Chapter 341 Impossible

A few days later, Konoha Hospital.

"You kid, you can't make people feel relieved. Every time you come back from a mission, you won't be happy if you don't have an injury on your body, right?"

While changing the dressing on Chiba's right hand, Guizi murmured slightly.

And Qianye's face is with a little wry smile, a little dazed.

That day, after Namikaze Minato took him away, he fainted due to excessive physical strength and chakra consumption. He just woke up yesterday. At this time, he was still a little confused and seemed a little dazed.

It wasn't until Guizi changed the burn medicine, gave him a helpless look and left, that Qianye finally came back to his senses.

I'm back!

After regaining consciousness, Qianye subconsciously looked at the window, only to see that the sun was shining brightly, the snow in Muye Village had already melted, and the roofs of various colors were dotted with a little white snow. People are happy.

Really... I'm back.

Qianye let out a long breath. Until just now, the blow of Old Ziying's avatar was still flashing in his mind, and the tension at the moment of life and death was still a little bit left, which was in stark contrast to the peaceful atmosphere now. Chiba was a little dazed.

However, after letting out a sigh of relief, Chiba's mentality has completely changed back.

It's over! It's really over!

Thanks to Namikaze Minato, if he hadn't made a timely move, even if I escaped that Kunai, I'm afraid I still wouldn't be able to escape the fate of death.

Sure enough, getting involved in the battle is not the right choice...

Thinking of this, Qianye leaned back against the head of the bed, her expression gradually becoming helpless.

Although he knew that entering the battle was not a good choice, his body still rushed over involuntarily.

Although everything is stable in the final result, nothing will happen to Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan.

It can be said that the result is still perfect.

However, it was still too dangerous. Looking back, Qianye was still a little scared.

And after this fear, Chiba also realized another problem.

It is impossible for Namikaze Minato to appear there, and even now Konoha's ninjas are almost concentrated at the border of the Land of Earth. Namikaze Minato won the title of "Konoha's Golden Flash" in the third battle, and should have gained fame by now, showing extremely strong strength.

Moreover, the Third Hokage has always been very optimistic about him. According to common sense, he should also be sent to the border of the Land of Earth to create pressure on the Land of Earth, forcing the Land of Earth to reduce the troops against Sand Hidden, and transfer the reduced troops to the border to strengthen Defense, it is impossible to appear in the Kingdom of Rain.

So, this is the insurance that the third Hokage gave me, right?

Namikaze Minato has actually been secretly protecting me! The Third Hokage should have ordered him to rescue me at a critical moment, and to bring me back as soon as possible regardless of whether the task was completed or not.

Or, let Namikaze Minato see the situation, and if possible, let him take over from me to complete the task of supporting Sand Hidden.

This is also the protection of the third Hokage for me.

Thinking of this, Chiba let out a long sigh.

If it was before meeting Kushina and the others, Qianye would have been very happy about it. After all, his goal was to survive, to become the seed that the third generation of Hokage valued, and to be carefully protected was his goal.

Now, the third Hokage sent Namikaze Minato to follow him to protect him, which is enough and even the highest standard of protection.

Letting an elite Jonin follow and protect, even if it is the seed of Konoha Mirai that Hokage is optimistic about, this kind of protection method is probably unprecedented.

Elite Jonin are already the upper-level combat power in the war, and each one is very important. Basically, they are sent to the most critical battle situation to complete the most critical tasks.

But at this moment, Qianye couldn't be happy, couldn't be happy.

Now he needs permission for a separate mission, and the mission of supporting Hidden Sand is originally a checkpoint that must be successful. Only by himself, completing this mission that should be rated as "S" alone, will be considered by the third generation of Hokage. Work alone.

Moreover, completing such a task is only a consideration, not a final decision.

Originally, Namikaze Minato followed him, but Sandai Hokage was still worried about him. There is no problem with these. However, now he was finally rescued by Namikaze Minato, and everything was almost in vain.

That's right, just being rescued after all the dust has settled, or even being involved in a battle that is not a support mission, being rescued by Namakaze Minato, doesn't work.

Namikaze Minato's shot means that he cannot complete the task alone, and still needs the help of others to complete it.

Therefore, at this moment, Qianye couldn't be happy.

I can only think of other ways, if it doesn't work, I will consider teaming up with others.

And... I have things to do now, I still have time, so I can't be in a hurry... Kakashi is only nine years old, at least three years away.

can't rush...

Qianye kept reminding himself, and then, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

The current me still has shortcomings... This battle still has a lot of gains, so I have to sort it out and learn from it.

At the same time, in Naruto's office.

Sandai Hokage slowly put down Namikaze Minato's mission report, the joy on his face subsided slightly.

"Minato, after your observation, what do you think of this child's situation?"

Sandai Hokage raised his head, looked at Namikaze Minato ahead, and asked seriously.

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was taken aback, his face changed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Three Hokage-sama, what do you mean?"

"Minato, you know the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal, and I won't hide it here. What I mean is, Qianye, could it be the... Son of Destroyer in the new prophecy?" Third Hokage said solemnly. Said.

While speaking, Sandai Hokage unconsciously glanced at Namikaze Minato's report.

The report described Chiba's actions in this mission in detail, which was also the mission he assigned to Namikaze Minato.

Follow and protect him all the way, and when Chiba is in crisis, he must rescue him. And if the task is not completed, it depends on whether to replace Chiba to complete the task. If the task cannot continue, Chiba must be brought back to the village as soon as possible.

During this process, monitor Qianye's every move and report to him when he returns.

And according to Namikaze Minato's report, the Third Hokage has also noticed that Chiba's performance is not like that of an eight-year-old child at all, no matter how precocious a child, no matter how talented a young genius is, he is far inferior to Chiba.

The actions and conversations that boosted Sahiro's fighting spirit... everything was too strange. At this moment, the feeling as if an adult's soul lived in Chiba's body was extremely strong.

In the past, he didn't think so, but thought that Qianye might be lonely since he was a child, without father and mother, and lack of love, so he was a little precocious, but after learning the new prophecy, he always had a feeling that Qianye was really unusual.

Those strategic and tactical theories, and the strategies that a child can come up with are completely beyond the reach of a child, and even... even Lu Jiu probably cannot think of such a strategy.

Moreover, there is a kind of proficiency in his strategy, as if it has evolved through countless wars and countless intelligent people's continuous search.

Without considerable experience in war, it is absolutely impossible to think of such a strategy.

Although, this cannot be said to be the "son of destroying the world" who "knows everything", but Qianye's performance is so unusual that people can't help but associate it with the son of destroying the world.

Sensing the eyes of Sandai Hokage, Minato Namikaze lowered his head slightly, and the situation of Chiba's journey flashed in his mind.

From defeating Huangtu, changing Shayin's attitude in the battle, and finally leading to an alliance. Encountering an accident on the way, he ran away wholeheartedly. In the end, he obviously escaped, but he still resolutely saved others.


Absolutely impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for Qianye's performance to be that of the son of destroying the world.

This child is the pillar of Konoha in the future, and will even become...

Thinking of this, Minakame took a deep breath and raised his head suddenly.

"Qianye, it can't be the son of the world destroyer, only this, I firmly believe!"

Namikaze Minato's words are decisive!

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