Chapter 36 Special Training

"Oops!" Chiba suddenly sat up from the bed, looked at the clock, it was almost seven o'clock.

He's running late.

Thinking of Uzumaki Kushina's fist, Chiba twitched the corner of his mouth, dressed and washed as quickly as possible, and then went out the door biting a Konoha extra-large steamed bun.

For Chiba who has already eaten meat, this Konoha extra-large steamed bun is still indispensable. Firstly, it is cheap, secondly, it can fill the stomach, and thirdly, it is probably Chiba’s favorite besides meat. This is the extra-large steamed bun.

I heard that there will also be extra-large steamed buns with meat fillings, which will be mixed with ordinary extra-large steamed buns, and only one will be sold a day.

Just thinking about it makes Chiba a little excited.

After all, the amount of meat stuffing in an extra-large steamed bun is almost a large bowl of meat.

In the final analysis, it is still because of the meat.

However, Chiba enjoyed the barbecue yesterday, because to celebrate the victory, Kushina also ordered a lot of high-quality beef and beef offal, especially the back meat of the beef, the taste is simply irresistible.

Thinking of the greasy sound and the glistening barbecue, Qianye is still drooling.

"Now is not the time to think about meat!" Chiba ran wildly.

He is already late!


In the early morning, the meeting place of the Kushina class.


A red and bulging bag reappeared above Qianye's head, and a wisp of blue smoke fluttered.

Chiba knelt down covering her head.

It hurts! Why does Kushina's fist hurt so much every time he hits it!

After beating Chiba, Uzumaki Kushina's raised red hair slowly fell, and said: "As a ninja, timing is very important, so you must be on time, no matter what you do."

What does timing have to do with being on time?

Chiba complained in her heart.

Hirohiko and Xue Nai saw Qianye's "painful pain" expression, silently swallowed their saliva, and nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, starting today, I will train each of you individually, and then I will train independently after dinner. From now on, you will have to train for fourteen hours a day. When you go back, you must also ensure sleep and rest, you know Is it?" Uzumaki Kushina said.

"Yes, Teacher Kushina!" Chiba and the three responded.

"Bang bang bang!" Uzumaki Kushina separated three shadow clones: "Then... let the training begin!"

The three of Qianye looked at each other, and they all dispersed, preparing to practice sparring as usual.

At this time, Uzumaki Kushina stopped him and said, "Three people, three places, follow my shadow clone. From now on, you are no longer teammates, but competitors!"

Saying that, the three shadow clones rushed into the dense forest respectively.


Qianye looked at the other two, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then followed a shadow clone and threw himself into the dense forest.

Just what I want!

In a moment, Hirohiko and Xue Nai also left with the shadow clone, and the thoughts in their hearts were exactly the same as Chiba, except that Hirohiko and Xue Nai had another idea.

Be sure to catch up and surpass Chiba! In the Chunin Exam, I will never lose to him again!

After the three left, Uzumaki Kushina looked at the rising sun in the morning, with a slight smile on her lips.

"So, of the three of them, who will appear in front of me the fastest and accept my sparring?"




Chiba followed Uzumaki Kushina's shadow clone to an open place where Xiao He flowed through. After landing, Chiba quickly glanced around.

Except for a small river, here is an open space with a wide view and a little bit of greenery.

"Chiba, your chakra attribute should be water and earth attributes." Uzumaki Kushina's shadow clone said.

Chiba nodded, the shadow clone is actually another self, so now talking to the shadow clone of Uzumaki Kushina, what the shadow clone said and did was actually the same as what Uzumaki Kushina would say and do, Chiba You can think of her as Kushina Uzumaki. Because the main body of Uzumaki Kushina is here, what he says and does will be exactly the same as the shadow clone.

"At this age, you have two attributes, which is very rare. You are also a genius in ninjutsu." Kushina Uzumaki praised without hesitation.

Judging from the battle with Kakashi, Uzumaki Kushina also knows that Chiba is a very calm and analytical ninja. He is very careful and smart in fighting, and knows what he has to do and what he can do. This is an advantage that many Zhongnin and even a few Jnin hardly possess.

And it was this carefulness, intelligence, and calmness that allowed Chiba to defeat Kakashi, and took advantage of Kakashi's negligence to turn defeat into victory.

Therefore, she was not worried that Qianye would be carried away by her admiration.

Hearing Uzumaki Kushina's appreciation, Chiba didn't speak, but looked at her.

"It just so happens that I also have water attributes. From today onwards, I will train you in ninjutsu. When you train independently, you will train in gymnastics. Occasionally, you can ask Hirohiko for shuriken skills. Although you are very good, But compared to shuriken, you can't even compare to one tenth of Hirohiko's!" Uzumaki Kushina said seriously.

Chiba nodded, what Uzumaki Kushina said was correct, Hirohiko's shuriken skills dazzled people, in Chiba's view, he also felt a bit miraculous, and he was ashamed of himself.

And Chiba also knows the painstaking efforts of Uzumaki Kushina.

She wants to let herself know that she is not ashamed to ask, and she must learn to learn from others' strengths, shuriken. The talent of ninjutsu has just been discovered, and the shuriken technique has not been paid much attention to.

The level of shuriken he can do is the level of shooting a single shuriken or kunai that someone else shoots from the front.

And looking at Hirohiko's shuriken skills, even if there are more than a dozen shurikens at once, he can hit them accurately, cooperate with Sharingan, and even counterattack.

"I know, Teacher Kushina." Chiba said seriously.

Uzumaki Kushina nodded and said: "Then, let me tell you about the training content. In the morning, I will train your water escape technique. In the afternoon, you will use the earth escape technique to block my water escape. I don't know how to use earth escape. I can only help you with your earth attribute training in this way."

While speaking, Uzumaki Kushina also sighed slightly, and asked herself, she really wanted to teach Chiba Earth Dunjutsu, but unfortunately, she didn't grasp the change of the chakra nature of her earth attribute.

"No, thank you, Teacher Jiushina, using the earth escape to block the water escape, this is the best training method!" Chiba said hurriedly.

Jiu Xinnai's water escape technique is very powerful, a single water dragon bullet can make her completely defenseless, and using her water escape to train her own earth escape is also a pretty good training.

Come to think of it, Kushina thought for a long time before he came up with this method.

Qianye understood in her heart and confirmed it again.

Kushina really put himself in his shoes and thought about them, whether it was life or ninjutsu.

This is a thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

"Then, I'll teach you the order of water escape and water rushing wave first, you should remember it well."

"Yes, Teacher Kushina."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Uzumaki Kushina started to teach Chiba the Water Dungeon.

And Qianye also quickly opened the door of life mode, and began to learn water escape.

The seven-day special training has officially begun!

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