

"I have an idea, but, I hope, I will implement it." Chiba seemed to think for a while, and said.

There is still one last step left!

He thought so in his heart.

"You will do it? Alone?" The Third Hokage frowned.

This child, do you want to perform another solo mission? Although he is very strong, but last time, if there was no Minato, he might have fallen.

He is an important green leaf and the most dazzling seed in the village, and, besides, it is rare that he is so considerate of his partners!

Regardless of aptitude or temperament, this child is impeccable!

Even if his performance is closest to that of the "son of destroying the world", this is not a reason for me to give up protecting him!

What's more, the reason why Guan Ye and the others were chosen was that they were actually protecting the seeds. It was too dangerous to turn the seeds into bait.

Although this is the reason why Kenshin chose Guan Ye's three children, it is not unreasonable.

"Yes, solo mission." Chiba said again, and at the same time, he clenched his hands tightly.

Time, is there still time?

However, if you don't get an affirmative answer from Hokage and let other people carry out the new plan, no matter what, you can't let it go!

Guan Ye and the others must personally get them out of danger!

Chiba gritted her teeth slightly.

The Third Hokage took a slight breath, looked at a scroll he placed in the corner, frowned, closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, and said, "Okay! I promise you, now, what plan do you have."

Very good!

Qianye clenched her fists tightly, trying to maintain a calm expression, so as not to reveal the excitement in her heart, and said at the same time: "It's very simple, send me out and use it as bait."

"Using you as bait?"

Third Hokage and Hokage were taken aback again.

"If that group has already noticed our plan and is planning to infiltrate our village, or how to use our battle to carry out sabotage operations. Suddenly, there is a Konoha ninja, alone, using some kind of The circuitous route bypassed them and headed towards Konoha's front line, what will they do?" Chiba asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What should I do?" Huo Jian blinked his eyes, a little confused.

And the Third Hokage involuntarily stroked his beard on his chin, frowning tightly.

Kid Chiba, could it be that...

Thinking about it, Sandai Hokage's expression turned serious, and he said, "How sure are you?"

"I can't say it's 100%." ​​Chiba replied.

It's not 100%, it's 1% possible, or 99% possible! This kid wants to use himself to attract the attention of those enemy ninjas, so as to achieve the goal of saving Guanye and the others!

Indeed, if such a plan is proposed, I don't want other people to join in!

To join one is to bring danger to those who form a team!

But at this time, Huojian showed a sudden look.

I understand, Chiba intends to focus the attention of the enemy ninjas on himself, and change the whole plan from the plan of "three people in Guanye as bait to attract the enemy ninjas, so as to rely on two nets to wipe out the enemy ninjas in one go" It became a plan like "Let the three of Guan Ye attract the enemy ninjas, and the two groups of people will kill the enemy ninjas as bait, and let the other Konoha ninja go to the front line for the mission of leaving the village".

In other words, the entire original "bait operation" became a bait, and the real purpose became Chiba's single mission to leave the village alone!


It should be said to make the enemy ninja think that the "bait operation" is just a cover-up to let this little Konoha ninja complete the task, and use "bait operation" to attract their attention, so that this little Konoha ninja can complete the task .

Moreover, those enemy ninjas know that Konoha spends two months using such a big plan to attract their attention, but the purpose is just to let a small Konoha ninja complete the task, so, in the eyes of the enemy ninja, that small Konoha The task of Ye Ninja must be very important.

There is no doubt that they will stop Chiba!

At that time... as long as Chiba adjusts the route and leads them into a place where the two groups of people can attack and surround them, they can also carry out the plan of total annihilation!

This plan is great!

At this time, the Third Hokage pondered, and said: "Tell me the detailed steps, Hokage, let the second group of people leave the village later.

There are new plans! "

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