Chapter 333 Explosion!

"Boom boom boom!"

Dozens of flames and smoke suddenly exploded, finally converging into a huge fireball, and the strong wind of the explosion swept out, immediately blowing away the diffuse steam.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Nan only felt a tightness in his waist, and his whole body began to retreat rapidly. And in the corner of his eyes, there was Yahiko's expression of relief.

At this moment, her whole body was taken over by Yahiko, and she quickly left the center of the explosion.

"Yahiko..." she called out in a low voice.

"I'm fine." Yahiko responded, stepped a little, and flew over the water at a faster speed, the strong wind swept behind him, and the explosive heat wave swept along with the wind, he slightly hugged Xiaonan in his arms Close together, to block the strong wind and heat waves for her.

Sensing Yahiko's movements and the warmth in his arms, Xiao Nan couldn't help but feel a little hot on his face, then he seemed to touch something, and let out a slightly painful snort.

"Feel sorry!"

Yahiko seemed to have sensed something, and his hands loosened slightly.

"No, it's fine."

Xiao Nan's cheeks were slightly red, and he looked at the kunai on his chest and shoulders, and Yahiko's movement just now made his chest touch these two kunai.

While they were flying away, Qianye in the distance was also attracted by the explosion.

what's going on?

He was concentrating on treating Nagato when a series of explosions suddenly sounded, followed by a strong wind. The water waves that had started to subside slowly seemed to be a little bigger under the strong wind, and the ups and downs intensified. Chiba reacted quickly, it is estimated that his palm was about to be embedded in Nagato's back.

As a last resort, Chiba stopped the treatment of Nagato.

Fortunately, he has used hemostasis to stop the bleeding on the wound on Nagato's back, and now there is no more blood oozing out, and the next step is to heal the burned part of Nagato as much as possible.

Otherwise, if it is delayed for a long time, it may fester.

At that time, I am afraid the situation will be really bad.

But now, seeing Yahiko and Konan flying over, although they didn't see the whole process of the explosion, Chiba already had a rough idea in his heart.

That's right, that's right!

A gleam of understanding flashed in Chiba's eyes.


At this time, Yahiko flew over with Xiaonan in his arms, and when he saw the shocking wound on Nagato's back, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face, including Xiaonan in his arms, his eyes widened slightly, anxious and worried The color immediately emerged.

"Don't worry, I have already treated him to stop the bleeding. However, the burns on his body must be treated as soon as possible, my Chakra is not enough to completely heal him." Chiba said.

At this time, Yahiko had already put down Konan, rushed to Nagato, and looked around nervously. After hearing Chiba's words, he was slightly taken aback, raised his head, and looked at Chiba opposite: "You are a medical doctor. Ninja?"

"Let's say so." Chiba nodded, her hair stretched straight in the strong wind.

"Is he not in danger!" Yahiko asked eagerly.

"It's fine now, as long as he gets timely treatment, he will be fine." Qianye said, but thought about it in his heart.

The center of the explosion should be Lao Zi! Otherwise, Yahiko and Xiaonan wouldn't get away either. This detonating talisman should be Xiaonan's detonating talisman, which is much more powerful than the one I bought.

Judging by the explosion, even if Lao Zi was protected by a tailed beast coat, he would have been seriously injured and should be impossible.

At this time it should be...


Just as he was thinking, Yahiko suddenly said, at the same time, he had already supported Nagato who had passed out, and was about to put his back on his back.

As soon as these words came out, Qianye was slightly taken aback, this order was exactly the same as what he thought in his heart!

That's right, now is the best time to retreat, Nagato was injured, and Lao Zi was caught in the explosion, it was time to retreat.

In the current situation, it is no longer possible to continue fighting.

Nagato was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and Yahiko himself was also injured, probably with broken ribs, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Xiaonan's condition is not very good, and the kunai in his shoulder and chest are deeply inserted, and he must be treated.

Moreover, in terms of chakra consumption, both Yahiko and Konan, who can fight, have consumed a lot.

The situation is not optimistic.

In this regard, Chiba also came to a conclusion.

Yahiko's judgment is very sensible and calm!

"Trouble you, help Xiao Nan treat it!"

Yahiko put Nagato on his back, looked at Chiba, and said with a requesting tone.

At this time, Xiaonan had already taken out Kunai, blood was gushing out, and he was taking out a bandage from the ninja bag, ready to perform a simple bandage.

And hearing Yahiko's words, Chiba glanced at Xiaonan's wound, and thought: Such a wound, my remaining Chakra should be able to heal.

However, after the cure, I'm afraid...

Now is not the time to think about these things. Although their offensive rhythm is very fast, a considerable amount of time has passed, and there is no point in delaying it any longer.

Anyway, they also saved me twice.

These are also what I should do.

Thinking of this, Qianye didn't hesitate, and said, "I see, I'll treat you."

At this time, Xiaonan had already taken out the bandage, looked at Qianye who was coming, and then looked at the wound on his body, but shook his head and said: "The treatment is too time-consuming now, let's retreat first."

Hearing this, Qianye glanced at the explosion point in the distance behind Xiaonan. At this time, the strong wind had gradually subsided, and the flames of the explosion had also begun to dissipate.

Indeed... Now is not a good time for treatment, but treatment is necessary.

Seeing this situation, such a thought naturally crossed Qianye's mind.

And at this moment, Yahiko's words came again: "Xiao Nan, ask him to treat you. The result of the explosion is still uncertain. If your injury recovers, no matter what happens, you can deal with it."

Hearing this, Xiao Nan was slightly taken aback, while Qian Ye nodded secretly.

Although it is not a good time for treatment, treatment is necessary. Taking advantage of the explosion period, they really ran, but in fact they could not run very far. It is better to take advantage of this period of time to heal their injuries. How much can be healed? .

If Lao Zi loses his fighting power in this explosion, that would be great, everything is over.

But if Lao Zi still has the strength to spare, and even has the fighting power to kill them, then this treatment is very important.

The only ones who can fight now are Yahiko and Xiaonan, a recovered Xiaonan, and an injured Xiaonan, the difference between the two is huge!

Moreover, Xiao Nan's technique already has unique effects in support, delay, and containment. Even if he escapes later, a good Xiao Nan is very important.

Even the intact Xiaonan who has consumed a lot of chakra!

"I see."

Konan, who touched Yahiko's eyes, said in his mouth, and at the same time, his figure was shorter, which was convenient for Chiba to treat.


Yahiko's voice sounded behind Chiba.

"This is what I should do."

Qianye shook her head, without hesitation, raised her hands, and pressed Xiao Nan's wound falsely, a light green light emerged in her hands, and began to heal Xiao Nan.

This kid... is very good at medical ninjutsu!

Looking at the wound that began to heal at a speed discernible to the naked eye, Xiao Nan's eyes flashed with surprise.

However, how could a medical ninja appear here? And no one to protect...

At the same time, a question could not help but arise in her heart.

But at this moment, her expression suddenly changed.

Yahiko! What are you doing!

In her pupils, Yahiko suddenly caught Kunai and was about to throw it out.

And the goal...

It was the Chiba in front of me!

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