Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 343 Thinking

Konoha Hospital, general ward.

Guizi picked up the dinner plate next to the bed with a surprised face, blinked her eyes, looked at the clean plate, and then at Qian who was leaning on the bedside thinking thoughtfully after changing her medicine and eating. leaf.

Then, after repeating this action three times, he left with the plate in disbelief.

Just kidding!

This child actually ate cleanly, and just finished eating the hospital meal at the slightest complaint... Even after eating, he didn't look like he was going to die...

What's wrong? Did Chiba hurt his head during the mission?


However, it seems that there are precedents in which the taste of diet changed after the head was injured and healed.

However, Chiba's injuries seemed to be only serious burns on his hands.

With puzzled thoughts in her heart, Guizi left Chiba's ward.

At this time, Qianye didn't seem to notice Guizi's departure, and in his mind, he recalled everything about the previous mission.

Although the eight-door model has a fatal weakness, as long as it is not a shadow clone tactic and used reasonably, it can still support for a considerable period of time. It's just that it is quite dependent on Junliang Pills, but Junliang Pills are not a panacea, and the effect is not always so good.

Also, with my current body, there are side effects of stunted growth.

From this point of view, even if you have the amount of chakra at the elite level of ninja, you still have to use it carefully.

I hope that in the days to come, I won't meet such difficult guys as Huang Tu, Qing Tu and Lao Zi.

As for the Yin Seal... It seems that it will take a long time to fully charge, and there is no way to help it for the time being. You can only frequently turn on the wound mode to speed up the speed of chakra full storage.

I also have to consider how to change the fate of Kakashi, Obito, and Lin when cooperating with others.

However, now, the most important thing is to improve the strength.

It is impossible to open five doors now, and the Dumen mode cannot be developed when the dividing point between Kakashi and Obito Fate arrives.

So, where else, where else can I improve?

Physical skills, indeed, have room for improvement, but the improvement for me is quite limited. Apart from the daily training for opening the Dumen, there is no need to spend too much time on this aspect.


This seems to have a lot of room for improvement.

Chiba took a slight breath and frowned.

Indeed, my ninjutsu talent, although it is said that I can copy the ninjutsu used by others, but the ninjutsu I have mastered is still too little, and the ninjutsu talent is not a perfect copy like the copying of Sharingan.

Thinking of this, Chiba couldn't help but think of the two copied ninjutsu, Earthquake Core and Rock Fist, that she used when dealing with Qingtu.

At that time, although he used these two techniques, the effect was much worse than that of Aoto, and it was not as perfect as Kakashi's copying of the Great Waterfall technique.

Even, after Qingtu's technique is used, whether it is the seismic core pillar or Iwate, it is rocky, but after he uses it, it is earthy.

No matter how you look at it, Qingtu's is better.

"Where do you still need to practice?"

Thinking about it, Qianye couldn't help talking to herself.

But fortunately, there was no one in the ward, and Chiba would not be embarrassed by this sudden soliloquy.

Also, the ninjutsu that covers the body with rock skin greatly enhances defense and indirectly increases attack power, which is very convenient and practical.

Now, I have all kinds of ninjutsu such as strange power, earth escape and water escape on the offensive end, but on the defensive end, it seems that there is no means of defense. I can only rely on reaction and dodge. Physically hardwired.

Water formation wall, earth flow wall and the like can also be regarded as defense, but the defense area is limited and it is easy to be targeted and cracked.

It's a pity that that ninjutsu seems to be Muji ninjutsu, and they didn't find their seal at all.

Yes, this is also the imperfection of ninjutsu talent, if you don't see the knot seal completely, you can't learn it. Earthquake Core, Rock Fist, and Mountain and Earth Art, I only learned it after reading it through my injuries.

Sigh... Thinking about it this way, although I have the benefits of time travel, the disadvantages of these benefits are also big enough.

That is to say, the ultra-fine control ability of Chakra is perfect, and without it, there would be no eight-door mode. No matter how good my ninjutsu talent is, no matter how good it can be copied, it would be useless without chakra in the eight-door mode.

Chiba sighed.

Then, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and a little surprised expression appeared on his face.

If you look at it from another angle, the rocky skin, and even Laozi's lava skin...is it all a combination of Chakra's shape changes and property changes?

It seems... makes sense.

These rocky skins or lava skins are just attached to the body surface for protection, a bit like the coat of a tailed beast,

It's just that the Tailed Beast Chakra has been replaced with rocky skin and lava skin.

And these rocky skins and lava skins, the reason why they are rocky and lava, isn’t it the change in the nature of Chakra, turning Chakra into rock and lava, and the form attached to the body surface, isn’t it just Chakra's shape change is used...

Qingtu does not have the limit of melting blood, so it can only turn into rock, while Laozi has the limit of melting blood, so it is lava.

Even...the Earthquake Core and Rock Fist techniques can also be based on ninjutsu, adding restricted changes, turning the original soil pillars and soil hands into rocks!

This seems to have appeared in the original work, and it is a very famous ninjutsu.

Spiral pills and spiral shurikens!

Heliwan is the ultimate form of change, it is already a complete ninjutsu, but it can also be based on this complete ninjutsu, adding the nature of chakra, and Naruto added the chakra nature of the wind attribute Changes, let the spiral pill evolve into a spiral shuriken!

Wait, wait, I remembered, in Earth Dunjutsu, although I haven't learned it, there is indeed a ninjutsu called "Hardening Jutsu", the effect is to harden the body and reduce the damage of physical attacks.

Could it be that the rocky skin and lava skin have added property changes and even shape changes on the basis of this technique?

Speaking of it, the basis of ninjutsu is the change of Chakra's nature and form.

Thinking about it, Qianye's eyes slowly opened wide, and the pupils became brighter and brighter.

Yes, chakra's nature changes and form changes!

Although I have learned a few ninjutsu, I don't have a thorough understanding of Chakra's nature changes and form changes.

After all, when learning, I just follow the seals on the scrolls - refine chakra - release ninjutsu, and I don't notice the ingenious principles of nature changes and form changes.


From this point of view, it seems that ninjutsu can also...

I seem to have thought of something incredible.

Several thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, perhaps these thoughts were so shocking that he sat up.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the ward, and then it was pushed open, and a handsome young man with blond hair pushed the door in: "Qianye, are you feeling better?"

Hearing this, Qianye looked back, and when she saw the face of the handsome young man with blond hair, she couldn't help but have a thought in her heart.

The person who can explain to me the changes in the nature and form of Chakra in detail appeared...

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