Chapter 363 Preparation

Not... for them to go to the battlefield?

Kenshin Watanabe's eyes widened slightly, looking at the helpless young man in front of him, at this moment, he suddenly felt something.

An unprecedented feeling rose in his heart, overwhelming his dislike of Chiba, and then, there seemed to be a voice shouting in his heart.

He thought about it!

He already knew it!

Even, he already knew what I would say!

At this moment, an unprecedented emotion similar to terror rose in his heart. A feeling of being completely seen through surged in his heart, and for no reason, a chill ran down his spine.

At the same time, after hearing Chiba's words, the third Hokage smiled slightly.

It's not that they want to go to the battlefield... Although I guessed it too, what is Qianye's purpose to let those children of Sha Yin do?

Obviously, this sentence aroused the interest of the third Hokage.

Qianye sighed, and said helplessly: "The reason why these young ninjas are sent back is of course not to let them go to the battlefield, but to let them join the crowd."

Make up the number of people?

Kenshin Watanabe looked at Chiba in disbelief.

The Third Hokage, on the other hand, stroked his beard, a little understanding.

"Hidden Sand Village is now suffering a major defeat and has lost a large part of its ninjas. However, their ability to defend the village has not declined, it is just that they have no troops that can be used to attack. And the defense of the village requires a lot of manpower. However, apart from the part that needs to be faced when the enemy attacks, such as surveillance, security, public security, investigation, and counter-espionage, it does not actually require a ninja to have much combat power, as long as they have a certain amount of experience.

However, in these aspects, the manpower consumed in these aspects, taking our Konoha Village as an example, roughly accounted for two-thirds of the manpower in the entire defense. In fact, only one-third of the ninjas were really dedicated to fighting the enemy. Of course, ninjas in these areas also have combat effectiveness and can be used to fight against the enemy, but compared with ninjas who specialize in combat, they don't need much combat effectiveness, as long as they are competent for these tasks. In our village, don't there are so many young ninjas participating in the task of vigilance and defense?

What Sahikari lacks now is not powerful ninjas, but enough manpower to take over the trivial defense of the village. The return of these young ninjas is just to allow them to train a little bit and use them for security tasks. .

Then, in this way, Sha Yin can draw out a corresponding number of troops to form a troop that can be used to attack.

Of course, with this group of people, how many troops Sha Yin can mobilize with considerable combat effectiveness and can pose a threat to the enemy, you should be able to see it from the second intelligence scroll.

Moreover, "one machine is worth a thousand" Chiyo, and "Sando Ubizo" are still alive, and there are even some ninjas that we don't know about as secret weapons. The troops should not be far behind. "

Chiba looked at Kenshin Watanabe, whose expression changed uncontrollably, and he stared blankly at himself.

As for the second information scroll mentioned in the words, it is the scroll attached to the information scroll of the first chapter, but its value is not inferior to the first information scroll about the contact between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Earth.

This second information scroll was found from a Yan Yin who was killed in the rescue mission. It recorded the content about the village defense of Sand Yin Village. Obviously, this Yan Yin ninja should be sent by Yan Yin Village to investigate Sand A hidden ninja in the village. And already found considerable information,

On the above, it is recorded that Shayin Village has a considerable number of elite ninjas of the ninja level and the ninja level.

Moreover, a considerable part of the ninjas used for defensive battles are also of the ninja level.

It can be said that Shayin Village still has strength, as long as it is given the corresponding manpower, it can mobilize many not weak troops.

It was also after reading this piece of information that Chiba had the idea of ​​returning the young ninjas of Sand Hidden.

This brat...has thought so meticulously!

Watanabe Kenshin stared blankly at Chiba, who was already speechless.

"Oh, I forgot to say, after returning the juvenile ninja, we can also give this information scroll to Sand Hidden Village. In this way, we can further gain Sand Hidden's favor. At the same time, it will also increase the pressure of the alliance for Sand Hidden. "

Chiba thought for a while and said again.

Then he seemed to think of something again, and said to Kenshin Watanabe: "Oh, I forgot, in case you misunderstand, returning the young ninja actually has another purpose. It is to increase the favorability of Sand Hidden Village, as you said just now, Sand Hidden Village still has a hostile attitude towards us. Whether it is the ninjas or the people of Sand Hidden Village, they must form an alliance with us due to the situation.

Now if we return the juvenile ninjas, we can increase their favor towards us. After all, these juvenile ninjas are still children. They have parents. Some of their parents are ordinary people, and some may be ninjas. When the children returned to their side, they would more or less give the minimum gratitude to those who sent their children back, that is, to give us the minimum gratitude to Konoha. Of course, it would not make them eliminate their bad feelings towards us. But at least we will look at the relationship between our Konoha and their Sand Yin relatively objectively. In some things, it will not become blind rejection.

As for this information, needless to say, it can also express our Konoha's sincerity in forming an alliance with them.

Moreover, returning the young ninja will return the information that was scouted by Iwagakure, which can express Konoha's sincerity and selfless help to allies. As an ally, Sagakure will also be under pressure.

The pressure of not being able to betray, if it betrays us, I am afraid that other ninja villages will have a crisis of confidence in it.

Konoha has helped Sand Yin so much, and Sand Yin even betrayed Konoha, so other ninja villages and sand hidden alliances need to be weighed and weighed. Even, those small ninja villages may never form an alliance with sand hidden.

This is also a three-fold thing. "

After all, Qianye looked at Kenshin Watanabe who was speechless and stunned again, and said, "Is there anything else I don't understand?"

As soon as he said this, Sandai Hokage couldn't help but laugh.

This wicked boy...

Kenshin Watanabe was completely stunned, this time he couldn't find any loopholes, and he couldn't refute at all.

But it's not because his bad feeling towards Qianye has disappeared, it's not because his attitude towards Qianye has changed, it's not because he believes in Qianye's character.


He is totally convinced!

Now, he thinks that this plan is very good in his heart! very perfect!

This Taki Chiba...

I can't compare to him!

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