Chapter 337 I'm going to suffer!

This brat! Such strange power!

Lao Zi rushed to the sky, and the light red tailed beast coat slowly peeled off, turning into smears of light red chakra like rags and dissipating.

Tailed Beast Chakra is no longer available.

Sensing the peeling off of the tailed beast's coat, Lao Zi gritted his teeth slightly. At the same time, the lava skin on his face made a "click", and the crack expanded a little.

His eyes were fixed on Qianye on the water, and his brows were frowned!

At this time, Qianye raised his head and glanced at Lao Zi in mid-air, seeing the disappearance of the light red tailed beast chakra, his face was still full of awe.

Sure enough, he can't use Tailed Beast Chakra indefinitely, but the injury from the explosion just now should have been repaired!

In the battle just now, he didn't use ninjutsu very much. For the instant body, he should rely on the boost of the tailed beast chakra and use it by physical means, which is different from Nagato's water instant body. Consumes more stamina than chakra.

Consuming the usable Tailed Beast Chakra so quickly must have repaired the injury.

Almost instantly, Qianye made a judgment, and at the same time, the hand behind her back finally finished the last seal.


A cloud of white mist exploded around him.

Now... the best time to attack, and there is also the best way to attack!


When Qianye clasped his hands together, he was suddenly in severe pain, but the gesture that was originally about to make a seal was paused.

He looked down, and saw that the five fingers of his right hand had been severely burned. The blisters on it ruptured, and his complexion changed from the pain.

There was even a trace of blood oozing out of it.

This is more serious than I thought!

Chiba frowned and clenched her teeth.

If you directly attack the lava skin with your hands, you will definitely get burned, but the strange power is an explosive force after all. After a very short time of contact with the lava, you can knock Lao Zi into the air. What Chiba originally expected was just a bubble. .

But at this moment, the five fingers of his right hand and even the back of his hand had burns of varying degrees, and the edges of the burns were also covered with small blisters, and even the skin on the fingers that touched the surface was scorched.

Every movement of the fingers is excruciating pain!

At this time, the white mist beside Qianye had dispersed, and an identical Qianye appeared.

Hold back!

At this moment, Qianye gritted her teeth, and quickly began to form seals in her hands.

Chance... only once!

It's just some pain! I don't have any extra chakra to attack like this again!

If it fails, the four of them must confess here!

At the same time, Qianye, the shadow clone, glanced at the main body, and began to seal.

At this time, Yahiko and Xiaonan also came back to their senses, and looked at the two Chibas standing on the lake. When they saw Chiba's blood-stained hands, their expressions changed slightly.

Hands like this...can still form seals?

Just looking at Qianye's hand, the word "severe pain" naturally appeared in the minds of the two of them.


At this moment, Xiao Nan who was on the side suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the sharp pain in his chest was transmitted at this moment.

In the pain, Xiao Nan's face was slightly distorted.

"Xiao Nan!"

Yahiko noticed something, and looked back, when he saw Xiao Nan's shocking wound, his expression changed.

However, Xiaonan didn't seem to notice, his eyes were fixed on the midair, and the lava figure that was flying up was getting slower and slower.

I can't... I can't faint yet, if I faint, I'm afraid... Yahiko will also...

A thought, like a solid wall, blocked the sweeping pain.

At this moment, a murderous intent flashed in Lao Zi's eyes, and he threw out his hands, and two red-hot kunai flew out of his hands, from top to bottom, directly hitting the two Chibas who were sealed.

In the case of hands being burned in the eyes, you can still perform mudra, amazing perseverance!

However, the pain still slows down your seal speed after all!

Now, either stop sealing or get shot through!

I won't, wait for you to complete the seal!

Qianye's solemn expression changed slightly, and she felt Lao Zi's attack almost the instant the red-hot Kunai shot out.

Oops... slow!

It has to be said that Lao Zi's judgment was very correct. No matter how patient Qianye was, under the pain, his seal formation was indeed much slower. If it was intact, he would have completed all the seal seals at this moment.

And now, there are still several seals that have not been completed.

However, if it is interrupted now, all previous efforts will be in vain. Although Qianye ate the army ration pills, it is not known whether it is because he ate too much in a short period of time, or his potential physical strength has been completely drained. Jun Liangwan didn't recover much physical strength, and the two instant bodies just now consumed a lot. If he gives up the evasion now, then...he will no longer be able to create such an offensive opportunity now!

However, if he didn't hide, these two kunai were going towards the heart of him and the shadow clone, and if the red-hot kunai was pierced, even if it wasn't a vital point, it might burn and hurt the internal organs. same will die!

what to do?

At this moment, although Qianye's hands were not moving, there was still a flash of anxiety in his heart.

hateful! It only takes one second, and one more second, to complete the remaining six seals!

And at this moment, Qianye cursed anxiously in his heart, and when his thoughts flashed, the two kunai had already crossed half the distance, and in a second, they were going to shoot him!

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing in the sky.


Lao Zi suddenly looked at Ya Yan and Xiao Nan, but saw that Xiao Nan was sweating profusely on his face, and when Lao Zi's eyes touched her, she fell limply into Ya Yan's arms who took a step sideways.

So timely!

Chiba had a flash of joy in his eyes.


The two paper shurikens rushed diagonally and hit the red-hot shuriken accurately.

"Chi Chi!"

The moment the four kunai came into contact, the paper shuriken seemed to be ignited by the red-hot kunai.


In the next second, the paper shuriken exploded, and two streams of fire and smoke rose up.

The two kunai immediately flew out of the flames and smoke, made two chi-chi sounds, and fell into the lake far ahead obliquely in front of Chiba, and two streams of steam rose up.


At this moment, Lao Zi's complexion changed, and the ominous premonition in his heart that had risen since the seal of Chiba became more intense!


With a crisp sound, a smile appeared on the corner of Qianye's mouth, forming the last seal.

At the same time, Qianye, the shadow clone, also formed the last seal.

Then, the two Qianye pressed their hands to the ground together.

Water escape, the technique of water dragon bullet!

In an instant, two waves of water swirled on the surface of the lake a little far away in front of the two of them. A stream of water gathered in the swirling waves, and two water columns rose from the swirling waves, gradually forming a dragon shape, transforming into a dragon. into two dragon-shaped streams.

This is... Water Dungeon?

At this moment, Lao Zi's rising momentum was exhausted, and he paused in mid-air, with no expression on his lava-skinned face.

However, his eyes were filled with the look of "Worse!".

This kid is actually a user of Water Dungeon!

And just when Lao Zi's thought flashed, two dragon-shaped water streams, like twin dragons intertwined, spiraled upwards and surrounded him in an instant.

The two dragon heads are like living things, one on the left and one on the right, and two pairs of dragon eyes seem to be staring at him murderously.

Combining water escape, double dragon bites and bursts!

And in the next second, two dragon-shaped water streams opened their necks and opened their mouths. With the momentum of two dragons competing for the pearl, they quickly bit down and swallowed Lao Zi in one bite!

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